『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(19) 淋病稱BNO權利不變
追風箏的一個傻瓜 2018-5-25 13:52:27 去旅行定公幹?


az-687 2018-5-25 14:01:56 一google

Podolski 2018-5-25 14:12:57 本身綠底都柒
az-687 2018-5-25 14:17:52 台仔個本幾好喎...唔知係唔係睇慣左
詩歌賦 2018-5-25 15:35:03 反而好好奇到時brexit左後

aapl 2018-5-25 15:43:01 個章太肥,用返圓章會靚仔啲
肥婆做數大大力 2018-5-25 15:56:18 點睇副簽搵同學簽
香川真屍 2018-5-25 16:23:15 唔一定要專業人士
HKG3 2018-5-25 16:40:30 佢之前用香港passport整左National insurance 即係佢要再整過 - I don't think so, as you can only have one National Insurance number. What I would suggest for your friend to ask staff at his local DWP office / Job Centre.
9394+689 2018-5-25 16:41:24 以前係。

最癲係一年七次,三長四短,全部去玩。 老闆又肯批假期,啲同事笑我係咪返工,返唔夠兩個月又要放假。果陣個個都話我好癲,點知依家唔少人都係咁... 哈哈!

9394+689 2018-5-25 16:42:20 以前份工唔駛我出外公幹,連返大陸都唔駛。


HKG3 2018-5-25 16:42:23 佢係香港考架 岩岩甩埋P 亦都住夠185日 - have a look at the fb link below for some information -

HKG3 2018-5-25 16:46:21
9394+689 2018-5-25 16:57:18 咁要睇英國同歐盟協議內容。

tst95052 2018-5-25 18:12:41
tst95052 2018-5-25 18:13:38 [url]維也納都無印呀[/url]
這小貓可以施魔法 2018-5-25 18:18:39 但係點解澳門有
tst95052 2018-5-25 18:22:22
F#m 2018-5-25 18:35:55 依家英國根本係個笑話
Brexit: UK official warns EU over talks 'insult' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-44244402

It comes as a senior EU official said the UK was living in a "let's just keep everything we have now... fantasy".

A UK official described those remarks as "laughable" and warned against "trying to insult us".


HKG3 2018-5-25 18:44:30 Population - Macau only has a population of 650,900 (in 2016) and not everyone got Portuguese citizenship.

Hong Kong - you are talking about 3 million people who applied for a BN(O) passport before 1997.
HKG3 2018-5-25 18:53:57 我諗最後都係咩都deal唔到返嚟,得本passport變咗藍色 - How about these two?

1) Stopping the freedom of movement for EEA nationals to the UK and vice versa.
2) The UK will no long take part in the running of the European Commission.

The European Commission needs to accept that if it wants to some form of meaningful cooperation with the UK on security and defence matters, it will need to work on how to deal with other member states (which the UK still is).

依家英國根本係個笑話 - if it is as bad as this, why many people in this forum, who hold BN(O) passports, are still 'hoping' that they will be given the right of abode in the UK? You can always give up your BN(O) national status and remain a Chinese national.


這小貓可以施魔法 2018-5-25 18:54:18 講緊中國干預既問題
HKG3 2018-5-25 19:05:33 However, the UK was never keen to give all CUKCs the right of abode in the UK at the first place. Whether the Chinese interfere or not, the UK is not likely to give such a large number of people the right of abode in the UK.
香川真屍 2018-5-25 19:07:27
F#m 2018-5-25 19:18:39 我都係hoping嘅人嚟

歐盟道出真相,亦係十幾個月嚟英國議會、政府一直都想達到嘅共識,就係所有好嘢-THE custom union之類嘅嘢就留低,扮冇嘢發生過,但係又要拎返個immigration control。又唔gur係A custom union嘅話事權會少過依家好多,付出少就自然好多話事權都少啲
都未講Irish border
成個社會係混亂當中嘅結果就係咩都做唔到,所以咪諷刺佢得樣最簡單嘅嘢:得一個機構話事嘅passport design會成功囉