『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(18) 事頭婆生日快樂
浴缸裡的貓 2018-4-30 03:04:40 有套好難碌到本passport

仲有去到外國過immi 又係一定要你拆


ぜんぜんだめ 2018-4-30 09:25:26 3月去日本immi見前面LV套連pp冇事
我個透明套應該都冇事既 果然冇問題
az-687 2018-4-30 10:16:57 Logon個隻套有得就咁套一邊拎出黎勁方便
殘酷的小賓周 2018-4-30 10:17:42 有啲io明明用掃機唔係用碌機都要你除套

日經 2018-4-30 14:27:46 新加坡同悉尼個入境要求都唔同 冇得咁樣直接比較

但出境果陣用smartgate就又要自己揀航空公司 又要俾佢駛去counter睇passport
過安檢仲要俾人sample check由頭掃到落腳
9_Januzaj 2018-4-30 15:42:52 啱啱去咗寄
az-687 2018-4-30 15:46:00
扮基抽下水 2018-4-30 15:59:26 此回覆已被刪除
9394+689 2018-4-30 16:31:29 我都覺得係,話唔埋一個唔該派 BC 😍
浴缸裡的貓 2018-4-30 17:11:14 如果你photopage 無套住
小湊るう子 2018-4-30 19:26:59 有無人打算出咗藍色護照先續?


扮基抽下水 2018-4-30 19:39:14 此回覆已被刪除
ぜんぜんだめ 2018-4-30 19:55:01 https://www.politicshome.com/news/world/china/opinion/house-lords/94782/lord-ashdown-windrush-highlights-how-uk-has-failed

Hong Kong Watch
56 mins ·
Writing for PoliticsHome, Lord Ashdown today makes the case for BNO Passport Holders not to be forgotten by the British.

'We are urgently in need of some soul-searching enquiry about our neglect of duty towards our former colonial subjects. This should not only focus on the cases of sudden deportation or denial of rights which are now coming to light, but should also consider the rights of other minorities such as British Nationals (Overseas) in Hong Kong...

In November, I visited Hong Kong and met with people from across the political spectrum. They shared that over the past five years, the freedoms guaranteed to the people of Hong Kong in its mini-constitution, the Basic Law, have been increasingly eroded. Booksellers have been abducted, press freedom is under pressure and many political activists are being jailed. Judges are complaining that rule of law, although intact, is creaking as the objectivity of the Department for Justice is in doubt and the city appears no closer to democracy.

While on that trip, Emily Lau, the previous leader of Hong Kong’s Democratic Party, asked me if Britain would throw a lifeline to Hong Kong and give them the right of abode, “so that they can feel they have a home to go to, if things go desperately wrong here.”

Just as we failed those who travelled to the UK on the Windrush, we have also failed Hong Kong during the handover negotiations by stripping British citizens of their citizenship. The Windrush saga highlights that we have consistently neglected our former colonial subjects who have been used, abused, betrayed and disregarded. Britain’s honour has been dragged in the dirt over Windrush. We must not allow this to happen again over the British Nationals we left behind in Hong Kong.'
az-687 2018-4-30 20:38:19 有,由brexit等到而家
ぜんぜんだめ 2018-4-30 20:45:28 諗緊未到期用咩藉口renew
香川真屍 2018-4-30 22:11:40 我嗰本早幾年先續返 冇咁快過期
天滅共產黨 2018-4-30 22:19:38 唔係要就到期先可以續架咩
扮基抽下水 2018-4-30 22:26:26 此回覆已被刪除
白靜婷 2018-4-30 22:36:14 啱啱renew咗 本bno到手了
HMPO收到啲文件1-2日就dispatched 勁快

感謝google doc嘅資料 所以都喺度分享下

香川真屍 2018-4-30 22:48:59
白靜婷 2018-4-30 22:57:07 多謝

仲有用萬字夾整得企企理理 所以可以好容易check



Mamafker 2018-4-30 23:42:13 可以LOST 或者DAMAGE既

扮基抽下水 2018-5-1 00:11:35 此回覆已被刪除
希魔 2018-5-1 00:23:59 https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B005DKMPLO/ref=s9u_simh_gw_i1?ie=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B005DKMPLO&pd_rd_r=93b4dcc9-4c92-11e8-bcb7-f56cd324eb66&pd_rd_w=tpyLx&pd_rd_wg=jrKHI&pf_rd_m=AN1VRQENFRJN5&pf_rd_s=&pf_rd_r=FJQEKGRP9CS695Z5FM8W&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=5dde70a7-29ac-4e03-87b0-3d01e50df5bc&pf_rd_i=desktop
az-687 2018-5-1 01:15:19 係LOGON買左仲用緊了