LIHKG 羽絨/風褸/旅行用品討論[4] (Arcteryx,Montbell,Patagonia..etc)
Twinkles 2018-8-29 12:25:25 買唔切,用唔到code


錯在唔夠窮 2018-8-29 12:25:56
你好你好嗎? 2018-8-29 12:32:25 Backcountry 係唔係都冇左sale啦
給我一個Bra 2018-8-29 12:41:17 你用TWNTY20 ? 我用咗30ARC
天道 2018-8-29 13:02:25 Atom SL shipped

Atom AR 話冇貨cancelled

AR 朝早再落多次order 睇吓係咪 又係話冇貨
梁潮偉 2018-8-29 13:07:36 我淨係數有留言, 唔係cdrom 都10個8個買Atom AR. 你都唔好話唔多人掃....
Diphylleiagrayi 2018-8-29 13:07:41 我揀咗manual verification
CS覆我 "Thank you for your response, I have sent a request for manual verification. Please respond with the small charge amount at your earliest convenience and we will continue processing your order."

金剛煲煲飯 2018-8-29 13:16:11 仲平過香港買TNF, 仲要唔暖

我都Backcountry 入1件女裝
Campsaver 入多2件俾老豆老母
天道 2018-8-29 13:16:19 原本都唔諗住唔買既25% off,見用埋code平咁多 唔買真係對唔住自己
錯在唔夠窮 2018-8-29 13:24:01 好似係Arc30
錯在唔夠窮 2018-8-29 13:25:50 好想買Kappa Hoody 或者nuclei AR 可惜無Size,
焗買Atom AR


歐生 2018-8-29 13:51:28 應該係覆番佢扣左幾多錢
Twinkles 2018-8-29 13:56:28 Patagonia nano air light hybrid insulated hooded 149低唔低?
Diphylleiagrayi 2018-8-29 14:02:06 唔覺有扣到
給我一個Bra 2018-8-29 14:19:16 打去card centre問有冇細銀碼美金transaction
Option 2
For U.S. customers we do have a second option for verification, which is faster than the option listed above. All you would need for this method is access to your online card statement. This option involves Campsaver processing a new, small charge (less than $2 USD) on the same card used on the order. This new charge will be available for you to view on your online statement immediately. Once you have verified the amount charged to your card we will void out that small charge so it is never deducted from your account. For this option we will need you to call our Customer Service to provide your card information once more, since we do not store any credit card numbers on file.
白色馴鹿 2018-8-29 14:27:32 係,佢話未有返貨時間;沙木尼就話起碼11月
Diphylleiagrayi 2018-8-29 14:49:15 我無知, 其實我係用咗paypal 俾錢, 唔係用credit card, 佢係唔係都可以照扣到我幾蚊?
獨海迷途 2018-8-29 15:01:06 我用paypal畀就跟返佢paypal個做法
Diphylleiagrayi 2018-8-29 15:15:58 係唔係即係option 2? 我今朝試過跟住做, 不過我個paypal account個country係set咗做香港, 最尾嗰度改唔到做美國集運倉地址, 我諗我要cancel order
獨海迷途 2018-8-29 15:22:14 我留空左跟住覆email嗰陣落返集運倉地址
肥婆TB是原罪吧 2018-8-29 15:34:47 miss左班車 係咪冇機了


梁潮偉 2018-8-29 15:43:24 可唔可以貼paypal 個方法係咩, 我想睇下
我夾你 2018-8-29 15:51:52 用PayPal 畀多次錢campsaver,再覆返個email話畀咗,留低埋PayPal ac name,我係咁做,希望冇事
獨海迷途 2018-8-29 16:02:21 我見佢本身checkout嗰次條數未完成
金剛煲煲飯 2018-8-29 16:53:13 campsaver, 一單出左貨, 一單無動靜
今晚問下cs 先