LIHKG 【波譎雲詭】國際時事政治選舉集中理性討論區
你葡萄牙 2017-11-18 01:45:48 有有巴打可以解釋一下美國稅改既前因後果?睇左一段時間都唔係好明⋯謝謝賜教


濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-18 10:51:29

美國稅制已經三十年無重大變革,而家參眾兩院分別通過咗兩份唔同既稅改方案,其中House Plan明顯比較接近Trump個大刀闊斧模式,將個人入息稅階由七級簡化成四級,減企業稅方面就大同小異,下一步就係達成協議

Trump's Tax Plan and How It Would Affect You

GOP Tax Plan: Live Coverage

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-18 11:40:42 Zimbabwe ruling party says Mugabe should step down

On a day Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe appeared in public for the first time since his nation plunged into political crisis, his ruling party is reportedly calling for him to step down. "ZANU-PF provincial structures in all the country's 10 provinces met today and called for the resignation of their First Secretary, President Robert Mugabe. They also called for the resignation of women's league Secretary and First Lady Dr Grace Mugabe from the party," State newspaper The Herald reported Friday.
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-18 14:46:30 The Balfour Declaration's impact, 100 years on | The Economist
你葡萄牙 2017-11-18 15:16:24

美國稅制已經三十年無重大變革,而家參眾兩院分別通過咗兩份唔同既稅改方案,其中House Plan明顯比較接近Trump個大刀闊斧模式,將個人入息稅階由七級簡化成四級,減企業稅方面就大同小異,下一步就係達成協議

Trump's Tax Plan and How It Would Affect You

GOP Tax Plan: Live Coverage


濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-18 16:09:57 Zimbabwe is free of Robert Mugabe, should the world celebrate? | The Economist
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-18 20:28:53 Brexit revolt tests Theresa May’s authority | Opinion
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-18 23:57:31 Robert Mugabe refuses to quit as Zimbabweans march for his ouster
Filibuster_HK 2017-11-19 00:08:22
Robert Mugabe refuses to quit as Zimbabweans march for his ouster

Mugabe 冇人撐

Who is backing the protest in Harare?

The influential war veterans' association. Leader Christopher Mutsvangwa had called for a huge turnout, saying: "We want to restore our pride."

The ruling Zanu-PF. At least eight out of 10 regional branches voted on Friday for Mr Mugabe to resign as president and party secretary. Several regional leaders appeared on TV saying he should step down, Grace Mugabe should resign from the party and Mr Mnangagwa should be reinstated to the central committee.

The Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) said the rally was a "solidarity march". It said: "As long as the planned march remains orderly, peaceful... and without hate speech and incitement to cause violence, it fully supports the march."

Liberal groups opposed to the president. The leader of last year's #Thisflag protests, Evans Mwarire, urged people to turn up.
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-19 00:10:07
Robert Mugabe refuses to quit as Zimbabweans march for his ouster

Mugabe 冇人撐

Who is backing the protest in Harare?

The influential war veterans' association. Leader Christopher Mutsvangwa had called for a huge turnout, saying: "We want to restore our pride."

The ruling Zanu-PF. At least eight out of 10 regional branches voted on Friday for Mr Mugabe to resign as president and party secretary. Several regional leaders appeared on TV saying he should step down, Grace Mugabe should resign from the party and Mr Mnangagwa should be reinstated to the central committee.

The Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) said the rally was a "solidarity march". It said: "As long as the planned march remains orderly, peaceful... and without hate speech and incitement to cause violence, it fully supports the march."

Liberal groups opposed to the president. The leader of last year's #Thisflag protests, Evans Mwarire, urged people to turn up.

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-19 10:20:14 Gerry Adams has announced he is stepping down as president of Sinn Féin after 34 years in charge of the party that was once closely linked to the IRA. Adams also confirmed that he will not seek re-election to the Irish parliament, the Dáil, in the next general election.

The 69-year-old-republican played a pivotal role in shifting the IRA to a permanent ceasefire in the 1990s and nudging Sinn Féin towards embracing power sharing with its former unionists enemies in Northern Ireland.


濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-19 11:09:13 新芬黨

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-19 11:24:26 CNN - 阿根廷失蹤潛艇尋日七度嘗試聯絡海軍基地
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-19 11:44:03 Anti-LGBTQ lawmaker resigns over gay sex scandal

A vocally anti-LGBTQ lawmaker has resigned his position after being caught having sex with another man. Wesley Goodman, a Republican Ohio state representative serving his first term, resigned earlier this week after it came to light that he’d engaged in “inappropriate behavior” of a sexual nature with another man earlier this autumn.
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-19 14:43:14 Missing Argentine submarine apparently sent 7 satellite messages, but none got through

The Argentine navy has detected what appeared to be seven satellite messages sent from a missing submarine, but communication with the vessel was never established, and its whereabouts in the south Atlantic remained a mystery late Saturday.

The 44-crew submarine, the subject of an intensive search involving eight nations, had been out of contact since Wednesday morning. The first indication of leads to its whereabouts came Saturday night when Defense Minister Oscar Aguad said over Twitter that the Argentine military had detected what he called “communication attempts.”

Later, the Argentine navy tweeted that it appeared that the crew of the ARA San Juan had attempted to establish contact but was unable to do so. The seven satellite messages lasted from 4 to 36 seconds. The first occurred at 10:52 a.m. and the last at 3:42 p.m., the navy said.
海龜先生 2017-11-19 14:51:12
Anti-LGBTQ lawmaker resigns over gay sex scandal

A vocally anti-LGBTQ lawmaker has resigned his position after being caught having sex with another man. Wesley Goodman, a Republican Ohio state representative serving his first term, resigned earlier this week after it came to light that he’d engaged in “inappropriate behavior” of a sexual nature with another man earlier this autumn.


濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-19 14:53:29
Anti-LGBTQ lawmaker resigns over gay sex scandal

A vocally anti-LGBTQ lawmaker has resigned his position after being caught having sex with another man. Wesley Goodman, a Republican Ohio state representative serving his first term, resigned earlier this week after it came to light that he’d engaged in “inappropriate behavior” of a sexual nature with another man earlier this autumn.



因為如果係民主黨,公開出櫃兼做gay right icon,直頭聲價十倍
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-19 15:11:08 EXCLUSIVE: Saudi Arabia king to step down and hand over the crown to his 32-year-old son after prince rounded up Saudi royals in corruption arrests and had them sleep on bare mattresses in a luxury hotel

- King Salman of Saudi Arabia is planning to step down next week and name his son Prince Mohammed bin Salman as his successor, a source told

- They added: 'King Salman will play the role of the queen of England. He will only keep the title "Custodian of the Holy Shrines"

- Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, ordered the arrests of more than 40 princes and government ministers in a corruption probe in early November

- The Saudi royals were photographed sleeping on bare mattresses on the floor of the luxury Ritz Carlton hotel

- Once crowned king, the prince will shift his focus to Iran, a long standing rival oil empire to Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, the source said
y4t7sds12 2017-11-19 15:30:30

Boxer Jeffrey Horn introduces Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk at the campaign launch.


Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk takes to the stage to officially launch the Labor election campaign.


Queensland Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls and his wife Mary at the LNP campaign launch on Sunday.
Xavi🐯 2017-11-19 15:40:12
EXCLUSIVE: Saudi Arabia king to step down and hand over the crown to his 32-year-old son after prince rounded up Saudi royals in corruption arrests and had them sleep on bare mattresses in a luxury hotel

- King Salman of Saudi Arabia is planning to step down next week and name his son Prince Mohammed bin Salman as his successor, a source told

- They added: 'King Salman will play the role of the queen of England. He will only keep the title "Custodian of the Holy Shrines"

- Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, ordered the arrests of more than 40 princes and government ministers in a corruption probe in early November

- The Saudi royals were photographed sleeping on bare mattresses on the floor of the luxury Ritz Carlton hotel

- Once crowned king, the prince will shift his focus to Iran, a long standing rival oil empire to Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, the source said

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-19 18:40:11 白粉:Mugabe同意下台換取家人安全


Filibuster_HK 2017-11-19 19:40:16

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-19 19:41:01


海龜先生 2017-11-19 19:42:36
EXCLUSIVE: Saudi Arabia king to step down and hand over the crown to his 32-year-old son after prince rounded up Saudi royals in corruption arrests and had them sleep on bare mattresses in a luxury hotel

- King Salman of Saudi Arabia is planning to step down next week and name his son Prince Mohammed bin Salman as his successor, a source told

- They added: 'King Salman will play the role of the queen of England. He will only keep the title "Custodian of the Holy Shrines"

- Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, ordered the arrests of more than 40 princes and government ministers in a corruption probe in early November

- The Saudi royals were photographed sleeping on bare mattresses on the floor of the luxury Ritz Carlton hotel

- Once crowned king, the prince will shift his focus to Iran, a long standing rival oil empire to Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, the source said



Filibuster_HK 2017-11-19 19:44:20
EXCLUSIVE: Saudi Arabia king to step down and hand over the crown to his 32-year-old son after prince rounded up Saudi royals in corruption arrests and had them sleep on bare mattresses in a luxury hotel

- King Salman of Saudi Arabia is planning to step down next week and name his son Prince Mohammed bin Salman as his successor, a source told

- They added: 'King Salman will play the role of the queen of England. He will only keep the title "Custodian of the Holy Shrines"

- Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, ordered the arrests of more than 40 princes and government ministers in a corruption probe in early November

- The Saudi royals were photographed sleeping on bare mattresses on the floor of the luxury Ritz Carlton hotel

- Once crowned king, the prince will shift his focus to Iran, a long standing rival oil empire to Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, the source said



