『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(19) 淋病稱BNO權利不變
經典皇牌 2018-6-5 23:25:13 其實銀行月結單咪得


扮基抽下水 2018-6-5 23:42:27 此回覆已被刪除
az-687 2018-6-5 23:49:43 SAM GOR
HKG3 2018-6-6 01:23:58 There are two ways under the British Nationality Act 1981 -

Section 3(2) - the British Citizen by descent parent would need to live in the UK for at lease three years before his child's birth. If you register your child under section 3(2), then your child would become a British Citizen by descent and any offspring of that child cannot register to become a British Citizen by section 3(2) again.

Please note that this route may not suit those British Citizens by descent under the British Nationality Selection Scheme who got their citizenship at the same time as their parent as the law stated that -

(b)that the father or mother of the parent in question—

(i)was a British citizen otherwise than by descent at the time of the birth of the parent in question (section 3(3) of the British Nationality Act 1981)

Section 3(5) - the whole family (husband, wife and children) move to the UK and the children can register under section 3(5) after living in the UK for three years before they become adults.

HKG3 2018-6-6 01:26:17
HKG3 2018-6-6 01:30:15 If both parents are British Citizens, one is by decent (for example the child of the main applicant under the British Nationality Section Scheme) and the other one is otherwise than by descent (for example by being born in the UK), then their child born in Hong Kong will automatically become a British Citizen by descent via the British Citizen otherwise than by descent parent.

However, if both parents are British Citizen by descent, their child born in Hong Kong will not automatically get British Citizenship.
HKG3 2018-6-6 01:32:08 老婆就要唔知搞d乜先有得入藉 - 5 years in the UK to get Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR - 永久居留) and she can apply for British Citizenship as soon as she has ILR if she is still married to a British Citizen.
HKG3 2018-6-6 01:35:29 上年有朋友用bno去英國做野
- if your friend is in the UK under a Tier 2 (General) visa, then he can get Indefinite Leave to Remain (永久居留) after 5 years in the UK. He will then need to wait for a year before he can apply to register to become a British Citizen under section 4(2) of the British Nationality Act 1981 using form B(OTA).


You will need to have Indefinite Leave to Remain before you can apply to register to become a British Citizen.
HKG3 2018-6-6 01:45:41 A child born in the UK with at lease one British Citizen parent will automatically become a British Citizen. See section 1(1)(a) of the British Nationality Act 1981.

If the British Citizen by descent parent stayed in the UK for at lease three years before the birth of the child overseas and meets the requirements set out in section 3(3), then he can register the child as a British Citizen under section 3(2) of the British Nationality Act 1981. As I said before , if you received your British Citizenship as the child of the main applicant under the British Nationality Selection Scheme (under section 1(4) of the British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1990), then your application is not likely to be successful. However, if you were born after one of your parent received British Citizenship as the main applicant (under section 1(1)), then you have a chance to register your child under section 3(2).

Section 3(5) - the whole family move to the UK and the child can register to become a British Citizen after 3 years' residence in the UK and before he becomes an adult under section 3(5).

Source - British Nationality Act 1981

HKG3 2018-6-6 01:48:02 不過有樣條件就係一定要自己嘅子女出生前 自己要係英國住過最少三年
- any child born in the UK with a British Citizen parent (father or mother) will automatically get British Citizenship. You don't need to wait for three years.

伴侶就要一齊係英國住5定唔知6年先可以申請永久居留權 - 5 years to get ILR
HKG3 2018-6-6 01:50:43 You can post your question at the thread below -

【英國】 英倫扮工室 XVI


However, if you don't have a visa, it is very unlikely that you can get a job in the UK. The only paid job you can get in the UK using your BN(O) passport without a visa is to become a member of the British Armed Forces.


推呀婆落街 2018-6-6 01:51:00 即係兩個居英權二代結婚都要去英國生仔個仔先會有bc
娶鬼婆就留係香港生 個仔都有bc

正常British citizen by descent嘅人要係子女出世前去英國住3年
到時個仔香港/其他地方出世 都會有British citizen by descent 但居英權二代就算住左三年 個仔都可能冇British citizen by descent?

居英權二代嘅子女如果非英國出世 但想要bc就一定要係子女18歲前去英國住三年?

居英權二代嘅子女英國出世就自動有British citizen otherwise than by descent? 即係居英權二代唔使去英國住三年先?



HKG3 2018-6-6 01:55:29 Yes, the only advantage for BN(O) passport holders is that they can register, rather than naturalise, to become a British Citizen using form B(OTA). Registration is a cheaper process than naturalisation using form AN.

As I said above, BN(O) passport holders can join the British Armed Forces and apply for British Citizenship after 5 years' service. You will not need a work visa as members of the British Armed Forces are not subject to UK immigration controls.

東網透視:憑一支單簧管 香港仔入選御林軍



餅爺 2018-6-6 02:09:03 by descent同居英權二代一樣


無 BC 就用5/10年route攞

你邊道 get 到啲咁錯嘅嘢
HKG3 2018-6-6 02:18:14 即係兩個居英權二代結婚都要去英國生仔個仔先會有bc - that is the only way for the child to get British Citizenship at birth. In this case, both parents can move back to the UK with the child and after three years' residence in the UK, register the child under section 3(5) of the British Nationality Act 1981.

娶鬼婆就留係香港生 個仔都有bc - if "鬼婆" is a British Citizen otherwise than by descent (for example born or naturalised in the UK), then the answer is yes. However, it is important to remember that not all "鬼" are British Citizen otherwise than by descent. They may only be British Citizen by descent due to their weak links with the UK. If you go to UK immigration forums, you will see a lot of South Africans "鬼" who are trying to move to the UK with their children, but found out that their children don't have British Citizenship.

但居英權二代就算住左三年 個仔都可能冇British citizen by descent - yes, you need to look at section 3(3) of the British Nationality Act 1981. In section 3(3), it stated that -

The requirements referred to in subsection (2) are—

(a)that the parent in question was a British citizen by descent at the time of the birth; and

(b)that the father or mother of the parent in question—

(i)was a British citizen otherwise than by descent at the time of the birth of the parent in question;

(ii)became a British citizen otherwise than by descent at commencement, or would have become such a citizen otherwise than by descent at commencement but for his or her death;


(c)that, as regards some period of three years ending with a date not later than the date of the birth—

(i)the parent in question was in the United Kingdom or a qualifying territory at the beginning of that period; and

(ii)the number of days on which the parent in question was absent from the United Kingdom and the qualifying territories in that period does not exceed 270.

If 居英權二代 (referred to as the parent in question) received his British Citizenship at the same time as his parent (the main applicant under section 1(1) of the British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1990) under section 1(4) of the 1990 Act, then you are not likely to meet the requirement under section 3(b)(i) of the 1981 Act as your British Citizen parent was not a British Citizen otherwise than by descent when you (the parent in question) were born.

However, if 居英權二代 were born after his parent became a British Citizen under section 1(1) of the 1990 Act, then this 居英權二代 would meet the requirement set out in section 3(b)(i) of the 1981 Act.
HKG3 2018-6-6 02:21:33 by descent同居英權二代一樣

- I would suggest you to have a look at section 3(2) and 3(3) of the British Nationality Act 1981. Section 3(3)(b)(i) is the important part.

推呀婆落街 2018-6-6 02:28:57 我98年出世
即係一出生就有British citizen by descent
符合section 3(b)(i) of the 1981 Act.
即係我去英國住三年 將來我個仔香港出世我都可以為佢申請bc



推呀婆落街 2018-6-6 02:34:36 原來居英權二代都有分係出生時有bc同出生後屋企人申請先有bc兩種

HKG3 2018-6-6 02:57:01 我98年出世 - the important point is that one of your parent was a British Citizen otherwise than by descent when you were born in 1998. (If one of your parent received his/her British Citizenship under section 1(1) of the British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1990)

即係我去英國住三年 將來我個仔香港出世我都可以為佢申請bc - yes

個仔英國出世就一定有bc - yes - If you are going down this route, I would suggest you to organised the birth in Northern Ireland. A child born on the island of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) with a British Citizen parent is entitled to Irish citizenship too. So your child born in Belfast will get British, as well as Irish citizenship. Having Irish citizenship has two advantages - 1) Irish citizen will continue to enjoy EU freedom of movement after Brexit and 2) it is a lot easier to pass down Irish citizenship down the generations than British Citizenship.

老婆就要去英國住5年攞永久居留先可以有bc - yea it usually takes 5 years.

Please note that if you are a British Citizen by descent, you cannot do anything to change that fact, so I would go for the section 3(5) route rather than the section 3(2) route.

Are you thinking of moving to the UK?
HKG3 2018-6-6 03:04:40 原來居英權二代都有分係出生時有bc同出生後屋企人申請先有bc兩種

居英權二代(出生後屋企人申請先有bc) - these people received their British Citizenship under section 1(4) of the British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1990. They will have a registration certificate issued by the UK's Home Office. These people cannot give up their Chinese nationality as China does not recognised the British Citizenship granted under the British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1990.

居英權二代(出生時有bc) - these people are usually born after their parent received British Citizenship otherwise than by descent under the 1990 Act. They are British Citizen by descent under section 2(1)(a) of the British Nationality Act 1981. These people will not have a certificate issued by the UK's Home Office and they can give up their Chinese nationality as they gained their British Citizenship under the 1981 Act.
推呀婆落街 2018-6-6 03:12:50 Northern Ireland個情況咁特別嘅




家陣先廿歲 大學都未讀完 冇諗到咁長遠

如果香港政治情況再係咁差 2047前我應該會過去英國




經典皇牌 2018-6-6 03:15:17 國籍法呢樣野真係好煩好複雜
HKG3 2018-6-6 03:25:12 如果香港政治情況再係咁差 2047前我應該會過去英國 - if you are planning to move to the UK, I have a number of suggestions -

1) If you got your Hong Kong driving licence by passing a driving test in Hong Kong, you can exchange your Hong Kong driving licence to an UK one without test.


2) Once you moved to the UK, as a British Citizen, you will be entitled to use the free National Health Service (NHS). However, you cannot access the welfare benefit system until you met the habitual residence test.


3) You will need to apply for a National Insurance number once you move to the UK.


4) You can open an UK bank account in Hong Kong before your move. HSBC offers this service in Hong Kong -

推呀婆落街 2018-6-6 03:43:09 Thank you for your information

Wahahahk84 2018-6-6 05:47:10 我用電費單/銀行信,唔記得了