HKG3 2018-3-21 02:31:42 大部份殖民地都有英國居留權,但BNO當年俾英國歧視、出賣,剝奪咗居留權 - That is not the case. Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC) with the right of abode in the UK became British Citizens under the 1981 British Nationality Act. For those CUKCs without the right of abode in the UK - those with right of abode in a certain colony would become a British Dependent Territories Citizen, while those without the right of abode in any British colony would become a British Overseas Citizen.

BDTCs only receive British Citizenship under the 2002 British Overseas Territories Act - by then, Hong Kong was no longer a British Overseas Territory.


HKG3 2018-3-21 02:34:47 你響佢管治下架地方出世或者合法定居,無論富有或貧窮,呢個人都應該享有公民架權利(呢D理念就係英國點解成為民主先軀架理由) - the main problem is that the UK population in general is very much against mass immigration - the political party which let 3 million people to move to the UK is not likely to win an election any time soon!
HKG3 2018-3-21 02:38:26 其實真係英國人欠香港人架野來 - You need to remember that when the UK withdraw from a colony, an Act of Parliament would usually be pass in Westminster and in such Acts, there are always provisions to remove CUKC status from people in the former colonies. The UK only created BN(O) status as a way to appease the local population who fear China.
HKG3 2018-3-21 02:41:27 我覺得有基本英語溝通能力係必須 - there is nothing special in this one, as English language skills are already one of the conditions required for an UK settlement visa.
HKG3 2018-3-21 02:56:07 I am not saying that Hong Kong is free of disputes. Hong Kong faces a lot of problems, from increasing interference from Peking, the high property prices, the lack of career opportunities for young people and stagnating wages, but you need to put these things in proportion. Thousands of people killed and displace in a long civil war in Syria or by policies close to ethnic cleansing in Burma would surely get the attention around the world. Even in the case of Syria where thousand died or displaced, the UK government is only willing to allow 20,000 Syrians in total over 5 years. Under these circumstances, do you think the UK government will allow millions from Hong Kong to resettle in the UK?

If you feel so strong about the current problems in Hong Kong and thinking of a way out. I would suggest you to use your advantage of having BN(O) status to join the British Armed Forces in order to get British Citizenship. There is no point in waiting - you don't want to sit at your flat in Hong Kong 20 years later and think what I could have done 20 years earlier!
沒自信的毒男 2018-3-21 02:58:32 樓上我已經講咗 我老頂想簽我tier2留喺英國
但我唔想坐唔年移民監 所以如果平咗權我就隨時都返到英國做嘢
HKG3 2018-3-21 02:58:44 利申:BC - if you received your British Citizenship from your parent under the British Nationality Selection scheme (居英權計劃) in the 1990s, you are a British Citizen by descent. A British Citizen by descent cannot automatically pass on his/her British Citizenship to his/her child born outside of the UK.
HKG3 2018-3-21 03:10:09 樓上我已經講咗 我老頂想簽我tier2留喺英國
但我唔想坐唔年移民監 所以如果平咗權我就隨時都返到英國做嘢
- all I would say is that you should take up the offer. Why wait for 平權? You don't know when or even if this will happen. You can get for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after 5 years in the UK under the Tier 2 (General) visa and apply for British Citizenship a year after getting ILR.
沒自信的毒男 2018-3-21 03:34:00 Cos I just don’t wanna stay in London or the uk for that long. Honestly, I’m confident enough that I can have work permits in many European countries if I want to. And pretty sure that it’s not a problem at all if I wanna go back to the company that I’m working for in the future. The thing is, if bno holders have right of abode, I won’t have to get thru all those complicated processes to get a work permits, I might even be eligible to work in European countries before brexit.
露荀 2018-3-21 03:43:18 不了 我已經係澳洲永久居民
🌵C.Bravo 2018-3-21 07:17:55 咪就係,有能力有資格就一早去做,你等得平權黎,你都可能已經三,四十歲


公廁去晒邊 2018-3-21 07:35:49 笑撚死,如果滿足到咁多要求仲會靠BNO移民?我係基層bno holder就無機會

嘉喜嘉 2018-3-21 08:07:33 此回覆已被刪除
沒自信的毒男 2018-3-21 08:18:50 你邊度見到我話等緊平權

信唔信都好 我喺london做緊嗰份工喺行內認受性高
大家都係英國人 2018-3-21 08:31:48 反對一邊手持英國護照一邊侮辱英國指責英國出賣香港既反英叛國賊有居英權
大家都係英國人 2018-3-21 08:32:09 你咪一樣係港蝗
winglee1119 2018-3-21 08:35:49 佢係無資格攞BNO,所以葡萄都爆果啲傻仔
winglee1119 2018-3-21 08:37:52 唐狗
😇都要有樓 2018-3-21 08:50:14 錯,係去大灣區
嘉喜嘉 2018-3-21 09:11:05 此回覆已被刪除
公廁去晒邊 2018-3-21 10:23:54
笑撚死,如果滿足到咁多要求仲會靠BNO移民?我係基層bno holder就無機會





嘉喜嘉 2018-3-21 10:29:08 此回覆已被刪除
公廁去晒邊 2018-3-21 10:33:04
笑撚死,如果滿足到咁多要求仲會靠BNO移民?我係基層bno holder就無機會



所以咪話 想靠bno嚟走嘅人 9成9冇錢冇技術 都唔知有咩資格走


嘉喜嘉 2018-3-21 10:38:30 此回覆已被刪除
公廁去晒邊 2018-3-21 10:48:50


所以咪話 想靠bno嚟走嘅人 9成9冇錢冇技術 都唔知有咩資格走


一句講晒 除非中共屠城 bno平權機會係零
