Andy_Bell 2018-7-3 13:57:03 幾靚仔


L.Messi 2018-7-3 19:22:39 今日入左部細機
◉‿◉ 2018-7-3 19:25:34 條邊咁厚
阿㊣ 2018-7-3 20:08:54 唔係後悔唔等pixel 3?
卡斐帕西飛 2018-7-3 20:50:14 望見都唔開胃
一二三級台階 2018-7-4 12:15:50 等pixel3 一出就換
DaddyJoe 2018-7-4 14:03:54 此回覆已被刪除
大廚養的貓 2018-7-4 16:12:00 更新左july patch之後用相機果陣好熱
DaddyJoe 2018-7-4 16:45:27 此回覆已被刪除
阿㊣ 2018-7-4 16:50:03 d電好似去得快左
痴肥豬肉佬 2018-7-4 17:14:01



L.Messi 2018-7-4 17:25:22 新手一問,hdr+同強化有乜分別
卡斐帕西飛 2018-7-4 18:01:48 乜Pixel 3好靚咩?


鬆弛熊神 2018-7-4 18:27:58 諗住等pixel 3出左換2或者keep住用pixel 1等4
蠍魔蜘 2018-7-4 19:20:17 我都等緊pixel 3出前 2會 特價 希望好似上年 減 200
以家差2~3個月出3 買唔落手 2XL 849 USD
鬆弛熊神 2018-7-4 20:22:28 細機都減200?
鬆弛熊神 2018-7-4 20:22:41 849usd真係好on9
蠍魔蜘 2018-7-4 20:54:35 上年1代係8月平 200 , 就算以家2XL 849 USD 有15% off 個code 都好貴
阿㊣ 2018-7-4 20:58:18 買細機囉
蠍魔蜘 2018-7-4 21:01:41 我唔介意等多一個月睇下有冇特價

鬆弛熊神 2018-7-4 21:31:44 本身用緊咩機
我用緊pixel1, 835同821 sot好似差好遠


蠍魔蜘 2018-7-4 21:33:29 zf3
只愛肉地女 2018-7-4 22:21:48 此回覆已被刪除
蕉直相對 2018-7-4 23:13:16 講真,google有心要整得條邊窄嘅,窄過s9都仲得,但google表示:who fucking care
阿㊣ 2018-7-5 00:02:24 Pixel 2 - 145.7 x 69.7 x 7.8 mm
Pixel 3 - 145.6 x 68.2 x 7.9 mm
Pixel 2 XL - 157.9 x 76.7 x 7.9 mm
Pixel 3 XL - 158 x 76.6 x 7.9 mm
Given the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL were the largest 5-inch and 6-inch smartphones on the market, the extra display size at no cost is very welcome.

Interestingly, the two new Pixels will again have different display aspect ratios this year thanks to the polarising notch on the Pixel 3 XL. The Pixel 3 will come in standard 18:9 while the Pixel 3 XL will be 19:9. The latter sits between the Galaxy S9 (18.5:9) and the iPhone X (19.5:9). Last year, the Pixel 2 had a 16:9 aspect ratio while the Pixel 2 XL was 18:9.