LIHKG (OG)北倫敦旅行團
年初4 2018-7-19 13:47:44 系 佢淨係玩細路女


鯨的心 2018-7-19 13:48:17 唔俾打機同挽高達就唔結好過啦
P.Piatti 2018-7-19 14:17:47 豹嫂係咁梨會典做
鯨的心 2018-7-19 14:49:51 宜家毒身中
P.Piatti 2018-7-19 14:57:30 幾時ge樹
Arsene_Wenger 2018-7-19 15:07:07 好耐喇喎
鯨的心 2018-7-19 15:24:33 認真:條仔終於肯清模型,但開價十五萬...一定要放比朋友...
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

年初4 2018-7-19 16:00:19
P.Piatti 2018-7-19 16:01:01 我有睇呢個po
Hii👋🏻(SYD) 2018-7-19 16:54:00
一星期 3日
Arsene_Wenger 2018-7-19 17:12:28 澳洲咁早開sem



Wotamin 2018-7-19 17:40:13 澳洲唔係放暑假嘛
Hii👋🏻(SYD) 2018-7-19 18:05:16 10月完成年
年初4 2018-7-19 18:10:03 Arsenal appoint former Candy Crush creator as data scientist

ARSENAL have made the final appointment to their new-look backroom team ahead of the upcoming season - and it could be the most interesting one of all.

Mikhail Zhilkin has no previous experience in football, is a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and oversaw the launch of two of the most successful Candy Crush games in a previous guise.
屎狗 2018-7-19 18:20:00 我老豆老母仲玩緊
年初4 2018-7-19 18:33:07 真fans
鯨的心 2018-7-19 18:34:02 搭車仲見d上年紀嘅玩
Hii👋🏻(SYD) 2018-7-19 18:42:53 我老母仲有玩
Wotamin 2018-7-19 18:55:50 開到最大聲
鯨的心 2018-7-19 19:00:33 怕你地搭車悶,播下音樂姐
屎狗 2018-7-19 19:35:38 4/8對拉素


Arsene_Wenger 2018-7-19 19:37:21 同西狗反面了
屎狗 2018-7-19 19:38:26 唔係佢地盃賽改期又唔知點咩
Arsene_Wenger 2018-7-19 19:39:04 我9up
屎狗 2018-7-19 19:39:21 ok