『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(19) 淋病稱BNO權利不變
9394+689 2018-5-25 19:36:53 歐盟都唔係傻仔嚟,以前英係歐盟着數攞盡,好多嘢又唔跟大隊,依家走仲想攞着數,歐盟睬佢有味


六樓后座 2018-5-25 20:53:36 請問大家

9394+689 2018-5-25 21:18:12 咁你係點樣入中國境? 你用咩入中國境,咪用返咩出中國境。
az-687 2018-5-25 21:55:00 係囉
HKG3 2018-5-25 22:26:40 以前英係歐盟着數攞盡 - it is pay for by the UK's contribution to the European Commission's budget. The UK is the second largest net contributor to the EU budget.
ASWO 2018-5-25 22:27:46 記得帶回鄉証
9394+689 2018-5-25 22:29:09 但佢攞返唔少opt out
HKG3 2018-5-25 22:43:40 Sometimes I think it may be best to have a so call 'hard' Brexit - it is the easiest option for all parties concern.

However, EU immigration did played a big role in the Brexit vote. The problem with the current EU customs union (the one with Turkey) is that while Turkey needs to open up its market to those who signed a free trade deal with the EU, the other side does not need to give Turkish goods the same access as EU goods.

If the UK stayed in the EU customs union, then the Irish border is less of a question.

The EU also needs to acknowledge that there are a number of countries in Europe, UK included, that do not wish to have closer integration with the EU. Norway and Iceland are put off by the need to share their fishing waters with other EU countries under the Common Fisheries Policy if they become EU members. The UK and Switzerland have domestic issues on EU immigration while allowing Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia to join the EU will risk Russian displeasure to say the lease. On the other hand, Turkey is keen to join the EU, but many EU countries like Germany, do not want it to happen. I know it is a big ask, but all I am saying is that the European Commission should take Brexit as an opportunity to build a form of associated membership that would suit the above countries.

我都係hoping嘅人嚟 - with all due respect, you can continue to hope, but it is very unlikely that the UK government will give BN(O) passport holders the right of abode in the UK - unless something like what happened in Peking on the 4 June 1989 is to take place in Hong Kong (which I am sure that anyone with the right mind would not want it to happen).
HKG3 2018-5-25 22:50:06 The UK is not the only country in the EU which have opt-outs. Denmark, Ireland and Poland also have opt-outs in the EU.

Another form of opt-out is the single currency. When the Eastern European states joined the EU in 2004 and 2007, they were oblige to join the Euro. Many of them are still using their own currency today.
奇卵辟邪 2018-5-25 23:55:32
F#m 2018-5-26 00:27:45 你講嘅十居其九我都唔係好了解,亦唔睇重
不過係依個之前,都係食住花生等到transition periodsssss過


9394+689 2018-5-26 00:52:56 原來丹麥都唔少opt out
HKG3 2018-5-26 01:04:33 一個國家會因為脫離個聯盟變到會死噉滯咁多問題? - you need to remember that the large number of EEC and EU laws and regulations that came with membership over 40 years which needs to be sorted out.

不過係依個之前,都係食住花生等到transition periodsssss過
- I do not think the EU would like that. It wants to have a agreement to govern the EU-UK relationship post Brexit. As the Commission always says that you cannot cherry-pick.

我覺得,拎返個主導權係重要 - While you are in a club like the EU, you will have to give up some sovereignty to be a member. The question is how much? The EU immigration issue became such an issue that it is difficult for Remainers to get a hearing. The fact that EU national working in the UK can get child benefit for their children living in their own respective EU countries does not help matters.

Many people in Hong Kong complained about the 150 mainland Chinese being allowed to come and settle in Hong Kong each day. How would you feel if you are not even able to control the number of people coming in under the freedom of movement rights that the UK is subject to under EU membership? Take Poles as an example - there were 66,000 Poles in the UK according to UK census in 2001. In the 2011 census, seven years after Poland became an EU member state, there were 654,000 Poles in the UK.
F#m 2018-5-26 01:45:47

個結果都出咗,又搵唔到咩理由「一定一定」要remain,eg 俄國聽日就攻入歐洲乜乜乜

仲有唔夠一年就要transition period,依個進度真係會有分別咩?除非有咩大事,如果冇嘅話只會夾係中間夾硬hard brexit,一係就無限extend
Samleung1987 2018-5-26 01:58:50 唔係,而係如果要查paper檔案嘅話佢哋係好晒時間。
奇卵辟邪 2018-5-26 09:04:57 等多個星期就可以開估
六樓后座 2018-5-26 10:04:27 但係入離境大堂果下唔係show passport+機票架咩

山城廢人 2018-5-26 11:18:00 本野無套用完一次花晒
ASWO 2018-5-26 11:20:37 中方不承認BNO為有效的証件,有巴絲試過用BNO係中國轉飛日本或其他地方,但因為無回鄉証,不能離境。當然都有人好彩試過無事,因為海關唔識分。
az-687 2018-5-26 11:34:14 影黎睇下幾花
山城廢人 2018-5-26 11:43:46



narunaru 2018-5-26 12:21:20
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