嘉喜嘉 2018-3-20 20:49:18 此回覆已被刪除


俊邊撚到俊 2018-3-20 21:42:55 使撚理佢咩,97前拎歡樂卡唔通又有中國籍?
鬆弛熊神 2018-3-20 22:37:14 反對賣港賊有居英權
印度皇帝 2018-3-20 23:04:59 咪撚俾班香港蝗過嚟啦

一一一一一一一一 2018-3-20 23:48:36 唔好呀
羅茲威爾 2018-3-21 00:36:31 你柒撚鳩未? 3粒星代表中國籍

話你on9怕你嬲, 死返支那喇
羅茲威爾 2018-3-21 00:36:41 你柒撚鳩未? 3粒星代表中國籍

話你on9怕你嬲, 死返支那喇
羅茲威爾 2018-3-21 00:36:51 你柒撚鳩未? 3粒星代表中國籍

話你on9怕你嬲, 死返支那喇
羅茲威爾 2018-3-21 00:37:01 你柒撚鳩未? 3粒星代表中國籍

話你on9怕你嬲, 死返支那喇
羅茲威爾 2018-3-21 00:37:33 你柒撚鳩未? 3粒星代表中國籍

話你on9怕你嬲, 死返支那喇
scapula 2018-3-21 00:40:19 此回覆已被刪除


嘉喜嘉 2018-3-21 01:08:34 此回覆已被刪除
Cosmology 2018-3-21 01:09:47 此回覆已被刪除
Jaime_Lannister 2018-3-21 01:10:10 李卓人:建設民主中國
嘉喜嘉 2018-3-21 01:11:48 此回覆已被刪除
嘉喜嘉 2018-3-21 01:13:00 此回覆已被刪除
嘉喜嘉 2018-3-21 01:14:12 此回覆已被刪除
Jaime_Lannister 2018-3-21 01:16:59 97後有特衰先申請到歡樂卡
TM1990 2018-3-21 01:20:36 此回覆已被刪除
嘉喜嘉 2018-3-21 01:21:39 此回覆已被刪除
HKG3 2018-3-21 02:00:50 我上司話想繼續簽我喺英國做嘢
- You should consider taking this opportunity. If you managed to get a Tier 2 (General) visa, you can get Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after 5 years. You can apply for British Citizenship a year after getting ILR.

Do you know that as a BN(O) passport holder, you can register to become a British Citizen using form B(OTA) - which is a cheaper process than naturalisation.



HKG3 2018-3-21 02:04:26 加個人資產有3萬英鎊以上 - £30,000 to get an UK settlement visa - are you serious? For people who want to get a spouse visa (they are already married to British Citizens), the cash saving requirement is £62,500.

親戚唔可以入連鎖入藉 - this is already the case in British nationality law.
HKG3 2018-3-21 02:13:18 如果10年結婚有埋仔女。仔女冇bno繼承權. 咪又係冇得走 - if 平權 happens, under current British immigration rules, the non British Citizen children (under the age of 18) and spouse of a British Citizen can apply for settlement visa.


計埋3年嘅適應期同始納稅期。你覺得英國仲會幫你呢班剩返廿零年嘅經濟生產力 嘅準老人家埋單? 廿年生產力。好命嘅要養你30年晚年。我只係計96出世。未計 60 70 80 後。時間值仲少
The UK has move the retirement age up to 68 for those who were born after 6 April 1978.

HKG3 2018-3-21 02:15:30 居英權係咪即係可以係當地搵工 - Yes - you will need to apply for a British Citizen passport and your National Insurance (NI) number.

HKG3 2018-3-21 02:24:21 其實,都係果句: 大部份香港人都只係想要個居留權(或正式國民身份)做後路 - do you think the British government is willing to risk the possibility of having 3 million people coming to the UK?

其實我成日覺得如果到時你父母有國籍(BNO平權成功),就算之前條文寫明,但按邏輯都應該係會有 - Current immigration rules offer non British Citizen children of British Citizens the opportunity to apply for UK settlement visas. However, this is limited to those who are under 18.

其實BNO真係不論不類架護照(試問邊有一個國家的公民無本土居留權 - Taiwan also issues passport to 'nationals' without household registration in Taiwan.
