『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(17) 唔睇Q&A 唔好學人續
哈力馬龍 2018-4-5 01:18:32 \


az-687 2018-4-5 01:20:14 係到攪咩
HKG3 2018-4-5 02:22:47 公海嗰邊好多人都話終於有途徑取消中國籍。終於可以申請BC - you are not likely to get British Citizenship this way. You need to look at section 4B of the British Nationality Act 1981 -

4B Acquisition by registration: certain persons without other citizenship

(1)This section applies to a person who has the status of—
(a)British Overseas citizen,
(b)British subject under this Act,
(c)British protected person, or
(d)British National (Overseas)

(2)A person to whom this section applies shall be entitled to be registered as a British citizen if—

(a)he applies for registration under this section,

(b)the Secretary of State is satisfied that the person does not have, apart from the status mentioned in subsection (1), any citizenship or nationality, and

(c)the Secretary of State is satisfied that the person has not after the relevant day renounced, voluntarily relinquished or lost through action or inaction any citizenship or nationality

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2)(c), the “ relevant day ” means—

(a)in the case of a person to whom this section applies by virtue of subsection (1)(d) only, 19th March 2009
哈力馬龍 2018-4-5 02:45:37 如果支國真係不合理地褫奪 BNO 嘅「中國國籍」,咁英國基於人道理由係理應要特別處理
伯爵茶 2018-4-5 06:22:07 點解我唔明你地做緊咩嘅
扮基抽下水 2018-4-5 10:58:22 此回覆已被刪除
秋元真夏老公 2018-4-5 11:06:11 銀行信
stanio中性區 2018-4-5 11:52:53 hsbc選擇用英文郵寄宣傳資料,再用埋英文地址啦喎...

秋元真夏老公 2018-4-5 11:53:37 我係攞信用卡月結單俾佢
stanio中性區 2018-4-5 11:54:28
時代革左命 2018-4-5 12:25:47 點解用親BNO 返香港 check in 個陣都會話error 要等勁耐


哈力馬龍 2018-4-5 12:44:04 其實好正常,因為淨用 BNO check 唔到你 HKID 有冇 A/R
時代革左命 2018-4-5 12:47:35 A/R?
姐係下次BNO 同HKID 一齊比佢地搞check in?
香川真屍 2018-4-5 13:11:38 係呀
我諗係right of abode?
香川真屍 2018-4-5 13:13:11 所以每次係外國返香港 我都會比埋張身分證佢 同佢講話我係香港人 依家返屋企

每次去完旅行雖然唔捨得 但諗到可以返香港又會好期待
Mamafker 2018-4-5 13:18:46 問佢俾個印得唔得
電屎忽 2018-4-5 14:31:07 我係之前話續bno,但寄到黎變左bc巴打,

香川真屍 2018-4-5 14:33:32 你冇同返英國嗰邊講話比錯左你?
電屎忽 2018-4-5 14:41:22 問左,我仲問左兩次HMPO
姐打羅夫 2018-4-5 14:43:10 離奇程度可比搭飛機upgrade
電屎忽 2018-4-5 14:45:00 因為我都怕去旅行比人遞解出境,問清楚好d


扮基抽下水 2018-4-5 14:49:33 此回覆已被刪除
香川真屍 2018-4-5 14:50:35 佢地冇覆你?!
姐打羅夫 2018-4-5 14:50:57 巴打知唔知點解會upgrade 咗做BC
堀北真希2 2018-4-5 15:38:11 羨慕