LIHKG 有冇人好鐘意食牛油果?
吾系甘牙問號 2018-3-28 17:24:26 小心身體


Marines 2018-3-28 17:24:52 btw香港d牛油果好撚7貴
吾系甘牙問號 2018-3-28 17:31:01 我澳洲買平既都要$12hkd一個中型
Marines 2018-3-28 17:36:24 中美洲d牛油果好平
金字塔 2018-3-28 18:00:54 此回覆已被刪除
吾系甘牙問號 2018-3-28 18:01:18 靚唔靚先
超級車大炮 2018-3-28 18:11:12 痴線 成杯?!
吾系甘牙問號 2018-3-28 20:11:03 應該一杯有2個最少
飛天大聖誕樹 2018-3-28 20:12:57 今日睇到篇報導話 牛油果 唔可以多食
就算係健康脂肪 一日半個都太多
精子殺姬 2018-3-28 21:20:27 提醒你
你未開po 宣揚大家一齊食煙
吾系甘牙問號 2018-3-28 22:00:43 點解你仲唔肯解釋既?真係咁難明?

你既立場係 牛油果好唔健康 食幾多都唔健康 好似飲油咁 (係你自己講既 我無屈你)

咁我依家問 如果適量食用牛油果 究竟點樣導致 唔健康既身體呢?

poly/mono/saturated脂肪酸 ?碳水化合物?蛋白質?Dietary fibres?維他命c?e?隱黃素?胡蘿蔔素?鉀質?

到底適量食用既情況下 以上邊種成份導致牛油果係唔健康?

你唔好再講吸煙啦唔該 牛油果適量食用唔會危險健康 但煙適量地吸就一定會 吸煙壞多過好 煙入面入焦油同尼古丁 尼古丁令上癮 焦油損害肺細胞(危害健康)吸一次煙既即時反應都巳經危害緊健康

Immediate effects

As soon as you take a drag from a cigarette, there are changes in your body, including:

You may feel more relaxed, but your blood pressure and heart rate start to rise.

Your heart begins to pump differently, and the blood flow to the capillaries decreases.

Levels of a poisonous gas called carbon monoxide, increase in your bloodstream. This means less oxygen reaches the brain, muscles and other organs.

Tiny finger-like cilia which keep your airways clear of phlegm and debris are 'stunned' by chemicals in the smoke so don't do their job as well.

From ABC news

根本兩樣野無共同之處 都唔知你扲出黎講做乜?
牛油果入邊有咩成份係導致唔健康 牛油果係咪壞處多過好處先? 情況唔同點比較?

我巳經好聲好氣同你講 你想討論既話 你大可以開過個新post討論 唔好阻其他人討論唔該


食咗先啦 2018-3-28 22:35:31 非洲邊度?
小鹿 2018-3-28 23:01:33 成日見人加黑椒搽麵包食
好正 半隻就可以撈哂成碗飯
咪咪姐 2018-3-28 23:33:21 試過係緬甸飲牛油果溝奶,陣咪又濃又香
精子殺姬 2018-3-29 01:27:32 There are several documented benefits to smoking cigarettes. One of which, is that smokers tend to fare better than their non-smoking counterparts after suffering from a heart attack. In fact, according to Live Science, smokers have a lower mortality rate and respond better to two forms of treatment after a heart attack: fibrinolytic therapy and angioplasty.

Smoking cigarettes may actually decrease your chances of becoming obese. Although it is not uncommon that someone may be overweight while smoking, statistically, smoking does decrease the likelihood of becoming obese. In fact, in the 1920s, tobacco companies targeted women by offering “a great way to lose weight”.

According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, smoking may help to lessen the risk of Parkinson’s disease. It is noted that this occurrence has been observed over the last 30 years. It was noted in the early 2000s that caffeine may also hold the same protective properties.

垃圾 阻你討論? 開個tg自己打飛機囉
軒緋荔榭 2018-3-29 01:35:00 正呀
菁青蛙 2018-3-29 01:40:28 同好
吾系甘牙問號 2018-3-29 08:36:47 你知唔知自己自打嘴巴緊呀

一開始我話「牛油果適量食用 唔會唔健康」

然後你就開始心諗「條友講個句有錯 因為唔係全部野適量食 都會好健康架喎

你就打左一句話「唔通適量吸煙既話 就會好健康啦咩

我打一大篇野回應你 我話「吸煙適量吸會危害健康(就算吸一啖都巳經有即時壞處) 相反牛油果適量食用係好健康
因此牛油果同吸煙係完全相反 一樣危害健康 一樣就令人健康」



你一開始覺得吸煙適量地吸會有害處 咁就可以反駁到「適量地食牛油果 會健康」


seven 2018-3-29 09:15:44
三眼仔軍團 2018-3-29 11:15:44

惠康買$29 3個 全部都好靚冇爛
超級車大炮 2018-3-29 11:32:05


三眼仔軍團 2018-3-29 12:53:50 白方包係自家製 同埋唔係日日食
花花輪公子 2018-3-29 12:55:52 牛油果鮮奶 正
吾系甘牙問號 2018-3-29 13:55:49 點解唔攪碎d牛油果
向下急升 2018-3-29 14:06:26