LIHKG 有冇人用過boundary prima system 相機背包?
藍澤耕作 2018-9-5 12:50:16 一早back個project仲要等,真心仆街。


不留痕跡 2018-9-5 13:39:19 sosad,好彩第一日入
不留痕跡 2018-9-5 13:42:55 你地order no.幾多
雞仔仔 2018-9-5 13:43:58 此回覆已被刪除
吾已關機 2018-9-6 02:11:37 其實佢做mass production, 都係一次過做, 只係發貨果下先後,唔差得太耐
az-687 2018-9-6 11:51:09 10XXX
不留痕跡 2018-9-6 11:52:02 巴打幾號落order?咁後
水木月 2018-9-6 11:59:37 之前comment好似提過佢一次mass production最多做15000-20000個,所以唔知佢整完一次隔第二次幾內者
亂拍愛好者 2018-9-6 12:12:58 之前佢d comment日日都講話就快有相有片睇。。。最後呢。。。打晒折就差不多
不留痕跡 2018-9-6 12:15:40 經濟學mass production,賺到盡屌
吾已關機 2018-9-6 13:58:54 梗係儲夠單再一次過生產成本最平,所以除左kc, 網店同fb都開放訂購


az-687 2018-9-6 23:18:21 星期一先攪掂
吾已關機 2018-9-7 08:42:24 order #11xxx前幾日先落order
不留痕跡 2018-9-7 08:46:02 大約幾號,想做個統計
吾已關機 2018-9-7 08:46:47 9月6
不留痕跡 2018-9-7 08:48:23 Kickstarter
31/8/2018 #69xx. (Day1)
1/9/2018 #7xxx
2-3/9/2018 #103xx
4/9/2018 #11xxx
6/9/2018 #11xxx
az-687 2018-9-7 11:40:20 3/9 lunch 先攪掂

吾已關機 2018-9-7 13:35:03 安慰下自己,其實愈後quality應該越好
黑面枇杷露 2018-9-8 01:57:22 Kickstarter
31/8/2018 #69xx. (Day1)
1/9/2018 #7xxx
2-3/9/2018 #103xx
4/9/2018 #11xxx
6/9/2018 #11xxx
7/9/2018 #12xxx
水木月 2018-9-8 09:34:02 比人話完後最新comment終於話取消唔係backer既order


6. The fact that anyone has access to the errant store and will that impact shipping times at all.

We have been going through and canceling those orders. Also those orders will not ship out until all KS and IG backers have been fulfilled. We have the ability to ship out orders that are in "backorder" in any order we want. So that means when we receive inventory, orders will go out in a specific order.


7. Does our shipping time depend on pledge date or the date we confirm our order.

No it does not. It will depend on when accesosories are made. Some accessories will be done a few weeks before others. I am not able to comment on the production schedule just yet, but naturally those orders would ship a few weeks later.
不留痕跡 2018-9-8 10:44:58 真係唔知佢點定義係唔係non backer
岩岩ig問左,佢話on time ship


雞仔仔 2018-9-8 11:45:39 此回覆已被刪除
不留痕跡 2018-9-9 14:52:17
雞仔仔 2018-9-9 23:13:58 此回覆已被刪除
山系野人 2018-9-10 06:31:49 有, 想放