For the last time in my entire life, I say:
I am NOT WooTaiKwai or his second account, I am an independent person, for that,
I am of ENTP personality and WTK is of INFJ and,
I am a holder of IELTS 8.0, which WTK never attended IELTS and,
I was a student under IB program, which WTK was an A-Levels student
I am a proud student of SHHo College, CUHK, which WTK hates uni students
I order and demand you all to halt this kind of slandering at once, or I will enact legal actions like the Goodhopers
英文咁撚廢學乜撚嘢人用英文覆 :^(
龜龜有浸柒味都起碼啱 :^(
My English Qualifications:
IB English HL 7
On9 jai :^(
For the last time in my entire life, I say:
I am NOT WooTaiKwai or his second account, I am an independent person, for that,
I am of ENTP personality and WTK is of INFJ and,
I am a holder of IELTS 8.0, which WTK never attended IELTS and,
I was a student under IB program, which WTK was an A-Levels student
I am a proud student of SHHo College, CUHK, which WTK hates uni students
I order and demand you all to halt this kind of slandering at once, or I will enact legal actions like the Goodhopers
英文咁撚廢學乜撚嘢人用英文覆 :^(
龜龜有浸柒味都起碼啱 :^(
My English Qualifications:
IB English HL 7
On9 jai :^(
IELTS 8 又如何 :^(
又要run-on sentence到成個段落出嚟 :^(
My English Qualifications:
IGCSE Second Lang. A*
係咪打咗會型啲有說服力啲 :^(
Calm down DSE dog :^(
We're in real life not your DSE exam :^(
Your stubborn use of proper grammar will just be mocked by us native speakers :^(