Particle 2018-2-26 02:08:53 個offer 2月28號完喎巴打



絕Ching 2018-2-26 02:09:09 Fd搭Fd
毒龍鑽油台 2018-2-26 02:10:35 個code有咩T&C?可以COPY我睇下嗎?
Particle 2018-2-26 02:21:51 Promotional code offer is provided by Google LLC for use on Google Store only, and subject to the following terms. Offer ends 2/28/2018. Available only to US residents with shipping addresses in the US. Must be age 13 or older.

User must have internet access and must have or add a form of payment at checkout, but may not be charged depending on shipping rates in your region. Promotional codes cannot be used with Guest Checkout, so you must be signed-in to your Google account to redeem the code.

To redeem promotional code, click the ‘buy’ button to add the product to your cart and then proceed to checkout. Promo will be automatically applied at checkout.

If you prefer to use a promo code, copy and paste the following code​ XXXXXXX in the ‘Add a promo code’ section at checkout. Once pasted, click the ‘APPLY’ text in blue during checkout to receive 20% off discount for purchase of Pixel 2 or Pixel 2 XL on Google Store. The 20% discount will be applied at checkout.
毒龍鑽油台 2018-2-26 02:24:28 可唔可以試下買多過一部得唔得?我問下我d friends有無興趣 thx
Particle 2018-2-26 02:34:33
毒龍鑽油台 2018-2-26 02:37:22 咦,佢咁寫即係變左個code一定要用你account買喎…
Particle 2018-2-26 02:40:24 我試下另一個Google acc login 有冇 offer sin
Particle 2018-2-26 02:47:33 oh

除非一齊在場take order

我留低我email la
你睇睇佢, 唔想浪費咗個 discount
毒龍鑽油台 2018-2-26 02:57:33

卡斐帕西飛 2018-2-26 03:02:25 巴打你幾號收到個code架, 本身你用過咩nexus 機


張震嶽 2018-2-26 05:29:05 想入 pxiel 2 都係因爲相機
睇唔到 Nokia 相機有進步到
卡斐帕西飛 2018-2-26 09:14:12 對今年既Nokia 機既影相唔會抱有太大期望,睇下部所謂旗艦既Nokia 8都影到成部中階機咁,不過班打手又會話中階機價錢唔應該期望有旗艦機質素

如果部6 7Plus 定價唔好太柒已經秒殺中階機市場
平安鐘叔叔 2018-2-26 11:07:20 nexus6 玩咗3年,本身諗住等pixel3,不過啱啱跌爆mon等唔到了

譚仔三哥 2018-2-26 11:16:23 2
平安鐘叔叔 2018-2-26 12:47:52 年尾拎去trade-in換3可以賣到幾錢
風景畫超人 2018-2-26 13:35:04 2000
卡斐帕西飛 2018-2-26 13:41:39
nexus6 玩咗3年,本身諗住等pixel3,不過啱啱跌爆mon等唔到了


風景畫超人 2018-2-26 14:10:34 我以為你話年尾trade走部pixel2
卡斐帕西飛 2018-2-26 14:15:04
平安鐘叔叔 2018-2-26 14:40:17 我係講pixel2



Glockenspiel 2018-2-26 15:22:08 拎去整之後做spare機啦巴打
平安鐘叔叔 2018-2-26 16:04:32 不了,換mon要過千銀好似
Neo-eo 2018-2-26 17:58:13 自己換
卡斐帕西飛 2018-2-26 18:13:48 amoled mon好貴架,一係拎上大陸搵人換玻璃算啦