卡斐帕西飛 2018-4-21 13:15:03 第一, 我一直都係話Multitouch 問題係Android 8.1問題, 唔係hardware問題

第二, 我冇話過你部機有問題, 如果你話multitouch 係問題既話, 全世界8.1既機都有同樣問題, 望返上一個post就覺得你唔信我講既野

第三, 我依家係笑你賣機


莫大狀 2018-4-21 13:16:22 數乜鳩野point丫 睇都唔撚想睇你鳩up. 龍門任你搬
喂 政府大把工岩你做
卡斐帕西飛 2018-4-21 13:16:29 你咪痴線啦, 唔該你爬下文先出聲啦

我一樣有屌google 明明網上已經有fix, 但要拖到6月先出fix

google 自己都講左6月會出fix, 而自己又要用落去, 唔等唔通點?
卡斐帕西飛 2018-4-21 13:17:09 講唔掂就話我搬龍門
哈力馬龍 2018-4-21 13:18:31 你哋兩個一人少句啦好冇
莫大狀 2018-4-21 13:18:44 一個用咁多年 「touch mon」電話 竟然同我講MULTI TOUCH係一個ISSUE 而加 2018 年 你同我講正常我都當你on9喇
卡斐帕西飛 2018-4-21 13:20:23 XDA 出埋news 講左呢個問題, 我都係照直講出黎, 咁都有錯? 有病唔該睇醫生啦


The Google Pixel 2 and the Pixel 2 XL are included in the list of devices affected with a multi-touch bug in Android 8.1 Oreo. When two fingers are placed on the display, erratic touchscreen events are generated between the two fingers. The issue is prevalent in games, but it’s also visible in other apps such as Google Photos. Users who have experienced the touchscreen issues describe them as frustrating. What makes the situation worse is that it’s seemingly widespread, judging by the number of reports on the Google Issue Tracker page.

Last week, we showed you how rooted Pixel 2 users can flash a Magisk Module to fix the issue. XDA Senior Member Freak07 managed to compile the updated libraries (libinput and libinputflinger) against the latest April security patch builds for the Google Pixel 2 and the Pixel 2 XL. Therefore, rooted users of the Google devices can now easily fix this issue by installing the module. The steps to install the module have been detailed in our tutorial.

However, stock users have been left out of luck so far. Users of other devices also cannot flash the module to fix the touchscreen issues. Therefore, they have been waiting for Google to fix the issue in an update.

Now, Google has fixed the issue of the erratic multi-touch behavior on Android 8.1 Oreo. Commit number 640606 in AOSP has been merged as f0d877c. Its title states: “Fix resampling for multiple pointers.”

Multiple comments on the commit state that it fixes the bad touch resampling issue observed on several Android 8.1 devices, such as the Pixel 2 and the Razer Phone. One commentator on the commit states that he has observed no jumpy pointer movement on his Pixel 2 since applying the patch.

The bad news: The fix will not be part of the May security patch update. This is supposedly because the changes are locked down a month in advance. The time frame of the fix means that it will only arrive as a part of the June security patch update. This means that users of affected devices will have to wait two months, which is disappointing to see. Therefore, rooted Pixel 2 users are encouraged to flash the Magisk module to fix the issue now instead of waiting for the official fix to arrive in June.
莫大狀 2018-4-21 13:21:38 夠料就一齊話係我問題 我無任歡迎

同埋我一心想放機 你地講到有幾好有幾好
真係相都影唔夠 十 張 費事哂左部機
屌你老母條友係度又lee又路 都係想人賣唔撚出
屌你咁唔係人格問題 唔通我屌撚錯佢?
莫大狀 2018-4-21 13:22:51 咁我賣機關你撚事咩細路
卡斐帕西飛 2018-4-21 13:24:59 係呀, google pixel 2真係垃撚圾, 到2018年都竟然有multi touch 問題, 仲要拖住唔撚fix,


莫大狀 2018-4-21 13:28:19 自己搞撚殘自己個post 你都算第一個


莫大狀 2018-4-21 13:29:18 本身都諗住算 唔會有人要 都唔差在個幾千蚊 一鳩睇撚穿你仲值錢
卡斐帕西飛 2018-4-21 13:29:36 推囉

祝有有心人會識欣賞呢部垃圾pixel 2呀
卡斐帕西飛 2018-4-21 13:31:01 咁撚憎部垃圾就唔好放上黎pixel 集中post賣啦
呀呀呀呀 2018-4-21 13:31:37 估唔到會有巴打因為一個
莫大狀 2018-4-21 13:31:41 本身唔係垃圾 都比你d轉載搞到垃圾哂喇
我同你講 唔撚關自己事就咪撚差隻閪腳埋黎
學下點升級智商仲好喇 好過你日日覆post覆埋dnon9野
卡斐帕西飛 2018-4-21 13:32:09
卡斐帕西飛 2018-4-21 13:32:19
莫大狀 2018-4-21 13:32:29 認真 我唔明笑乜柒。依d人係真係有問題架吸
呀呀呀呀 2018-4-21 13:33:49 咁既然你覺得佢小學雞你就唔好同佢嘈啦
卡斐帕西飛 2018-4-21 13:34:57 我就好坦白同大家講呢部垃圾PIXEL 2既multitouch問題, google話左6月會fix既

唔想等FIX既, 可以自己刷返落去7.1.2 或者 8.0



卡斐帕西飛 2018-4-21 13:36:20 岩呀, 同我呢隻小學雞嘈會有眨自己智商
莫大狀 2018-4-21 13:38:36 就係你d咁既死忠 明明有問題 就話會有bug fix 根本唔應該係問題例如MULTI TOUCH 依d咁撚on9 2018年科技都仲要同我屌親死
卡斐帕西飛 2018-4-21 13:41:16 有BUG唔通唔FIX

姐係依家android 8.1 software 上有問題導致有multi touch問題出現, 你就唔當佢係問題

我係死忠既話, 一早學i狗護主話係用家問題, 唔關部機事啦
莫大狀 2018-4-21 13:41:21

比著大家咁撚樣情況 唔撚屌?