『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(15) 謝絕伸手黨
男user🙇🏻 2018-2-8 23:48:52 親身試耶加達入境

例牌入境唔識BNO, 要入房問人, 最後check 香港身分證。順利放人


男user🙇🏻 2018-2-8 23:49:53 排non EU
大胃Villa(迷轟) 2018-2-8 23:50:53

男user🙇🏻 2018-2-8 23:52:28 唔叫BNO
不過當時唔將呢本野轉BNO 既話好似乜都無
希魔 2018-2-9 00:24:00 睇下入面係BDTC定BNO先喇
黑金丑島君 2018-2-9 00:48:34 Thank you for your progress enquiry.

I can confirm that your passport was passed for printing on 08/02/2018

Please allow 24-48hr for your passport to be collected by the courier.

Where you have provided a mobile number you will receive a text message to advise of delivery which should be made between 24 to 48hrs of receipt.

In most cases, your passport will be delivered by courier (on behalf of HM Passport Office) between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Saturday. In areas where there’s a low risk of deliveries being lost, your passport may be delivered by Royal Mail Recorded Delivery.

Signing for your passport

In most cases the courier will not need you to sign for your passport. Couriers use technology that records the address, time and date of the delivery, and the courier will take a photo of the property where the passport was delivered.

The courier will not post your passport in an outside letterbox. They will leave a calling card for you to arrange delivery at a convenient date.

If a signature is required and you are not at home when the courier tries to deliver your passport, they will leave a calling card for you to arrange delivery at a convenient date.

If the courier cannot get access to your property to deliver your passport, they will not leave a calling card and they will send you a notice of failed delivery by normal post. Our secure delivery company do not recognise any mail redirection arrangements that you may have made with Royal Mail.
希魔 2018-2-9 01:07:59
Thank you for your progress enquiry.

I can confirm that your passport was passed for printing on 08/02/2018

Please allow 24-48hr for your passport to be collected by the courier.

Where you have provided a mobile number you will receive a text message to advise of delivery which should be made between 24 to 48hrs of receipt.

In most cases, your passport will be delivered by courier (on behalf of HM Passport Office) between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Saturday. In areas where there’s a low risk of deliveries being lost, your passport may be delivered by Royal Mail Recorded Delivery.

Signing for your passport

In most cases the courier will not need you to sign for your passport. Couriers use technology that records the address, time and date of the delivery, and the courier will take a photo of the property where the passport was delivered.

The courier will not post your passport in an outside letterbox. They will leave a calling card for you to arrange delivery at a convenient date.

If a signature is required and you are not at home when the courier tries to deliver your passport, they will leave a calling card for you to arrange delivery at a convenient date.

If the courier cannot get access to your property to deliver your passport, they will not leave a calling card and they will send you a notice of failed delivery by normal post. Our secure delivery company do not recognise any mail redirection arrangements that you may have made with Royal Mail.

酸民治日鮮 2018-2-9 01:11:44 淨係睇封面嘅話呢本係BDTC/CUKC HK
az-687 2018-2-9 01:12:21 咁簡單英文都睇唔明
success 2018-2-9 01:28:23 此回覆已被刪除
希魔 2018-2-9 01:40:50



男user🙇🏻 2018-2-9 02:46:28 過關都唔知點算....
9394+689 2018-2-9 05:17:23 印尼係77地,三年前去峇里果陣又係入房問,最後結果係落地簽
開心酸辣粉 2018-2-9 05:22:40 Sorry 咁耐先覆
最後係比左passport number
今日終於dispatched 啦
Gini 2018-2-9 05:50:33
同埋有冇人知本土續first adult係咪冇得fast track?
Have a look at the link below -


It appears that you can only use the 1 week fast track service.

I would suggest you to book an appointment ASAP as passport fees for British passports applications within the UK are going up on the 27 March 2018.

ぜんぜんだめ 2018-2-9 09:03:07 還神啦
9394+689 2018-2-9 09:35:15 下次俾條link佢自己攪啦

az-687 2018-2-9 10:14:11 Emem....I go to school by bus
narunaru 2018-2-9 10:22:47 this, this, this, yes, no
9394+689 2018-2-9 10:27:36 I... try... um... my.... my breast.... um...

I'll pass.
哈力馬龍 2018-2-9 11:31:38 還返本 passport 俾人啦


男user🙇🏻 2018-2-9 15:17:26 唔知點解Jakarta 排因航條隊會有extra安檢



哥哥個角 2018-2-9 15:52:58 我想問如果bb相 冇副簽 其他文件都可以比到 成功機會高唔高
長沢奈々香 2018-2-9 15:56:39 我bb相 冇副簽
哥哥個角 2018-2-9 16:14:12 我諗緊洗唔洗比埋出世紙同個樣嘅變化