[Russia] Thousands of Russians endorse Navalny to challenge Putin in 2018[Follow-up] Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny barred from running for president
Alexei Navalny, seen as the only Russian opposition leader who stands a fighting chance of challenging Vladimir Putin, has attempted to get his name on the ballot for a March presidential election, with supporters gathering across Russia to endorse the move.
Thousands of people who back him were meeting in 20 Russian cities on Sunday to formally nominate his candidacy in the presence of electoral officials in an attempt to boost his chances of making the vote.
Russian electoral officials have deemed him ineligible to run due to a criminal conviction, saying “only a miracle” would help him get registered.
Putin, 65, announced this month he would seek a fourth presidential term, which would extend his rule until 2024 and make him the longest-serving Russian leader since dictator Joseph Stalin.
But Navalny, who has tapped into the anger of a younger generation who grew up under Putin and yearn for change, said he would not give up. He hopes that popular support for his Kremlin bid would pressurise authorities into putting his name on the ballot.[/red]
Russian election officials on Monday formally barred Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny from running for president, prompting calls from him for a boycott of next year’s vote.
The central election commission decided unanimously that the anti-corruption crusader is not eligible to run.
Navalny is implicitly barred from running for office because of a conviction in a fraud case which has been viewed as political retribution. He could have run if he was given a special dispensation or if his conviction was cancelled.
[Follow-up] Russia's Kremlin suggests Alexei Navalny's calls to boycott election 'are breaking the law'
The opposition leader has urged Russians to boycott the vote, saying "Putin is terribly scared." Human rights groups have urged authorities to end a campaign of "harassment and intimidation" against the opposition.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Tuesday said authorities need to determine whether Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's call to boycott next year's presidential election are illegal.
"Calls for boycott ought to be carefully studied to see if they are breaking the law," said Peskov, a day after the country's top electoral body voted to formally ban Navalny from running in the 2018 presidential election.
今年各國大選緊張刺激,明年選舉就冇咁多野睇了。下面列幾個國家選舉就係香港人可能比較關心同有D睇頭。以下拋磚引玉,有錯煩請指正 :^( :^( :^(
八月: 馬來西亞國會選舉:
國陣係上次大選中首次失去得票過半,但因為選舉制度(First Past the Post)得近六成議席,而納吉首相又有貪腐指控纏身,同時就要睇反對黨聯盟 - 希望聯盟又可以點破局,又會唔會引起大規模示威
秦國國會選舉,重要性當然係軍事政變後第一次選舉啦 :^(
其實都係睇沙皇登基 :^( :^( :^(
歐洲仲有唔少選舉例如捷克總統選舉(有一定實權),芬蘭同愛爾蘭總統選舉(冇咩實權)。仲有地選好似荷蘭,比利時,重要的好似英國地選,睇下工黨可唔可以係今年sanp election後,控制更多local council。
美國中期改選 (十一月六日),美國人對侵侵的信心票,眾議院435席,參議院33席,Democrats可唔可以乘贏Alabama的形勢勝出,抑或侵侵出年同GOP establishment同心一齊勝選呢,美國中期改選可以講係2018最重要同最好睇的選舉 :^( :^( :^(
哥倫比亞總統選舉同國會選舉,2016年諾貝爾和平獎得主總統Juan Manuel Santos已經兩期,因此冇得選,又睇下邊個新總統同叛亂份子講數
[Follow-up][Iran] Iran protests: Citizens told to avoid 'illegal gatherings'Iranians protest against high prices in Mashhad[Follow-up] Iran hit by second day of anti-government protests
Mashhad Governor Mohammad Norouzian told local media that police confronted the "illegal" protest "with tolerance".
Anti-government demonstrators have taken to the streets of Iran for a second day, with protests being held in a number of cities.
The biggest protest on Thursday was in the north-eastern city of Mashhad, where there were 52 arrests.
There have been calls on social media for protests up and down the country, despite warnings from the government against illegal gatherings.
The Iranian authorities are blaming anti-revolutionaries and agents of foreign powers for the outbreak of anti-establishment protest.
President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela has accused Portugal of sabotaging pork deliveries in time for Christmas.
Mr Maduro said his government had paid for the contracts, but that Portugal failed to deliver.
Lisbon has dismissed the claim, saying the government has no power to sabotage deliveries.
Hundreds of people took to the streets in poor parts of Caracas on Wednesday night to protest at the shortage.
President Maduro's government had promised to provide the subsidised pork, a traditional dish during the Christmas festivities, but many people did not receive it and took to the streets to protest.
Mr Maduro went on television to blame Portugal for failing to deliver pork imports in time for Christmas.