LIHKG Asus GTX1080 laptop 唔駛16000蚊
穿膠花做爸爸 2018-5-30 13:08:54


刁民丁 2018-5-30 13:12:15 此回覆已被刪除
funyou 2018-5-30 13:35:27 爸爸巴打都係 GS65 / aero15 果種啦... 既然便攜性重要
一萬三筒三索 2018-5-30 14:40:48 本身個fd 都係同你差唔多idea
青山佬 2018-5-30 14:41:11 有部gs65 8rf 全新,係代理加埋ssd,有512gb,有冇興趣
穿膠花做爸爸 2018-5-30 14:46:06 做乜要放? 1070 max q?

青山佬 2018-5-30 14:51:04 本身一出就買,但機身qc 有問題今日拎左去換左盒全新,加埋$99 要左條256gb ssd 行nvme,見佢全新放左佢,係1070 maxq,巴打有性趣就放左佢,反正平時好小用
青山佬 2018-5-30 14:51:39 係代理到搞,有哂保養
咩咩羊咩 2018-5-30 14:52:53

穿膠花做爸爸 2018-5-30 15:04:32 你買幾錢同打算放幾錢先?

青山佬 2018-5-30 15:07:52 我平2千以上放
tg @dennismen 傾


穿膠花做爸爸 2018-5-30 15:09:21 眾所週知 我唔用tg
青山佬 2018-5-30 15:10:34 我$19399 買,$17000放 ,依家去緊代理換機
穿膠花做爸爸 2018-5-30 15:12:28 俾個email嚟whatsapp再傾ok?
青山佬 2018-5-30 15:13:42
所羅門之(gakki) 2018-5-30 16:03:18 唔好打丁喇
funyou 2018-5-30 16:20:12 lenovo 不了
YAMAHAHAHAHAHA 2018-5-30 18:08:02 比source你又話人地打丁 算數啦
掟上今日子😘 2018-5-30 18:30:21

呢部都唔重 係屋企買多個1080box
萬三搞掂 出街1050ti
廿凜 2018-5-30 18:31:43 佢係屋企已經1080TI SLI
掟上今日子😘 2018-5-30 18:32:50


穿膠花做爸爸 2018-5-30 18:43:53 我都知我部電腦窮奢極侈
所羅門之(gakki) 2018-5-30 18:45:27 How We Rate Brands

Each laptop brand is assigned a score based on a 100-point scale. Points are awarded in five categories: Design, Reviews, Tech Support/Warranty, Innovation and Value, and Selection. Here's what each means.

Reviews (40 points): The most important aspect of any brand is the quality of its products. To determine a company's Reviews category score, we used the ratings we gave its laptops between March 1, 2017, and Feb. 28, 2018. We took the average laptop rating for each brand (Laptop Mag rates on a scale of 1 to 5), converted that average rating to a 40-point scale and then added a 0.75-point bonus for each Editors' Choice award.

Design (15 points): We absolutely will judge a notebook by its cover â€" and its sides, deck, bezel and base. Though no two notebooks look exactly the same, each brand has a design language that cuts across its product lines.

Some content has been removed for formatting reasons, please view the original article for the best reading experience.
Tech Support and Warranty (20 points): When you buy a laptop, you want to know that the manufacturer is going to stand behind that machine and help you with technical problems. We base this category's score primarily on the ratings from our annual Tech Support Showdown, in which we go undercover and pose questions to all of the companies, using their phone, web and social channels. However, 2 out of the 20 points were awarded based on the quality of the company's standard warranty coverage.

Innovation (10 points): The laptop market is moving fast, and if you stand still, you'll get rolled over. For the Innovation category, we awarded points based on the brand's ability to move the market forward by implementing or developing new technologies, as well as by taking risks.

Value and Selection (15 points): How many different kinds of shoppers does the manufacturer address, and do the products provide good bang for your buck? For this category, we awarded points for offering a wide range of laptop types (budget, business, gaming, etc.) and for providing aggressive pricing.

穿膠花做爸爸 2018-5-31 21:24:19 最後order咗呢部:

15.6" Full HD 60Hz

Intel i7-7700HQ CPU

16GB 2400mhz DDR4 RAM


GeForce GTX 1060-6GB


買嚟取代屋企部i5 3317u 8gb ultrabook俾老婆用

廿凜 2018-5-31 21:40:16 冇GTX1080點打機