『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(18) 事頭婆生日快樂
ぜんぜんだめ 2018-5-13 01:11:22


酸民治日鮮 2018-5-13 01:31:08 佢老豆係,但佢唔係,佢係憑世系取得,所以可以退。

Samleung1987 2018-5-13 03:15:03 正。恭喜曬。

BC 的話,女皇照正你啊,你係正式英國人,你去英國做野甚至落地生根都唔需要任何批准。

BC 去美國仲要係免簽。

Samleung1987 2018-5-13 03:31:58 呢樣野反而要諗,退出支籍的話,香港永久居留權就唔再係無條件。連續36個月冇入過香港的話,就唔再係永久咖喇。
F#m 2018-5-13 04:02:17 依個年代唔係好難返香港啫
Samleung1987 2018-5-13 16:08:28 有得退,我都想退

哈力馬龍 2018-5-13 18:25:59
HKG3 2018-5-13 18:26:51 If you were born after the date on your father's registration certificate, then you are a British Citizen by descent at birth. All you need to do is to apply for a British passport.
JorahMomont 2018-5-13 18:33:21 想問下under section1(4)拎bc係咪都退唔到中國籍?
哈力馬龍 2018-5-13 18:40:35 總之自己有張 registration cert 寫住 BNSS 就唔得
Coldrain 2018-5-13 21:05:05 which post


az-687 2018-5-13 23:44:11
哈力馬龍 2018-5-14 00:02:03
Coldrain 2018-5-14 00:04:31 cls

就似未存在 2018-5-14 00:26:02
Samleung1987 2018-5-14 01:11:55 人地應該飛左啦
Samleung1987 2018-5-14 01:36:17 大家特區護照最快幾多日拎
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

🍼乳甜藥稀💊 2018-5-14 02:38:54 問左周融未?
Samleung1987 2018-5-14 03:15:19 呢幾日諗諗吓覺得HMPO唔見我d野冇理由冇件事

HKG3 2018-5-14 03:25:24 Have you try to raise a 'subject access request'?


You will need to pay a subject access request fee of £10 by cheque or postal order.
Samleung1987 2018-5-14 03:34:21 Not yet. This is something new for me. I suppose this was about me and not my documents right? So any difference between this and Form NS?

Previously I was introduced the form NS however not really wanted to do this.


HKG3 2018-5-14 04:14:53 In a 'subject access request', HMPO will need to supply you with any data it has on you. I don't know whether it helps you or not as any British passport issued in your name was likely done by the Hong Kong Immigration Department and HMPO may say that they don't have anything on you. It is worth a try given the low fees (£10). In section 4 of the form, you can say that you want to be given the details of any British passport issued to you.

Form NS is for people to check on their British nationality. If you were register for a British nationality, the Home Office should have a record of that registration. However, if you were born with a certain British nationality - for example anyone born in Hong Kong prior to 1983 - then the Home Office would not have any records on you getting your BDTC status.
長崎岸久 2018-5-14 10:49:22 想問一下
Samleung1987 2018-5-14 11:09:37 哎呀你咁都幾麻煩..希望你最好成功
Samleung1987 2018-5-14 11:10:28 Ok. Will try. However it's quite tricky to pay, have to figure it out.