Irish deputy prime minister Frances Fitzgerald is set to resign, according to Irish broadcaster RTÉ. She had been at the centre of a controversy which could have resulted in a snap general election.
Irish deputy prime minister Frances Fitzgerald is set to resign, according to Irish broadcaster RTÉ. She had been at the centre of a controversy which could have resulted in a snap general election.
Snap election又可以將Brexit Negotiation 又可以推遲了 :^( :^( :^(
Irish deputy prime minister Frances Fitzgerald is set to resign, according to Irish broadcaster RTÉ. She had been at the centre of a controversy which could have resulted in a snap general election.
Snap election又可以將Brexit Negotiation 又可以推遲了 :^( :^( :^(
連北愛同愛爾蘭邊境都傾唔掂,真係唔知佢點同Brussels deal :^(
Irish deputy prime minister Frances Fitzgerald is set to resign, according to Irish broadcaster RTÉ. She had been at the centre of a controversy which could have resulted in a snap general election.
Snap election又可以將Brexit Negotiation 又可以推遲了 :^( :^( :^(
連北愛同愛爾蘭邊境都傾唔掂,真係唔知佢點同Brussels deal :^(
同時David Davis 俾Brexit committee召喚,要佢澄清「消失的Brexit impact reports」 :^( :^( :^(
Irish deputy prime minister Frances Fitzgerald is set to resign, according to Irish broadcaster RTÉ. She had been at the centre of a controversy which could have resulted in a snap general election.
Snap election又可以將Brexit Negotiation 又可以推遲了 :^( :^( :^(
連北愛同愛爾蘭邊境都傾唔掂,真係唔知佢點同Brussels deal :^(
同時David Davis 俾Brexit committee召喚,要佢澄清「消失的Brexit impact reports」 :^( :^( :^(
真係搞到一獲泡 :^(
北愛版一國兩制 :^(
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States "will take care of" the North Korea issue after its latest missile launch, and that the basic U.S. approach to dealing with Pyongyang will not change.
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States "will take care of" the North Korea issue after its latest missile launch, and that the basic U.S. approach to dealing with Pyongyang will not change.
4000km高度要攔截應該要用打爆小行星既太空武器? :^(
Btw好似話計返用正常角度可以打到美國東岸 :^(
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States "will take care of" the North Korea issue after its latest missile launch, and that the basic U.S. approach to dealing with Pyongyang will not change.
4000km高度要攔截應該要用打爆小行星既太空武器? :^(
Btw好似話計返用正常角度可以打到美國東岸 :^(
補充句雖然睇落好似,但發射地點唔係首都平壤,係平安南道既平城市 :^( :^(
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States "will take care of" the North Korea issue after its latest missile launch, and that the basic U.S. approach to dealing with Pyongyang will not change.
4000km高度要攔截應該要用打爆小行星既太空武器? :^(
Btw好似話計返用正常角度可以打到美國東岸 :^(
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States "will take care of" the North Korea issue after its latest missile launch, and that the basic U.S. approach to dealing with Pyongyang will not change.
4000km高度要攔截應該要用打爆小行星既太空武器? :^(
Btw好似話計返用正常角度可以打到美國東岸 :^(
唔會啦 :^(
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States "will take care of" the North Korea issue after its latest missile launch, and that the basic U.S. approach to dealing with Pyongyang will not change.
4000km高度要攔截應該要用打爆小行星既太空武器? :^(
Btw好似話計返用正常角度可以打到美國東岸 :^(
唔會啦 :^(
末段唔會擺愛國者係個日本海中間 :^(
所以今次都係截唔到+唔需要截 :^(
末段一樣唔會擺愛國者係太平洋中心 :^(
所以又係截唔到+唔使截? :^(
(侵侵話應該截) :^(
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States "will take care of" the North Korea issue after its latest missile launch, and that the basic U.S. approach to dealing with Pyongyang will not change.
4000km高度要攔截應該要用打爆小行星既太空武器? :^(
Btw好似話計返用正常角度可以打到美國東岸 :^(
唔會啦 :^(
末段唔會擺愛國者係個日本海中間 :^(
所以今次都係截唔到+唔需要截 :^(
末段一樣唔會擺愛國者係太平洋中心 :^(
所以又係截唔到+唔使截? :^(
(侵侵話應該截) :^(
推測落點唔係日本國內應該唔會出手 :^(
二來愛國者都唔知到底係咪真係攔到 柒左就唔好 :^( :^(
始終 彈導導彈同飛彈唔同 比較難中途轉向 推測落唔落日本應該都準
海上有神盾既 收到情報金仔又射果陣舞鶴基地出發應該都好近 :^(
Brexit: UK divorce bill offer 'worth up to 55bn euros'
The UK has offered a larger potential "divorce bill" to the EU - which could be worth between 40bn and 55bn euros (£35bn-£49bn), the BBC understands.
BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said the offer was communicated to Brussels after last week's crucial cabinet meeting.
There has been no final agreement on a number but the larger offer was given a "broad welcome" by Brussels, she said.