2018 DSE BAFS集中區 (2)
股市燈神 2018-4-24 21:48:21 此回覆已被刪除


daytona 2018-4-24 21:50:28 咁我講下mc歷屆多人錯既point啦:
-SME, MNC, 稅率,上市與否無必然關係。記住稅率係跟forms of business ownership

2. Key business functions:
-Arrange workflow係OM not HR
-Forecast demand係Marketing not OM

3. Carriage inwards入cost of goods sold, carriage outwards係普通expenses

4. Ratio係反映唔到實際absolute amount. 例如A公司gross profit ratio高過B, 唔可以話A has higher gross profit, 除非比左某d數字你(e.g. sales)

5. Bank account balance可以係debit or credit (overdraft)

6. MPF:
-僱員只係月薪7100以上先要供,30000以上upper limit係1500. 老闆即使7100以下都要供,upper limit一樣
-Self employed person要供,self employed hawkers, domestic helper, 唔洗。裝修同飲食業做唔夠60日都要供
-60歲提早退休,permanent departure from hong kong, total incapacity, terminal illness, death可以提早拎mpf

7. Account題目睇清楚係monthly, quarterly, yearly!

8. Limited liability =/= not liable for debts!

9. Public corporation: 自負盈虧 self financing, run on a commercial basis. 所以loss唔會borne by taxpayers (government department先會)。另外政府唔會involve in daily operation.

10. Government use financial statement for tax assessment, not to assess the ability to repay tax!

11. WTO vs APEC
-最大分別係,WTO可以settle trade dispute, 而且決定係binding on members. APEC只係溝通平台
女戰神周子瑜 2018-4-24 21:50:48
daytona 2018-4-24 21:53:25 另外,關於做卷次序,我個人就覺得自己舒服就ok.
Paper 1建議做mc先,比較多分同易。
Paper 2就熟邊題d做邊題先啦,有時section A都會難。

新垣結衣BB豬 2018-4-24 21:54:09
女戰神周子瑜 2018-4-24 21:55:48
daytona 2018-4-24 21:56:26 Paper 1記住只會出5個accounting concept
- business entity
- going concern
- historical cost
- consistency
- accrual

其餘就係paper 2先會有。當然以上都可以出paper 2.
女戰神周子瑜 2018-4-24 21:56:30 答題簿mark題號呀
裇衫西褲黑皮鞋 2018-4-24 22:01:41 此回覆已被刪除
女戰神周子瑜 2018-4-24 22:04:47 當佢一綑咁賣,之後剩翻每綑A/B既數

A: CM=$5
B: CM=$6

Sales mix: A:B =3:1

In a batch, you put 3 As and 1 B

CM of batch: 5*3+6=$21

Say FC=$2100

Breakeven number of batch = 100 batches

That means 300As and 100Bs, since you have 3 As and 1B in a batch
連女 2018-4-24 22:04:50 如果題a計錯左 題b用返題a錯嘅答案 會唔會扣多次分
例如 題a嘅bal c/d 錯左 題b嘅bal b/d 用返題a嘅bal c/d


秒速人生 2018-4-24 22:07:50 此回覆已被刪除
當榴蓮遇上芒果 2018-4-24 22:08:22 簡單黎講可以話係將兩舊芒果同一舊榴蓮當做一個生果籃咁賣 (sales mix = 2:1),然後芒果既contribution係$10,榴蓮係$20,咁一個生果籃既contribution就係$10*2+$20=$40 (contribution per batch)

然後你既fixed cost係$40,000既話,咁姐係你要賣1000個生果籃先回到本 (breakeven),咁係呢1000個生果籃裡面,你total賣咗2000舊芒果同1000舊榴蓮。
女戰神周子瑜 2018-4-24 22:09:03 佢可能會比上年sales figure比你

Good x: 12345 units
Good Y: 37035 units



一綑有1件A 3件B

女戰神周子瑜 2018-4-24 22:10:07 榴蓮遇上芒果既batch
女戰神周子瑜 2018-4-24 22:10:33 無分
裇衫西褲黑皮鞋 2018-4-24 22:10:52 此回覆已被刪除
女戰神周子瑜 2018-4-24 22:11:32
裇衫西褲黑皮鞋 2018-4-24 22:11:48 此回覆已被刪除
三哥愛上譚仔 2018-4-24 22:23:49
1分題洗唔洗解釋 SQ
秒速人生 2018-4-24 22:24:05 此回覆已被刪除


秒速人生 2018-4-24 22:25:11 此回覆已被刪除
女戰神周子瑜 2018-4-24 22:27:02 Dse都係啦
Teacher say 一定岩咁濟
Hi_Cusis 2018-4-24 22:27:24
三哥愛上譚仔 2018-4-24 22:28:21 有d咁既事? 咁government say係咪一定岩