LIHKG [威士忌8] 新手去Whisky Festival 報Masterclass有人教你飲威唔駛驚
科大波魔 2018-3-20 02:13:46 Mellow Harmony 先係真正正嘢
激優汁漢子2.1 2018-3-20 09:17:23 倉吉, 沒有之一

Busdriver 2018-3-20 12:06:41 巴絲知唔知邊度仲可以搵到Balvenie 21yo Portwood Non-chilled filter release 47.6%alc?
激優汁漢子2.1 2018-3-20 13:48:01
Busdriver 2018-3-20 14:05:46
利孝和牛歡喜 2018-3-20 14:12:35 停唔出奇,唔係常規款


激優汁漢子2.1 2018-3-20 14:46:23 同40%差好遠? 感覺上個7.6%只係加水嘅分別
我要hi孖妹 2018-3-20 15:08:49 係型的 之前都有用過

但睇唔到入面洗得乾唔乾淨, 分分鐘D威變左色都唔知

Stanley有隻flask可以打開曬上半part黎洗同入酒 可能好D的

宜家用緊分享瓶 即係玻璃樽仔
激優汁漢子2.1 2018-3-20 15:28:44 除左扮野諗唔到有咩實際用途, 好似巴打咁講, 直接飲不如用分享瓶好過, 起碼環保d;
汝亦知射乎 2018-3-20 16:35:25 諗起之前有人POST 變左綠茶色既hip flask
汝亦知射乎 2018-3-20 16:35:48
有無人有買過hip flask,whisky flask
係型的 之前都有用過

但睇唔到入面洗得乾唔乾淨, 分分鐘D威變左色都唔知

Stanley有隻flask可以打開曬上半part黎洗同入酒 可能好D的

宜家用緊分享瓶 即係玻璃樽仔
除左扮野諗唔到有咩實際用途, 好似巴打咁講, 直接飲不如用分享瓶好過, 起碼環保d;
諗起之前有人POST D威變左綠茶色既hip flask
Busdriver 2018-3-20 16:55:23 我未試過47.6%既版本, 但我相信冇做chilled filter已經會有一定程度上既變化

中大垃撚圾 2018-3-20 17:00:26 次次居酒屋寫明係響HIGHBALL先試


汝亦知射乎 2018-3-20 18:51:41 岩岩睇到篇關於放唔同extreme condition 兩年既一個實驗
我都覺得幾有用 解決部份巴打想知既存放既問題

樣板: Bowmore Laimrig, Batch 3



All samples contained Bowmore Laimrig Batch 3, and remained in their conditions for two years.

Stored in freezer at -18C: Minor flaws, subdued nose and palate

Stored outside, exposed to sunlight: Undrinkable and unrecognisable as whisky

Taped to a machine at 45C: Still good, sweeter and heavier on the oak, ‘older’

Exposed to uneven temperatures: Similar to 3, marked sweetness and poor nose

Poured into two cheap PET bottles: Bitter, ashy nose, ‘completely destroyed’ on palate

70cl bottle with 10cl of whisky in it: Oxidised, ‘a shadow of its former glory’

70cl bottle left half-full: As 1: minor flaws, subdued nose and palate

Reference whisky stored under optimal conditions: More intense, with wonderful sweetness, fruit, toffee and light peat smoke


科大波魔 2018-3-20 19:16:51 點解要用laimrig 黎玩
汝亦知射乎 2018-3-20 19:28:44 可能個時買好平
淆底 2018-3-20 20:53:24 新手想試酒買酒板係唔係好嘅選擇?
Glenfiddich 12, GlenDronach 12, Macallan 12