2018-8-29 13:07:41
我揀咗manual verification
CS覆我 "Thank you for your response, I have sent a request for manual verification. Please respond with the small charge amount at your earliest convenience and we will continue processing your order."
2018-8-29 14:19:16
打去card centre問有冇細銀碼美金transaction
Option 2
For U.S. customers we do have a second option for verification, which is faster than the option listed above. All you would need for this method is access to your online card statement. This option involves Campsaver processing a new, small charge (less than $2 USD) on the same card used on the order. This new charge will be available for you to view on your online statement immediately. Once you have verified the amount charged to your card we will void out that small charge so it is never deducted from your account. For this option we will need you to call our Customer Service to provide your card information once more, since we do not store any credit card numbers on file.