LIHKG 【波譎雲詭】國際時事政治選舉集中理性討論區
y4t7sds12 2017-10-28 13:20:49 如果無人理中央政府命令 無票站


濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-28 13:23:06
如果無人理中央政府命令 無票站

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-28 14:13:21 Los equipos, a la expectativa

“La intención del Barça es seguir jugando la Liga, la participación que está garantizada. La viabilidad pasa por continuar con este vínculo”. Así se manifestó el pasado sábado el presidente blaugrana, Josep Maria Bartomeu, durante la asamblea de compromisarios del club. Esta semana, otros equipos, como el Nàstic también se han posicionado en esa línea. ¿Pero los clubs catalanes podrán seguir jugando en las ligas españolas? Todavía es muy pronto para dar una respuesta a esta pregunta. Los equipos de Catalunya se mantienen a la expectativa de la situación. En este sentido el Barcelona optó ayer por no redactar ningún comunicado mientras el Club Patí Vic daba su apoyo a la proclamación de independencia efectuada en el Parlament.

Google Translate: "The intention of Barça is to continue playing the League, the participation that is guaranteed. Viability means continuing with this link. " This was stated last Saturday the president Blaugrana, Josep Maria Bartomeu, during the assembly of delegates of the club. This week, other teams, such as Nàstic have also positioned themselves in that line. But the Catalan clubs will be able to continue playing in the Spanish leagues? It is still too early to give an answer to this question. The teams of Catalunya are kept in the expectation of the situation. In this sense, Barcelona opted yesterday not to write any statement while the Club Patí Vic gave its support to the proclamation of independence made in the Parliament.
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-28 15:03:10 肯亞總統重選引發嚴重衝突,迫使選舉委員會暫停投票

Kenya election: Deadly clashes between police and protesters halt voting as tensions rise

Turnout in Kenya's election rerun at 33%, down from 80% in last vote
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-28 16:32:10 Los reales decretos, cuyas medidas fueron autorizadas ayer viernes por el Senado, incluyen además el cese de distintos altos cargos de la Generalitat de Catalunya, así como la orden del Ministerio del Interior, de 28 de octubre, por la que se dispone el cese de Josep Lluís Trapero como mayor de Mossos d'Esquadra, cargo para el que fue nombrado el 11 de abril.

Google Translate: The royal decrees, whose measures were authorized yesterday by the Senate, also include the dismissal of various senior officials of the Generalitat de Catalunya, as well as the order of the Ministry of the Interior, dated October 28, which provides for the cessation of Josep Lluís Trapero as mayor of Mossos d'Esquadra, position for which he was appointed on April 11.
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-28 16:45:41 檢察部門將於禮拜一向最高法院呈交起訴,自治區主席最高可被判監禁三十年

La Fiscalía presentará el lunes ante el Supremo la querella contra Puigdemont

La Fiscalía General del Estado tiene redactada la querella por el delito de rebelión contra el president de la Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, y todos los miembros del Govern desde hace diez días. En el texto se preveía dirigir también la acusación contra los miembros de la Mesa que apoyaran la declaración unilateral de independencia (DUI), e incluso los diputados que la suscribieran. Ante la gravedad del delito y de la pena prevista en el Código Penal –hasta 30 años de prisión– y dado el papel de liderazgo de Puigdemont en todo el proceso de ruptura, se contemplaba la petición de prisión. La decisión final sobre el mantenimiento o no de esta solicitud en el texto que se presente, el lunes, la tomará el fiscal general del Estado, José Manuel Maza, obviamente con conocimiento del Gobierno.

Google Translate: The Attorney General's Office has drafted the complaint for the crime of rebellion against the president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, and all members of the Government for ten days. The text also envisaged directing the accusation against the members of the Bureau that supported the unilateral declaration of independence (DUI), and even the deputies that signed it. Given the seriousness of the crime and the punishment provided for in the Penal Code - up to 30 years in prison - and given the leadership role of Puigdemont in the whole process of rupture, the request for imprisonment was contemplated. The final decision on the maintenance or not of this request in the text that is presented, on Monday, will be taken by the Attorney General of the State, José Manuel Maza, obviously with the Government's knowledge.
吉高由里子 2017-10-28 18:41:46 加泰班差佬真係會支持馬德里政府

y4t7sds12 2017-10-28 20:01:01 2030HKT: Puigdemont to speak
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-28 20:07:31
2030HKT: Puigdemont to speak

euronews English - Live
y4t7sds12 2017-10-28 20:35:21 Puigdemont: "The best way to defend ourselves is democratic opposition to article 155" as enacted yesterday by the Spanish government.
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-28 21:12:52 Puigdemont llama a los catalanes a mantener una "oposición democrática" a 155

Carles Puigdemont, que no se da por cesado como presidente de la Generalitat, ha pedido "paciencia, perseverancia y perspectiva" a los catalanes para "defender las conquistas conseguidas hasta hoy" y mantener una "oposición democrática" a la aplicación del artículo 155 de la Constitución.

Puigdemont calls on the Catalans to maintain a "democratic opposition" to 155

Carles Puigdemont, who has not ceased to be president of the Generalitat, has asked for "patience, perseverance and perspective" for the Catalans to "defend the gains achieved until today" and maintain a "democratic opposition" to the application of article 155 of the Constitution.


濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-28 21:49:21 Donald Trump visit sees China’s US ambassador delay retirement

Generational reshuffle put on hold as Cui Tiankai stays in Washington in lead-up to US president’s maiden China trip
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-28 22:37:16 Foreign Ministry reiterates its position on Catalonia

Ljubljana, 27 October - Commenting on the Catalan parliament declaring independence and the Senate of Spain subsequently deciding to temporarily strip Catalonia of its autonomy, the Foreign Ministry reiterated its position in saying that it advocated the right of nations for self-determination, which must be expressed and executed democratically.
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-29 11:12:23 Iceland election: Ruling party ahead in early results

Iceland's main centre-right party looks set to remain the largest in a snap election called after a scandal over a paedophile toppled the coalition. Despite slight losses, PM Bjarni Benediktsson's Independence Party is ahead of the Left-Green Movement.

But with other coalition parties losing ground it was still unclear who would get the mandate to form a government. Iceland's second snap election in a year was held amid deep voter distrust, despite a thriving economy.

The row that brought down the government erupted after it emerged that Mr Benediktsson's father had written a letter saying the paedophile should have his "honour restored". Most of the parties say investment is needed in welfare, infrastructure and tourism but disagree about how to fund it.

Early results suggest:

The Independence Party has more than 25% of the votes. It has said it wants to fund infrastructure spending by taking money out of the banking sector. It has been part of every ruling coalition since 1980, except during the 2009-2013 economic crisis

The Left-Green Movement is on 17%. Led by 41-year-old Katrín Jakobsdóttir, it wants to use the country's economic boom to fund investment and restore trust in government

The Social Democratic Alliance is on course to almost double its vote share with 13%, potentially giving it a key role in coalition talks

The furore over Mr Benediktsson's father's letter relates to an old Icelandic system allowing convicts to have certain civil rights restored if three letters of recommendation from persons of good character are provided.

Icelanders were furious at the secret backing for Hjalti Sigurjón Hauksson - convicted in 2004 of raping his stepdaughter almost every day for 12 years from when she was five. He served a five-and-a-half-year jail term.

The government has also been accused of an attempted cover-up after it refused to disclose who had written the letter of recommendation. The Bright Future party said it was quitting the three-party coalition over the "serious breach of trust". It now appears likely to lose all of its four seats.

The island of 340,000 people was one of the countries hit hardest by the 2008 financial crisis but has turned its economy around by focussing on tourism.

Last year a tax haven scandal forced the then prime minister to resign. Leaked information from Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca showed at the time that PM Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson owned an offshore company with his wife, but had not declared it. Mr Gunnlaugsson has denied wrongdoing and is standing in the current election with his new Centre Party.
y4t7sds12 2017-10-29 12:43:38 Queenslanders will go to the polls on November 25.

Campaigning is already underway, just hours after Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk visited Government House to ask the acting Governor to dissolve Parliament
關愛座hunter 2017-10-29 12:44:24 support
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-29 14:33:01 冰島國會選舉初步結果

獨立 16席
左綠 11席
社民 8席
進步 8席
中間 6席
海盜 6席
人民 4席
改革 4席
關愛座hunter 2017-10-29 15:46:31 下午好
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-29 16:14:16

獨立 16席
左綠 11席
社民 7
進步 8席
中間 7
海盜 6席
人民 4席
改革 4席

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-29 16:25:12 愛西力

Últimas noticias sobre la independencia de Catalunya y la aplicación del artículo 155, en directo: Societat Civil Catalana (SCC) ha convocado para este domingo una manifestación en Barcelona, en apoyo a la "necesaria" aplicación del artículo 155 de la Constitución.

Según ha informado Societat Civil Catalana en un comunicado, la manifestación "a favor de la democracia, la convivencia y el diálogo dentro de la ley" discurrirá por el paseo de Gracia, dos días después del pleno del Senado en el que se aprobaron las medidas anunciadas por el Gobierno en aplicación del 155.

Según la entidad, "la aplicación del artículo 155 garantiza el autogobierno en Catalunya y en este momento es una medida necesaria para que se respete el Estado de derecho y las leyes".

Google Translate: Latest news about the independence of Catalonia and the application of article 155, live: Societat Civil Catalana (SCC) has called for a demonstration in Barcelona this Sunday, in support of the "necessary" application of article 155 of the Constitution.

As reported by Societat Civil Catalana in a statement, the demonstration "in favor of democracy, coexistence and dialogue within the law" will run through Paseo de Gracia, two days after the plenary session of the Senate in which the measures were approved announced by the Government in application of 155.

According to the entity, "the application of Article 155 guarantees self-government in Catalonia and at this time is a necessary measure to respect the rule of law and laws."
y4t7sds12 2017-10-29 18:39:26 International Trade minister Mark Garnier will be investigated over a possible breach of ministerial rules after he admitted asking a former aide to buy sex toys.

The Cabinet Office will probe whether the Wyre Forest MP broke the Ministerial Code after he confirmed allegations made by his former secretary, including that he called her "sugar t***".

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt confirmed the investigation on BBC One's Andrew Marr Show.

Sex Scandal?


濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-29 18:46:04
International Trade minister Mark Garnier will be investigated over a possible breach of ministerial rules after he admitted asking a former aide to buy sex toys.

The Cabinet Office will probe whether the Wyre Forest MP broke the Ministerial Code after he confirmed allegations made by his former secretary, including that he called her "sugar t***".

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt confirmed the investigation on BBC One's Andrew Marr Show.

Sex Scandal?

上埋Andrew Marr
關愛座hunter 2017-10-29 18:52:29
尼米茲號 2017-10-29 18:58:03 此回覆已被刪除
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-10-29 19:06:43

