[真無線耳機] EOZ Air 苦主區
王五 2018-10-22 01:36:42 Same here


魚與紅腸 2018-10-22 14:28:04 我用左一個星期 又冇咩問題喎

搭地鐵 出街 旺角 銅鑼灣完全冇斷過
王五 2018-10-22 14:36:27 舒唔舒服
魚與紅腸 2018-10-22 14:39:14 我ok 不過唔排除有人個耳勾唔夾耳型
因為佢雖然有啲彈力 但唔係銅線任扭果種
三歲就騎豬 2018-10-22 15:23:28 唉我仲未有 Tracking Number.....
天道揼柒你 2018-10-22 18:01:57 説好的monday morning
Sit 2018-10-22 23:54:50 真係好垃圾
個shipment 差唔多成半都係will be updated soon
on99咁叫人search backerkit id
天道揼柒你 2018-10-22 23:59:48 都估到啊
之前都有人話佢係想buy time
Sit 2018-10-23 00:01:48 仲要夠膽死冇將hong kong 同china 分開

先不論hong kong is not china 呢個問題

爪皇凌雨 2018-10-23 00:02:05 rubbish EOZ
老吳 2018-10-23 00:05:00 咁姐係點搵 真係R曬頭


老吳 2018-10-23 00:06:46 呀Sam哥勁燥
Sit 2018-10-23 00:07:38 wa 我真係dllm 慘撚過捉姦

要搞到睇url 先知個id
Sit 2018-10-23 00:12:42 屌查完都係晒尻氣 to be updated soon
三歲就騎豬 2018-10-23 00:16:54 Tracking url 係台灣郵政
失戀駱駝 2018-10-23 00:41:10 好撚on9 咁同無出個list有咩分別
尼特 2018-10-23 01:24:06 當倒左7舊水落海算

等撚左成年 最近先有返聲氣

結果睇review 都係一般般
牛.初乳🐮 2018-10-23 02:35:54 屌佢老母
天道揼柒你 2018-10-23 10:59:11 唔知sam哥有冇上連登
糖水明 2018-10-23 11:02:21
睇左佢兩個月,幾乎日日有comment... 佢係eoz hk 區代表
天道揼柒你 2018-10-23 11:03:18 係啊屌 尤其呢幾個星期


糖水明 2018-10-23 11:03:44 有無巴打可以post 個list or 有無link 呀?我backerkit back 的,所以睇唔到ks update
糖水明 2018-10-23 11:04:30 究竟佢粒F5 換左幾多個?
失戀駱駝 2018-10-23 12:45:25 Sam哥怒屌eoz
天道揼柒你 2018-10-23 14:44:37 Dear Backers,

That has been a tough month. And a tough journey! We know that we have seriously eroded the patience of a good part of the community we've built here. Fortunately, for you as much as for us, it's getting to an end! For real this time, at least as far as shipping is concerned.

Regardless, and for one more time, I would like to reiterate our sincere apologies for anything that we have done incorrectly. We've said it many times, but at no points in time did we try to intentionally wrong you.

Anyway, let's stay practical. 95% of the backers here have been fulfilled. The 5 remaining percent are being handled manually. Also, the Navy Golds were the last one being produced and, therefore processed. So we expect a few non-working or updated tracking numbers on this batch.

All and all this will be fixed in the next few days. There's also a very small list of backers here, >1% , that are not on the list). We know the issue and we're solving it.

You can find the list of all tracking-numbers here:


We've also added an URL where you can track the parcel on the service it's being redirected to. directly without going through SFC. Don't panic if you don't see any progress on a 24/48 hours basis. It's probably in transit and there's no much to say.

To find your tracking number, you need to use your Backerkit number. And research it through the document. Press simultaneously ctrl+F (for windows) and Command+F (for Mac) and type your reference number. You should find it. Just in case, you can access your backer kit account here: https://www.backerkit.com/master_backer_accounts/sign_in

Support: A new website is online. A FAQ/Support section with videos is being updated and will still be through the week.

You can contact us through the form if you have any issues. Obviously the current volume of tickets is very high (and difficult to handle/prioritise) as mostly regards the shipping/tracking numbers. Hopefully this will soon be behind us. And I hope I won't infuriate any of you if I ask you to please not contact us about your Tracking number unless you really feel you have an issue (importations/wrong address etc etc)

We know that some products will have some problems. Those are industry statistics we can't escape, and we've put some process in place to diagnose the source of the issue. We will help in any ways we can and we'll keep taking responsibilities for any products that would happen to be defectives.

DHL Hong Kong Shipping: We're preparing a special line of communication for your very special case. We'll email each one of you on tomorrow, Tuesday to solve it.

Again, we thank you for your support and we apologize for the delay.


The EOZ Team