[DC綜合#5] Welcome to Ocean Park
我的名字叫蘇菲 2018-10-13 10:45:52 問咗都係等通知


老人K 2018-10-13 11:55:28 慣左睇netflix 一炮過煲晒
美漫撚 2018-10-13 12:08:35 我仲以為係一炮過出
葬神之月 2018-10-13 13:35:26 第一次睇 teen titan go原來咁好笑
7Mile 2018-10-16 02:14:55 此回覆已被刪除
白兵-2187 2018-10-16 07:32:57
白兵-2187 2018-10-16 09:08:03 就黎JL一週年
白兵-2187 2018-10-16 09:48:04 The Flash has hit another setback. Ezra Miller’s solo movie was scheduled to begin filming in early 2019, but now it has been pushed back to late 2019, according to Variety.

Variety states the reason for the delay is to give writers/directors John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein more time to work on the script. The site also notes that The Flash hasn’t been officially greenlit by Warner Bros. yet, and there’s no release date. Though it’s safe to assume the movie will be out in 2021 if it does indeed start shooting in late 2019.
王下七武海 2018-10-16 10:51:55 屌,都唔知有無心想拍
邦拿 2018-10-16 11:00:28 已經無感覺
有心拍就好似the joker 咁,個頭揀好人個頭就開機
白兵-2187 2018-10-16 11:15:29 明明WB預左2020有四套DC films上
暫時只係得BOP落實左 其他無晒聲氣


高比永痕 2018-10-16 14:00:04 大陸12月7號上Aquaman
白兵-2187 2018-10-16 14:30:43 WB係好重視大陸市場 之前JL都係大陸做大形宣傳
高比永痕 2018-10-16 14:31:14 咪又係無人睇
白兵-2187 2018-10-16 14:38:53
高比永痕 2018-10-16 14:39:52 識鬼水行俠

Aquaman sucks
老人K 2018-10-16 14:48:57 無得開閃電俠wb重有套哈你波波前傳比佢拍
叫你上先上 2018-10-16 17:57:01 netflix 仲未有
FreeFolk 2018-10-16 18:34:45 香港幾時?
白兵-2187 2018-10-16 18:39:34 20/11
FreeFolk 2018-10-16 18:41:30 頭先search好似20/12?


傷膝青年 2018-10-16 19:01:17 法國Netflix 有晒全套先出 其他國家應該都一樣
傷膝青年 2018-10-16 19:02:41 屌 支那咁撚早上
我的名字叫蘇菲 2018-10-16 19:07:50 黑色超人衫
巫祈仁 2018-10-16 21:45:12 阿福前傳劇集.......唔知俾乜嘢反應好