[真無線耳機] EOZ Air 苦主區
高登食屎 2018-9-12 20:33:50 佢而家既態度係9 hea多過咩。
Creator 而家會覆comment, 不過冇直接回答問題。
由Qualcomm chip 轉左用Realtek chip.


張梓銘 2018-9-12 20:34:27 我揀全黑都出事咁都無咩好講

唔緊要啦 eoz已經令我變成佛系backer
天道揼柒你 2018-9-12 20:34:52 個realtek chip其實咩料

天道揼柒你 2018-9-12 20:36:38 訓練耐性

老實講 宜家都好小睇kickstarter
睇啱都冇用 諗起無限delay真係好冇癮
高登食屎 2018-9-12 20:40:22 Realtek 即係你而家電腦底版成日用個個sound drive同lan drive
但Qualcomm 個個suport aptx.而Realtek 個個嘛只係support sbc 同aac
天道揼柒你 2018-9-12 20:43:02 講到尾即係為cut cost 放棄用Qualcomm chip

大佬 佢係都早啲講啊
高登食屎 2018-9-12 20:49:22 Cost 就唔知,但兩樣野都差幾衰,creator 話冇分別,屌,笑出黎
失戀駱駝 2018-9-12 20:50:09
天道揼柒你 2018-9-12 20:50:35 除咗sound quality
高登食屎 2018-9-12 22:50:26 係, sbc 係舊codec, latency 可以好大
Aptx 個latency ≤ 50ms (好似係)
天道揼柒你 2018-9-12 22:53:22 佢宜家仲有面叫自己world most advanced wireless headphone


天道揼柒你 2018-9-18 17:50:02 今日係第一日出貨
粗比比 2018-9-18 19:59:14


天道揼柒你 2018-9-18 21:23:07 巴打係backer幾多號?
粗比比 2018-9-18 21:43:30 無記錯7千幾
天道揼柒你 2018-9-18 21:45:47 我好似1000幾
但都冇用 佢跟顏色出貨既
見面不如聞名 2018-9-18 21:52:57 全黑 no. 6千幾等出貨
天道揼柒你 2018-9-20 14:00:40 comment有幾個人話收到貨
天道揼柒你 2018-9-20 14:02:45 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2063194960399872&id=1088512884534756
見面不如聞名 2018-9-20 14:04:34 comment個個香港人係未巴打黎?
天道揼柒你 2018-9-20 14:11:35 有個係鬼佬黎 但住hk


神雲顛倒 2018-9-20 16:47:15 呢度有冇人收到貨?
貓貓日日訓 2018-9-20 22:40:29
天道揼柒你 2018-9-21 00:41:32 Sorry guys, we're on the production floor all day and it's not easy to juggle with the communication part. We have few hick ups with the shipping automated emails but nothing serious. That will be fixed soon, no worries. Tracking number will be communicated to everyone in time.

Happy to see the first delivery happening! And happy to see the positive comments about the buds! The last 3 days output were still low compare to what we were expecting so we don't have a clear timeline for colours yet. We are scaling up every day a bit more though so we are going in the right direction.

We'll address the FCC and the pouch in a new update next week (an update which will have the definitive timeline).

We're communicating as much as we can at this point, focusing on what's important, and we hope that seeing shipping is happening as we promised last week ease your mind enough to trust we're back on tracks.
逆游大叔 2018-9-24 10:15:23 已到貨。
