Nexus/Pixel 系列討論區(8) 有買趁手
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2018-1-13 00:07:11 而家其實好少時間聽歌同埋 Spotify 太方便
320k 咁就真係無咩 DAC 既需要架啦


雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2018-1-13 00:09:02 見Pixel 2 今次有啲藍牙 codec
卡斐帕西飛 2018-1-13 00:11:53 咁你應該預返啲budget買無線耳機
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2018-1-13 00:12:43 有冇推介耳機好似得兩隻 Sony + Bose
想有埋 ANC
命定 2018-1-13 00:55:54 有冇巴打可以指點下我比條明路我行,裸機手感雖好,但安全感好低
躁動的心 2018-1-13 01:14:44 都係spigen夠多款
命定 2018-1-13 02:20:43 spigen買左個,手感差又厚身,dbrand睇落唔錯,可以一戰

btw有冇好用full adhesive玻璃貼介紹
卡斐帕西飛 2018-1-13 02:34:19 者時未有full adhesive 喎
命定 2018-1-13 02:36:22 咁市面上靚仔d嘅貼有冇,可惜IMOS得3SAS膠貼,dbrand grip case又完左pre-order
卡斐帕西飛 2018-1-13 02:37:49
命定 2018-1-13 04:05:27 感謝巴打教路,但我上1024f好似冇pixel嘅型號?


命定 2018-1-13 05:09:25 上FB搵到了,係我發雞盲
躁動的心 2018-1-13 11:18:53 $100 stored credit update


Thanks for purchasing Pixel 2. Your Google Store credit1, good for anything on Google Store, is ready to be added to your account. Please follow the steps below to redeem your store credit.

1. Sign into your Google Account here, or if you don’t have one, create a Google Account here.

2. Once you are logged in, go to the Google Store account settings page, and in the “Store credit” section, click “Set up”, where you will be asked to provide your name and zip code.

3. Once this is completed, please contact us to receive your Google Store credit by requesting a callback here. You will need to provide us with the email address used to set up your Google Store account and your Order Confirmation number
uni-ball 2018-1-13 11:19:46 琴晚入左部美水PIXEL 2 XL 黑白色
躁動的心 2018-1-13 11:32:40 做完呢咋野個cs都係叫我等
Glockenspiel 2018-1-13 13:13:10 CS打左俾我,佢話會幫我FOLLOW UP
AH-1Z 2018-1-13 13:51:29 用左$400做白老鼠
命定 2018-1-13 14:04:43 唔知會唔會會巴打訂多左加dbrand grip for細機呢,Indiegogo個prototype完左冇得訂
卡斐帕西飛 2018-1-13 14:11:07 手工個張?
AH-1Z 2018-1-13 14:27:52 YES
卡斐帕西飛 2018-1-13 15:02:45 姐係上面部xl2係你架啦


呀呀呀呀 2018-1-13 15:18:34
AH-1Z 2018-1-13 15:39:53 我今日先去貼
simon仔 2018-1-13 16:20:31 請問第2步係做乜?
我搵唔到"Store credit" section
但zip code係打??

第3步就咁打receive Google store credit + email?
躁動的心 2018-1-13 16:23:55 轉返google store us 未