LIHKG 香港外流球員討論區(6)
比D掌聲自己 2018-7-27 19:13:09 5球


比D掌聲自己 2018-7-27 19:22:36 又要睇埋印尼聯賽
港甲吳多覺 2018-7-27 19:22:50 我估一球執雞 完
比D掌聲自己 2018-7-27 19:23:34 執雞黎講對佢都好難
港甲吳多覺 2018-7-27 19:32:35 我真係諗唔到其他入波方法先講執雞
李輝立(流浪) 2018-7-27 19:39:58 我最中肯 0
單身廿年 2018-7-27 19:46:35 上兩場加埋都5、6個餐士
·神戶香蕉船· 2018-7-27 19:54:58 唔會睇條垃圾 但會留意佢幾時比人雞
單身廿年 2018-7-27 20:05:06 體驗下坐裝甲車出入
古巨基 2018-7-27 20:16:44 成班印尼佬殺入辛祖ig
Dummett 2018-7-27 20:24:19 辛祖喺香港好食好住,去食撈麵慣唔慣㗎


港甲吳多覺 2018-7-27 20:26:45 遠征印尼第二人?
你怕誰 2018-7-27 20:28:36 此回覆已被刪除
古巨基 2018-7-27 20:28:50 唔止二啦
大角咀古天樂 2018-7-27 20:36:53 外國人又唔同華人去外流嘅

羅曉聰 2018-7-27 21:04:20 印尼有部份地方排華

古巨基 2018-7-27 21:49:54 Striker Bruce Djite certainly did not strengthen Laskar Phinisi in the second season later.

This is after the PSM Makassar coach has recommended the management of PT PSM Makassar not to be maintained.

Not only that, this Dutch coach has also given a name of substitute Bruce to management. "This Brazilian-born player has a naturalized status of Asia, I recommend hiring and having affordable contract value," said Robert.

Meanwhile, the name of the player Robert's target is also widely circulated one of them fell to the players Kitchee FC league Hongkong, Alessandro Ferreira Leonardo.

31-year-old player, besides playing the striker is also able to play as a winger and has scored 10 goals in 14 matches with his team this season.
大角咀古天樂 2018-7-27 22:11:10 印尼佬咁有錢
古巨基 2018-7-27 22:12:41 點解要

陸微 2018-7-27 23:41:16 此回覆已被刪除
大內密密探 2018-7-27 23:48:01 中甲好多前峰都入得少過羅素😂😂😂


祖樂比 2018-7-27 23:55:01 13哥出咗篇文介紹望加錫,幾好睇
羅曉聰 2018-7-27 23:59:59

Fatso 2018-7-28 00:00:30 都多喎,成個城市得160萬人左右
古巨基 2018-7-28 11:24:08 2018-07-28 - 15:30 - 中甲 - 延邊富德 vs 梅縣鐵漢