Thank you for your amazing support and understanding on our epic journey together! We regret to inform you that our manufacturing partner has informed us that they are not able to produce all versions of the Errant packs and accessories in-time for the Singapore Launch Party. Unfortunately this means we would not have products available for you to pick up, so we are forced to cancel the party. We sincerely apologize but want you to know we are 100% focused on getting you your order as soon as possible! We will be refunding your contribution for the ticket to the party, you should see that refund on your end in 3-5 business days.
Our top priority is to fulfill orders for our valued backers, we expect our factory to finish production shortly so products will be shipping directly to you in early December. Please continue to watch our Errant Journey Dashboard for up to date information.
Thank you for understanding and the continued support of backing our project!
Due to order levels of certain accessories, we have swapped one of your items to 500D DuraMax Kodra Black fabric instead of the one you originally selected. We apologize for this inconvenience, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our customer service team at Thanks for your understanding.
Items Affected:
Hydra Pack
X-Pac Transit Case
Tote Bag
*If your fabric was changed from X-pac to DuraMax Kodra; you will be refunded the price difference of $10.00.