未來10年係BNO生死存亡既關鍵 ── 90後年青人對BNO既觀點與自述
玄學大師詹惟中 2018-2-15 23:41:08 此回覆已被刪除


HKG3 2018-2-16 02:41:46 第一次續BN(O)用黎申請VISA ,要等5年先有機會入籍 -

It is six years rather than five years in your case. If you are getting a Tier 2 (General) visa, you can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after five years in the UK. You will need to have ILR for at lease a year before applying for British Citizenship.

Once you have ILR, as a BN(O) passport holder, you can apply to register to become a British Citizen using form B(OTA). Registration is a cheaper method of getting British Citizenship than naturalisation.


A BN(O) passport holder, as a Commonwealth citizen, is entitle to register to vote in all UK elections. Being on the electoral roll helps you to build up your own credit history in the UK.
波爾多醉翁 2018-2-16 02:50:27 香港人要好似當年直布羅陀人咁樣表達先有些少機會改變
HKG3 2018-2-16 02:51:12
我有畀你屌架! 2018-2-16 05:26:29 咪妄想啦

利申: 唔關我事, 93出世, 政治冷感、舐中舐共兼港豬父母當年冇幫我拎BNO
迪布尼 2018-2-16 06:33:03 支持
華裔鬼佬 2018-2-16 09:43:52 10隻手指數得晒啦
揸BNO 參軍既人
俊邊撚到俊 2018-2-16 12:43:38 佔中開頭差小小就出到老解,只係和平理性非暴力既左膠太多,如果當時做到佔領政府大樓,鷄尾酒VS老解同警犬,最終结果就算失敗都唔會好似依家咁比d極權政府當狗咁撚,依家中共就係睇穿香港人得把口,唔敢反抗
玄學大師詹惟中 2018-2-16 13:34:25 此回覆已被刪除
神奇士郎 2018-2-16 14:27:36 此回覆已被刪除
RiverPhoenix 2018-2-16 14:33:22 咪天真啦


SayakaTomaru 2018-2-16 14:42:56 此回覆已被刪除
咪撚啦 2018-2-16 21:29:39
John_Watson 2018-2-16 23:03:28
HKG3 2018-2-17 04:08:18 BN(O)絲也可以參加英軍!
紫色西瓜波 2018-2-17 04:16:10 5萬bc親屬之一
HKG3 2018-2-17 04:23:58 If you received your British Citizenship via your parent under the British Nationality Selection Scheme (居英權計劃), then you are a British Citizen by decent, which means that you cannot automatically pass on your British Citizenship to your child born outside of the UK.
紫色西瓜波 2018-2-17 04:52:02
HKG3 2018-2-17 05:32:28 I would suggest you to go and give birth to your child in Northern Ireland. If your child is born in Belfast (Northern Ireland), he/she will also receive Irish citizenship (as a child born on the Island of Ireland with at lease one British Citizen parent) as well as British Citizenship. Having Irish citizenship will be very useful for the child, especially after Brexit.
村民 2018-2-17 05:57:10 Thanks for working on this!
I am a 90s and also not a professional...
Even worse than you, I am not among the top 3 uni.
The process would not be smooth since most of the locals would consider their interest too. But, we need to fight for our right at least.
This is the only way to show our intention, concerns and thoughts.

Thanks bro to work on this.

A fucking BNO holder
HKG3 2018-2-17 06:12:40 we need to fight for our right - I am sorry to say, you can fight all you like, but it is very unlikely for the UK government, under current circumstances, to allow BN(O) passport holders the right of abode in the UK.

If life is that hard in Hong Kong, the only suggestion I have is for you to come over to the UK and joined the British Armed Forces. You can get British Citizenship after 5 years' of service.

東網透視:憑一支單簧管 香港仔入選御林軍




村民 2018-2-17 06:23:33 It’s true but it’s related to career too...
I am not sure about it.
The thing matter is we all are now reaching to the early stage of the career.
We all have something we want to achieve.
Joining UK army, you get a passport, and nothing.
For me, taking the risk to try climbing up the ladder before moving out from HK, and to keep an eyes on how UK decide, would be the best move I guess...

Even though there is an army way, without the career you built beforehand, it is just the beginning of an unproductive immigrant...
我唔賣比你 2018-2-17 10:56:05 Yup, most people seems to believe gaining BC will automatically grant them a spectacular future, as if the British land itself has some magical power.
光影不再 2018-2-17 11:11:48
Thanks for working on this!
I am a 90s and also not a professional...
Even worse than you, I am not among the top 3 uni.
The process would not be smooth since most of the locals would consider their interest too. But, we need to fight for our right at least.
This is the only way to show our intention, concerns and thoughts.

Thanks bro to work on this.

A fucking BNO holder
we need to fight for our right - I am sorry to say, you can fight all you like, but it is very unlikely for the UK government, under current circumstances, to allow BN(O) passport holders the right of abode in the UK.

If life is that hard in Hong Kong, the only suggestion I have is for you to come over to the UK and joined the British Armed Forces. You can get British Citizenship after 5 years' of service.

東網透視:憑一支單簧管 香港仔入選御林軍



It’s true but it’s related to career too...
I am not sure about it.
The thing matter is we all are now reaching to the early stage of the career.
We all have something we want to achieve.
Joining UK army, you get a passport, and nothing.
For me, taking the risk to try climbing up the ladder before moving out from HK, and to keep an eyes on how UK decide, would be the best move I guess...

Even though there is an army way, without the career you built beforehand, it is just the beginning of an unproductive immigrant...
Yup, most people seems to believe gaining BC will automatically grant them a spectacular future, as if the British land itself has some magical power.

Most ppl forget the fact that it is always harder to thrive when they are immigrant.
嘉喜嘉 2018-2-17 11:16:13 此回覆已被刪除