LIHKG 【波譎雲詭】國際時事政治選舉集中理性討論區
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-31 15:24:04

Senate president Stephen Parry has revealed he believes he holds dual citizenship and may need to resign, according to reports.

Senator Parry, who reportedly believes he is a British citizen, would become the first Liberal to be forced out of Parliament in the ongoing citizenship fiasco.




Filibuster_HK 2017-10-31 20:24:37 Puigdemont又準備開記者會
y4t7sds12 2017-10-31 20:29:01 NOT HERE TO SEEK POLITICAL ASYLUM:-)
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-31 20:31:24

Filibuster_HK 2017-10-31 20:43:22 From: 歐洲動態


* 繼續鬧爆西班牙中央逼害加泰獨派、包括起訴約700名支持加獨的市長、對示威者暴力但「極右」份子施暴不受追究、司法系統政治化等等
* 他的政府繼續尋求避免對抗,繼續以非對抗策略尋求獨立
* 他及其政府領袖不會逃避訴訟,他往比利時不是尋求政庇,而是希望把加泰的訴求帶到歐洲的中心
* 支持工會、民間等任何一方有關阻止155條實施的努力
* 會參與12.21選舉,會尊重結果,反問西班牙中央會否尊重
* 呼籲國際、尤其歐洲社會作出回應,協助加泰,指出西班牙中央的行動不尊重歐洲的價值觀,例如自由、民主、非暴力
一直等TY 2017-10-31 21:27:12
From: 歐洲動態


* 繼續鬧爆西班牙中央逼害加泰獨派、包括起訴約700名支持加獨的市長、對示威者暴力但「極右」份子施暴不受追究、司法系統政治化等等
* 他的政府繼續尋求避免對抗,繼續以非對抗策略尋求獨立
* 他及其政府領袖不會逃避訴訟,他往比利時不是尋求政庇,而是希望把加泰的訴求帶到歐洲的中心
* 支持工會、民間等任何一方有關阻止155條實施的努力
* 會參與12.21選舉,會尊重結果,反問西班牙中央會否尊重
* 呼籲國際、尤其歐洲社會作出回應,協助加泰,指出西班牙中央的行動不尊重歐洲的價值觀,例如自由、民主、非暴力

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-31 21:43:43 Más reacciones a la rueda de prensa de Carles Puigdemont desde Bruselas. El líder de los populares en Catalunya, Xavier García Albiol, ha asegurado que nadie persigue al expresidente de la Generalitat por sus ideas políticas y que tendrá que rendir cuentas por "haber provocado o intentar provocar un golpe de Estado".

Google Translate: More reactions to the press conference of Carles Puigdemont from Brussels. The leader of the people in Catalonia, Xavier García Albiol, has assured that no one persecutes the former president of the Generalitat for his political ideas and that he will be held accountable for "provoking or attempting to provoke a coup d'état".
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-31 21:49:10 非洲始終都係非洲,唔夠四成投票率,反對派領袖退選,認受性廣受質疑,投票因爆發嚴重暴力暫停,照樣可以宣布當選

Uhuru Kenyatta Is Declared Winner of Kenya’s Repeat Election

NAIROBI, Kenya — President Uhuru Kenyatta was declared on Monday the winner of Kenya’s presidential election — for the second time this year. Mr. Kenyatta received nearly 7.5 million votes in the repeated vote, held last week, the national elections commission announced.

Mr. Kenyatta also won the first election, in August, by 1.4 million votes. But the opposition leader, Raila Odinga, challenged the results, and the Supreme Court nullified the election in September, citing irregularities. Backers of Mr. Kenyatta interpreted both of his wins as broad national support for the president, but opposition supporters said they had twice been disenfranchised by a process that lacked credibility.

Low Turnout in Kenya’s Do-Over Election Raises Concerns OCT. 26, 2017
Mr. Odinga withdrew from the second election two weeks before the vote, arguing that the electoral commission could not oversee a free and fair process, and he called on his supporters to boycott. His name nevertheless appeared on the ballot, and he collected just over 73,000 votes, compared with nearly seven million in August.
Archaeologist 2017-10-31 23:36:54

Senate president Stephen Parry has revealed he believes he holds dual citizenship and may need to resign, according to reports.

Senator Parry, who reportedly believes he is a British citizen, would become the first Liberal to be forced out of Parliament in the ongoing citizenship fiasco.



根本係澳洲求其一個招牌跌落黎都死幾件Dual citizen
有二百幾三百萬人係BC啊, 而且重未計二戰後歐洲移民潮嗰班人嘅仔女/孫
我d朋友大部份人想申請嘅話, 都可以攞到本EU passport番黎
關愛座hunter 2017-11-1 00:50:59
關愛座hunter 2017-11-1 00:58:29


海龜先生 2017-11-1 01:00:14
From: 歐洲動態


* 繼續鬧爆西班牙中央逼害加泰獨派、包括起訴約700名支持加獨的市長、對示威者暴力但「極右」份子施暴不受追究、司法系統政治化等等
* 他的政府繼續尋求避免對抗,繼續以非對抗策略尋求獨立
* 他及其政府領袖不會逃避訴訟,他往比利時不是尋求政庇,而是希望把加泰的訴求帶到歐洲的中心
* 支持工會、民間等任何一方有關阻止155條實施的努力
* 會參與12.21選舉,會尊重結果,反問西班牙中央會否尊重
* 呼籲國際、尤其歐洲社會作出回應,協助加泰,指出西班牙中央的行動不尊重歐洲的價值觀,例如自由、民主、非暴力

1 hr ·
* 比首相昨天才知悉佩德蒙來了比利時
* 不是比利時政府邀請他前來,比政府也沒有做什麼觸發他來,這純粹是神根自由區的人員自由流動
* 根據佩德蒙所說,他是以作為歐洲首都的布魯塞爾而前來(暗示他不是因為這裏是比利時而前來)
* 佩德蒙在比利時享有其他歐盟成員國公民的權利及義務,不會多也不會少,比利時會尊重法治( l'Etat de droit,一個西班牙政府近日琅琅上口的字)
* 比政府重申以政治對話、在西班牙國內及國際秩序下,解決目前政治危機

關愛座hunter 2017-11-1 01:23:10
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-1 05:06:53 NYT: Multiple Deaths Reported as Driver Careens Down Bike Path in Manhattan

Six people were reported killed when a man drove a pickup truck down a lengthy stretch of a bike path next to the Hudson River in Lower Manhattan on Tuesday afternoon before he jumped out with two fake guns and was shot by police officers, the authorities said.

The attacker, in a Home Depot truck, hit numerous people as he drove south on the bike path, officials said. At least 11 people were reported injured.
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-1 05:10:13 ABC: At Least 7 Killled
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-1 05:13:36
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-1 05:29:37 NYC Mayor: 8 Dead
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-1 05:42:17 CNN:紐約市長白思豪定性為恐怖襲擊
關愛座hunter 2017-11-1 09:33:30
關愛座hunter 2017-11-1 10:30:18
y4t7sds12 2017-11-1 13:08:53 Liberal senator Stephen Parry has confirmed he is a British citizen and will now resign from the Parliament.

Yesterday, Senator Parry revealed he had doubts about his citizenship status because his father was born in the UK, and emigrated to Australia in the 1950s.

He has now released a statement saying the British Home Office confirmed he is a citizen by virtue of his father's birthplace.


Filibuster_HK 2017-11-1 13:11:12
Liberal senator Stephen Parry has confirmed he is a British citizen and will now resign from the Parliament.

Yesterday, Senator Parry revealed he had doubts about his citizenship status because his father was born in the UK, and emigrated to Australia in the 1950s.

He has now released a statement saying the British Home Office confirmed he is a citizen by virtue of his father's birthplace.

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-1 16:10:34
Liberal senator Stephen Parry has confirmed he is a British citizen and will now resign from the Parliament.

Yesterday, Senator Parry revealed he had doubts about his citizenship status because his father was born in the UK, and emigrated to Australia in the 1950s.

He has now released a statement saying the British Home Office confirmed he is a citizen by virtue of his father's birthplace.


Archaeologist 2017-11-1 19:23:59
Liberal senator Stephen Parry has confirmed he is a British citizen and will now resign from the Parliament.

Yesterday, Senator Parry revealed he had doubts about his citizenship status because his father was born in the UK, and emigrated to Australia in the 1950s.

He has now released a statement saying the British Home Office confirmed he is a citizen by virtue of his father's birthplace.


Barnaby仲話想推自己National party既人上去做Senate President
leader同deputy leader一次過比人disqualified,
搞到政府無左deputy PM,
自己黨無人夠料上位,但係又唔肯比liberal放Julia Bishop做住副手先
仲有最重要最重要,因為佢既錯而令到政府變左做minority government

btw家下班backbenchers傾緊可能動議full audit, 所有MP同Senator都要查家底
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-11-1 23:05:58 NYC terror suspect seemed 'proud' of attack, official says