: 望乜鳩野:1. 態度串嘴,如果你係覺得NO SHAME 自己好撚啱既,你就唔好講野發曬姣瞓係度講。正正經經打篇野澄清。
2. 明明你本人係香港youtuber 而呢件事亦係係香港發生,點解先回應外國觀眾?係咪因為想個一班唔知咩事即外國人盲撐?
3. Being a fan girl= copy =inspire? No shit. 你一句話你中意就去抄人outfit,抄人名,抄人畫,咁你玩撚曬。啲盲粉話咩中意明星着都會買返套,係呀。你唔放上網咪得,但係你抄到足仲要據為己有。唉屌,當你真係即將會加credit,咁你以前啲畫,你個名,都無加啦。
4. 你一句話who doesn't want to look like her she is so cute就將你抄佢甚至變成佢合理化?
5. 你老尾越睇越燥,咩fashion idol?如果你係當佢fashion idol,你係會學佢襯衫既technique ,但買返同一件同一套?如果你成日覺得自己讀art咁把炮,就唔該你,尊重下自己,尊重下人地,認認真真自己諗下啲outfit,而唔係恃住人地係外國youtuber,以為抄香港觀眾都唔會發現。 變態痴線佬:唔好以為你間學校冇踢你出校或者出警告信俾你,或者用人哋靈感嘅來源去"創作"出你自己所謂嘅作品,就即係代表你自己冇抄襲人哋嘅作品。SCA只係一間所謂嘅學店,即係話你有畀得起學費就可以入去讀,咁學校對學生嘅要求就自然會降低,因為你係一個畀緊一年20幾萬學費嘅人,唔係因為你冇抄人哋野
2018-4-19 21:47:54
[member]4 May 2017
Dean of Students
Savannah College of Art and Design
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to express my concern about a suspected case of plagiarism. Ms. Lam Chi Yan, a student at SCAD in Hong Kong, is also a Hong-Kong-based YouTuber known as "Pumpkin Jenn". From her recent issue on her social network site, there is an artwork that resembles the artwork of a famous artist Wendy Ortiz. Furthermore, some of her other artworks are also suspected of copying from other artists.
I know inspirations and ideas could be similar, hence the resemblances could be a coincidence. Originality is crucial to innovation and creation. For the purpose of maintaining the core value and reputation of The Savannah College of Art and Design, plagiarism is not acceptable in art creation. An artist's creativity and the artwork is their own invaluable asset and should not be violated or taken without consent.
I have attached the following documents as evidence of my complaint; I appreciate the time you have taken to read this letter and consider the grievance that I have contacted you about. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
好痴線地 post9又比一眾絲打推爆
原post(小狐狸絲打) https://lihkg.com/thread/223323/page/1
喂阿pumpkinjenn大佬啊,你成個channel個款似Jenn Im都算,以前叫Yani又抄人叫Jenn,你今次會唔會過份咗啲?
art student抄畫證據 - from舊登
1. Wendy Ortizart
PKJ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3uqV81jISY
2. https://www.instagram.com/p/8il8rVyoHW/
左Wendy 右PKJ
I am in receipt of your email.
Please be assured that SCAD takes academic integrity very seriously. This matter will be reviewed in accordance with SCAD policy.
Thank you.
Nancy B. Richards
Coordinator of Academic Services
Office of the Chief Academic Officer
Savannah College of Art and Design®
3. 小狐狸絲打:挑!
4. Shortbread絲打:又出youtube video廢up
唔係真心道歉 講一大輪
又係度扮慘 收皮未 唔識講野?
搏完愛未呀 剩係想你收皮!
仲要唔開comment box & dislike button
最後條片放得一個鐘 冇人睇到 pkj純粹做下show 扮say sorry
PKJ:我覺得我講左sorry 個心會好過d