[油頭撚]香港Barber Shop整合
水鬼森 2017-12-9 16:07:55 有冇人去過890 brother


用碌鳩彈結他 2017-12-15 11:34:52 有無barber請我幫你執頭執尾 無人工都得架
張梁記Gary 2017-12-15 13:01:39
有無barber請我幫你執頭執尾 無人工都得架

用碌鳩彈結他 2017-12-15 22:56:55
有無barber請我幫你執頭執尾 無人工都得架


李毅凱 2018-1-17 23:48:12 有無人試過handsome factory ming?
肥菜 2018-1-24 21:32:25 啱啱去咗,Wilson剪

輕描談寫 2018-2-25 13:42:59
想問下師兄 barber剪唔剪到呢隻頭?
福爾魔術師 2018-2-25 17:42:47
永遠dum袋 2018-2-25 18:18:03 福來果間要求唔高可以試試,唔知點解剪完用泥同spray gel頭
Ali李佳芯 2018-2-27 02:34:53 咁搞笑

永遠dum袋 2018-2-27 17:41:44 但上佢地ig睇又唔係,可能用哂pomade掛


豉椒痾撚炒粉 2018-3-3 00:36:00 有無巴打要Cool Grease Cock Grease   
用過兩次  唔太適合 
tg :sleepsleepdog
Doctor.Strange 2018-3-8 23:38:44 點先可以搵adam剪

同埋fox and the barber大家點睇?
體會毛兔快感 2018-3-9 18:22:39 其實有時候見到9cut ig剷到人地個頭紅哂
老婆嫌我太長 2018-6-29 10:28:29 The Handsome factory

Causeway Bay Shop
27 Haven Street, Causeway Bay
Tel: 23209976

Central Shop
1/F Central Corner, 9-11 Cochrane Street, Central
Tel: 23530001

Tsim Sha Tsui Shop
Shop C, G/F Minden House, Minden Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui
Tel: 35902037

In 2015 I tried Causeway Bay shop, totally disappointed. 3 years later, because my stylist is out of town, I did not notice Central shop is run by same group, still no hair lines trimming at all no matter I say in the beginning even after 3 years and I already have my hairstyle with a hair side lines, after clip cut not even use pomade to style my hair. Definitely overprice for a clip cut for $380, and made me understand that so called barber shop in Hong Kong is a joke.

I will just stick with my stylist in Mongkok only for $200, period.
老婆嫌我太長 2018-6-29 11:18:39 Totally disappointed, check my previous reply. They only made proper pomadour hairstyle with pomade for their loyal customer. Tried once in causeway bay shop in 2015, and just tried Central shop recently they just remain the same.

Don't ever go there unless you want to spend a fortune to became their loyal customer.
祖爺 2018-7-24 19:48:41 點解唔太見人去barber shop剪 the butch呢類頭既
今日柒左未 2018-7-25 23:50:23 元朗開左間新既barber shop

~Iwvac~ 2018-8-27 11:14:26 Book左今日去試文華
中出航輔 2018-8-27 18:17:21 元朗Where?
Johnmayertrio 2018-8-28 08:07:44 Where?


走唔出你大脾罅 2018-9-27 14:58:08 屯門間76 barbershop 都唔錯
M140 2019-4-15 12:57:11 此回覆已被刪除
Cavilon 2019-4-16 20:30:35
極西快感 2019-6-11 12:00:48 都唔撚係撈既,Whatsapp約時間又唔撚覆。