『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(19) 淋病稱BNO權利不變
勞動帶來自由 2018-6-9 21:46:12 Refer to 免簽又少

It is worth to notice that certain European Countries,include Ireland,Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina,grant RoC passport holder without household registration visa free.
In Asia, Macau,South Korea,Israel, Malaysia, and Indonesia are visa-free for Roc national without ID card.
Since no direct flight to South America from HK i m not going to mentioned it.

This points is a common propaganda from Communist China.
In fact, Taiwan operate its diplomatic mission overseas in countries without diplomatic relations under one of these name:
Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office/Center/Liasion Office .
For list of location, visit the following link
IF Taiwan really 冇任何外交, why ICBC in Canada signed a recognisation agreement of driving license between British Columbia and Taiwan?
Even Hong KOng, which have allow Canadian to exchage for HK license, do Not enjoy such previliage and Hong Kong sovereign country, People's Republic of China (République populaire de Chine), maintain 外交關係 with Canada.
Did Hong Kong office in Vancouver and Toronto lobby the counterparts in BC and Ontario?
Although Hong Kong is not a country,Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office Privileges and Immunities Order grant them a status as an embassy.


ぜんぜんだめ 2018-6-9 21:46:17 2014當年 83英磅 X 12.5 = 1037.5
2016當年 83英磅 X 9.5 = 788.5
2018今日 86英磅 X 10.5 = 903

計埋晒D屎忽數 先差一兩舊 打4圈都返黎啦
Samleung1987 2018-6-9 21:58:23 Let’s say you don’t have BNO. Would you pick ROC or HKSAR? Let’s not talk about the visa free numbers, which country is easier for you to look for consular services? China embassy might have treat you like shit whilst you might even not able to found the office for Taiwan.
八婆港女 2018-6-9 22:24:47 此回覆已被刪除
酸民治日鮮 2018-6-9 22:39:11 貼返CI個source係度



Hong Kong residents who :-
1. have the right of abode in Hong Kong and are holding Hong Kong permanent identity cards, and
2. do not hold and are unable to obtain national passports or any other travel documents

may apply for Hong Kong Certificate of Identity.


希魔 2018-6-9 22:58:53 但我見人用單程證落黎香港就攞CI
Taeyeon_ss 2018-6-9 23:02:32
Button22 2018-6-9 23:04:25 諗縮數的唔該用返火車頭
八婆港女 2018-6-9 23:08:26 此回覆已被刪除
ぜんぜんだめ 2018-6-9 23:19:22 2014 - £102.86 x 12.5 = 1285.75
2015 - £102.86 x 11.5 = 1182.89
2016 - £102.86 x 9.5 = 977.17
2017 - £102.86 x 10.1 = 1038.886
2018 - £105.86 x 10.5 = 1111.53

1285.89 - 977.17 = 308.58
三舊水 大學生幫人補多兩個鐘英文都搵返

如果下年英磅低過10蚊港幣 £105.86 x 9.9 = 1048.014
差幾多? 1111-1048
60蚊 HAPPY HOUR 一杯都冇撚o左啦

新申請 hkd 370

香 港 特 別 行 政 區 護 照
(a) 十 六 歲 或 以 上 人 士 ( 有 效 期 十 年 )
32 頁 – 370 港 元
Button22 2018-6-9 23:32:39

2016 102.86£
2018 105.86£
2014 - £102.86 x 12.5 = 1285.75
2015 - £102.86 x 11.5 = 1182.89
2016 - £102.86 x 9.5 = 977.17
2017 - £102.86 x 10.1 = 1038.886
2018 - £105.86 x 10.5 = 1111.53

1285.89 - 977.17 = 308.58
三舊水 大學生幫人補多兩個鐘英文都搵返

如果下年英磅低過10蚊港幣 £105.86 x 9.9 = 1048.014
差幾多? 1111-1048
60蚊 HAPPY HOUR 一杯都冇撚o左啦

新申請 hkd 370

香 港 特 別 行 政 區 護 照
(a) 十 六 歲 或 以 上 人 士 ( 有 效 期 十 年 )
32 頁 – 370 港 元[/quote]


八婆港女 2018-6-9 23:36:03 此回覆已被刪除
昴日雞 2018-6-9 23:37:05 睇咁耐post, 都冇見過要用錢去衡量本BNO值唔值⋯⋯

昴日雞 2018-6-9 23:38:51 著數

最著數係用CNO, OK?

西木野真姫 2018-6-9 23:50:33 大把人都係覺得貴 唔續
Button22 2018-6-9 23:52:27 好簡單,今日都6月
八婆港女 2018-6-9 23:53:03 此回覆已被刪除
八婆港女 2018-6-9 23:53:59 此回覆已被刪除
酸民治日鮮 2018-6-9 23:56:26 一係你記錯,一係入境處出錯,一係佢揸住本唔係佢嘅,一係佢揸住本假嘅,無其他可能。

八婆港女 2018-6-9 23:56:39 此回覆已被刪除
Button22 2018-6-9 23:58:48 好簡單,要用咪續


ぜんぜんだめ 2018-6-10 00:05:48 續完咪用囉 咁咪唔會唔值囉
又計 365日 x 10年 = 3650
3650 / 1111 = 3.283762022 一日
如果3個月後先破處 (3650-90) / 1111 = 3.202792547 一日
如果11個月後先破處 (3650-334) / 1111 = 2.983275305 一日
有某腥會然一日一個post 都返黎啦
az-687 2018-6-10 00:10:28 咁都好拗
ぜんぜんだめ 2018-6-10 00:12:47 無聊嘛 9up錯 又可以推post
扮基抽下水 2018-6-10 01:40:33 此回覆已被刪除