公司網頁設計最值錢唔係UI ,而係 ...
花生大亨 2017-10-13 13:25:57
基本上,如果要seo ranking 做得好,因為agency 既link building 係最有效。

講真,link building效果大不如前

而家對inbound link既質素都好高要求

又要用返當頁既keywords去followed link比你
仲要唔同domain +唔同IP block先有效


好多agency都係係D content farm 9 hea條link比人
就算外國好勁既都唔係好多高汁link build到出來

Google而家最建議既係你build real content

所以有D專做content marketing先有得玩
就係D人用來玩content marketing


講真,link building效果大不如前? 外國可能係, 但local 我可以好肯定甘講, link build 仲有用,只係你個PBN有問題。
我個PBN 個Avg. DR 得4X , 推一個星期個web 都由無ranking 變到top 3 pages.

BTW, .gov同.edu既inbound 加成光環收左皮好耐。無咩分別。

其實做SEO果D Agency都會話自己推到第幾頁第幾頁
搵D long tail keywords又low value既keywords推到上top 3 pages

Final都係要睇個origin search有無升到先係叫有結果

觀塘大把個D 19 agency, 入面做過幾年, 你問我答



食水深唔深其實好睇個client 既間公司, 呢行始終海鮮價。
不過間Agency 係咪19, 睇佢份monthly report就知

long-tail keywords 都還好, 最慘既係同你做brand term keywords.
都on9, 唔駛做都上到, 甘又食你幾皮一個月

link building最貴收人幾錢一條link?

一舨黎講, agency 唔會同你講link building. 佢地自己有個PBN, 而呢個PBN 佢地亦唔會對外公佈。所以, 係唔存在幾錢一條link。 佢地個KPI 係, 你pick 20 隻字, contract period 入面, 上到某個%, 就當達到個KPI.

不過坊間高質link building 好似5 - 10 蚊條
用機mass build 另計



勁, 要用到DA 60+
BTW, 個人唔覺得DA30 同DA60+ 有咩分別


綠帽超人 2017-10-13 13:27:16 留名學野!!!!
望勾勾生鳩鳩 2017-10-13 13:32:32
其實有好多時啲客喺網頁 FB 見完你廣告
就會用依稀記憶search 返你 company or products
Seo 唔好少好多 leads

落下廣告 推seo 咁解?

好少人睇完 FB 會即刻買
會做下 research 先
或者手機見到返屋企用返 desktop 搵
(90%+ social ads are served to mobile devices)
你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

好多時啲人用 last click conversion model 會 overvalue search conversions 因為 typically social and display ads 係 upper funnel, search and email 係 lower funnel
但 search and emails are often supported by paid advertising. 有唔少 case studies 試過以為 YouTube 廣告冇效 單靠 organic search and email 就夠。一cut paid 就影響埋 organic search
用 data driven (or time decay, etc)會 assign 到比較 fair 嘅 credit across the marketing channels
所以大家應該唔好再用 last click

同埋呢啲嘢幾 industry dependent. 個 conversion path etc 同 optimal look back window 可以好唔同

屌你老母 一係你就全英啦
方珈(Angel) 2017-10-13 13:43:16 Link building 係咪即係其他網站貼你黎link嘅做法

用唔同Facebook account 貼
柴田ミチコ 2017-10-13 13:47:15
其實有好多時啲客喺網頁 FB 見完你廣告
就會用依稀記憶search 返你 company or products
Seo 唔好少好多 leads

落下廣告 推seo 咁解?

好少人睇完 FB 會即刻買
會做下 research 先
或者手機見到返屋企用返 desktop 搵
(90%+ social ads are served to mobile devices)
你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

好多時啲人用 last click conversion model 會 overvalue search conversions 因為 typically social and display ads 係 upper funnel, search and email 係 lower funnel
但 search and emails are often supported by paid advertising. 有唔少 case studies 試過以為 YouTube 廣告冇效 單靠 organic search and email 就夠。一cut paid 就影響埋 organic search
用 data driven (or time decay, etc)會 assign 到比較 fair 嘅 credit across the marketing channels
所以大家應該唔好再用 last click

同埋呢啲嘢幾 industry dependent. 個 conversion path etc 同 optimal look back window 可以好唔同

屌你老母 一係你就全英啦


例如 time decay attribution model 中文係乜

花生大亨 2017-10-13 14:00:21
Link building 係咪即係其他網站貼你黎link嘅做法

用唔同Facebook account 貼

only dofollow 既 link 先會計數
Facebook 同forum 就算吧啦, Facebook 落左No Follow
Forum 好多時 一刪 post 就變左條link 死左, 變相無意思
柴田ミチコ 2017-10-13 14:02:24
Link building 係咪即係其他網站貼你黎link嘅做法

用唔同Facebook account 貼

only dofollow 既 link 先會計數
Facebook 同forum 就算吧啦, Facebook 落左No Follow
Forum 好多時 一刪 post 就變左條link 死左, 變相無意思

連登都應該要 nofollow 廢事咁多人放廣告
花生大亨 2017-10-13 14:08:26
其實有好多時啲客喺網頁 FB 見完你廣告
就會用依稀記憶search 返你 company or products
Seo 唔好少好多 leads

落下廣告 推seo 咁解?

好少人睇完 FB 會即刻買
會做下 research 先
或者手機見到返屋企用返 desktop 搵
(90%+ social ads are served to mobile devices)
你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

好多時啲人用 last click conversion model 會 overvalue search conversions 因為 typically social and display ads 係 upper funnel, search and email 係 lower funnel
但 search and emails are often supported by paid advertising. 有唔少 case studies 試過以為 YouTube 廣告冇效 單靠 organic search and email 就夠。一cut paid 就影響埋 organic search
用 data driven (or time decay, etc)會 assign 到比較 fair 嘅 credit across the marketing channels
所以大家應該唔好再用 last click

同埋呢啲嘢幾 industry dependent. 個 conversion path etc 同 optimal look back window 可以好唔同

屌你老母 一係你就全英啦

SEO 同paid search 係分開的

你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

你個landing 廢, paid ads 會冇咁有效
花生大亨 2017-10-13 14:15:40
其實有好多時啲客喺網頁 FB 見完你廣告
就會用依稀記憶search 返你 company or products
Seo 唔好少好多 leads

落下廣告 推seo 咁解?

好少人睇完 FB 會即刻買
會做下 research 先
或者手機見到返屋企用返 desktop 搵
(90%+ social ads are served to mobile devices)
你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

好多時啲人用 last click conversion model 會 overvalue search conversions 因為 typically social and display ads 係 upper funnel, search and email 係 lower funnel
但 search and emails are often supported by paid advertising. 有唔少 case studies 試過以為 YouTube 廣告冇效 單靠 organic search and email 就夠。一cut paid 就影響埋 organic search
用 data driven (or time decay, etc)會 assign 到比較 fair 嘅 credit across the marketing channels
所以大家應該唔好再用 last click

同埋呢啲嘢幾 industry dependent. 個 conversion path etc 同 optimal look back window 可以好唔同

屌你老母 一係你就全英啦


例如 time decay attribution model 中文係乜


柴田ミチコ 2017-10-13 14:16:51
其實有好多時啲客喺網頁 FB 見完你廣告
就會用依稀記憶search 返你 company or products
Seo 唔好少好多 leads

落下廣告 推seo 咁解?

好少人睇完 FB 會即刻買
會做下 research 先
或者手機見到返屋企用返 desktop 搵
(90%+ social ads are served to mobile devices)
你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

好多時啲人用 last click conversion model 會 overvalue search conversions 因為 typically social and display ads 係 upper funnel, search and email 係 lower funnel
但 search and emails are often supported by paid advertising. 有唔少 case studies 試過以為 YouTube 廣告冇效 單靠 organic search and email 就夠。一cut paid 就影響埋 organic search
用 data driven (or time decay, etc)會 assign 到比較 fair 嘅 credit across the marketing channels
所以大家應該唔好再用 last click

同埋呢啲嘢幾 industry dependent. 個 conversion path etc 同 optimal look back window 可以好唔同

屌你老母 一係你就全英啦

SEO 同paid search 係分開的

你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

你個landing 廢, paid ads 會冇咁有效

我上邊係講 video ads, paid social and display ads
講明唔明人睇住 paid display 之後係靠 search 搵返個網站
Seo 唔好搵唔返就真係畀咗錢去 paid ads 人哋有意返嚟但又搵唔返你就好浪費
Cross device conversion 例子唔少
Mobile 睇到 ads, 返屋企用 desktop search
或者有時間再用 mobile search 返
我地有個新 site 差唔多 0 SEO
First time visitor 得 3% 係 from organic
但 returning 有 25% from organic
所以上邊先講話 social 通常係做 upper funnel search 好多時已有 purchase intent or at least more ready for conversion
毛毛子 2017-10-13 14:16:55 最值錢係IU


玉火鳳凰 2017-10-13 14:18:24 o) 想問有無人有d細心又價錢唔會好貴嘅網頁設計公司推介一下
柴田ミチコ 2017-10-13 14:25:21
o) 想問有無人有d細心又價錢唔會好貴嘅網頁設計公司推介一下

貴未必好 平就多數唔好

SEO 搞錯咗好煩
如 site structure set 得唔好要改要搞大龍鳳
花生大亨 2017-10-13 14:29:53
其實有好多時啲客喺網頁 FB 見完你廣告
就會用依稀記憶search 返你 company or products
Seo 唔好少好多 leads

落下廣告 推seo 咁解?

好少人睇完 FB 會即刻買
會做下 research 先
或者手機見到返屋企用返 desktop 搵
(90%+ social ads are served to mobile devices)
你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

好多時啲人用 last click conversion model 會 overvalue search conversions 因為 typically social and display ads 係 upper funnel, search and email 係 lower funnel
但 search and emails are often supported by paid advertising. 有唔少 case studies 試過以為 YouTube 廣告冇效 單靠 organic search and email 就夠。一cut paid 就影響埋 organic search
用 data driven (or time decay, etc)會 assign 到比較 fair 嘅 credit across the marketing channels
所以大家應該唔好再用 last click

同埋呢啲嘢幾 industry dependent. 個 conversion path etc 同 optimal look back window 可以好唔同

屌你老母 一係你就全英啦

SEO 同paid search 係分開的

你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

你個landing 廢, paid ads 會冇咁有效

我上邊係講 video ads, paid social and display ads
講明唔明人睇住 paid display 之後係靠 search 搵返個網站
Seo 唔好搵唔返就真係畀咗錢去 paid ads 人哋有意返嚟但又搵唔返你就好浪費
Cross device conversion 例子唔少
Mobile 睇到 ads, 返屋企用 desktop search
或者有時間再用 mobile search 返
我地有個新 site 差唔多 0 SEO
First time visitor 得 3% 係 from organic
但 returning 有 25% from organic
所以上邊先講話 social 通常係做 upper funnel search 好多時已有 purchase intent or at least more ready for conversion

你 returning visitor from organic 係咩 keywords 入黎?
花生大亨 2017-10-13 14:40:36
其實有好多時啲客喺網頁 FB 見完你廣告
就會用依稀記憶search 返你 company or products
Seo 唔好少好多 leads

落下廣告 推seo 咁解?

好少人睇完 FB 會即刻買
會做下 research 先
或者手機見到返屋企用返 desktop 搵
(90%+ social ads are served to mobile devices)
你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

好多時啲人用 last click conversion model 會 overvalue search conversions 因為 typically social and display ads 係 upper funnel, search and email 係 lower funnel
但 search and emails are often supported by paid advertising. 有唔少 case studies 試過以為 YouTube 廣告冇效 單靠 organic search and email 就夠。一cut paid 就影響埋 organic search
用 data driven (or time decay, etc)會 assign 到比較 fair 嘅 credit across the marketing channels
所以大家應該唔好再用 last click

同埋呢啲嘢幾 industry dependent. 個 conversion path etc 同 optimal look back window 可以好唔同

屌你老母 一係你就全英啦

SEO 同paid search 係分開的

你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

你個landing 廢, paid ads 會冇咁有效

我上邊係講 video ads, paid social and display ads
講明唔明人睇住 paid display 之後係靠 search 搵返個網站
Seo 唔好搵唔返就真係畀咗錢去 paid ads 人哋有意返嚟但又搵唔返你就好浪費
Cross device conversion 例子唔少
Mobile 睇到 ads, 返屋企用 desktop search
或者有時間再用 mobile search 返
我地有個新 site 差唔多 0 SEO
First time visitor 得 3% 係 from organic
但 returning 有 25% from organic
所以上邊先講話 social 通常係做 upper funnel search 好多時已有 purchase intent or at least more ready for conversion

你 returning visitor from organic 係咩 keywords 入黎?

Sorry, 我 1999

「你 SEO 唔好 ,你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效」
由於前句係因(SEO), 後句係果(Paid Search) ,
SEO 既排名, 係唔會對Paid Search 既表現有影響

但相反, 下面個句就成立:
「你 Paid ads 唔好 ,你啲 SEO 會冇咁有效」
因為好多時 SEO 係會由Paid Search 搵關鍵字再再再去做內容
柴田ミチコ 2017-10-13 14:41:37
其實有好多時啲客喺網頁 FB 見完你廣告
就會用依稀記憶search 返你 company or products
Seo 唔好少好多 leads

落下廣告 推seo 咁解?

好少人睇完 FB 會即刻買
會做下 research 先
或者手機見到返屋企用返 desktop 搵
(90%+ social ads are served to mobile devices)
你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

好多時啲人用 last click conversion model 會 overvalue search conversions 因為 typically social and display ads 係 upper funnel, search and email 係 lower funnel
但 search and emails are often supported by paid advertising. 有唔少 case studies 試過以為 YouTube 廣告冇效 單靠 organic search and email 就夠。一cut paid 就影響埋 organic search
用 data driven (or time decay, etc)會 assign 到比較 fair 嘅 credit across the marketing channels
所以大家應該唔好再用 last click

同埋呢啲嘢幾 industry dependent. 個 conversion path etc 同 optimal look back window 可以好唔同

屌你老母 一係你就全英啦

SEO 同paid search 係分開的

你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

你個landing 廢, paid ads 會冇咁有效

我上邊係講 video ads, paid social and display ads
講明唔明人睇住 paid display 之後係靠 search 搵返個網站
Seo 唔好搵唔返就真係畀咗錢去 paid ads 人哋有意返嚟但又搵唔返你就好浪費
Cross device conversion 例子唔少
Mobile 睇到 ads, 返屋企用 desktop search
或者有時間再用 mobile search 返
我地有個新 site 差唔多 0 SEO
First time visitor 得 3% 係 from organic
但 returning 有 25% from organic
所以上邊先講話 social 通常係做 upper funnel search 好多時已有 purchase intent or at least more ready for conversion

你 returning visitor from organic 係咩 keywords 入黎?

Branded keywords
因為數都唔細 first visitor 非常少 organic
所以佢哋一定之前係經 paid ads 入
First time visitor 80% paid display or social
花生大亨 2017-10-13 14:47:33
其實有好多時啲客喺網頁 FB 見完你廣告
就會用依稀記憶search 返你 company or products
Seo 唔好少好多 leads

落下廣告 推seo 咁解?

好少人睇完 FB 會即刻買
會做下 research 先
或者手機見到返屋企用返 desktop 搵
(90%+ social ads are served to mobile devices)
你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

好多時啲人用 last click conversion model 會 overvalue search conversions 因為 typically social and display ads 係 upper funnel, search and email 係 lower funnel
但 search and emails are often supported by paid advertising. 有唔少 case studies 試過以為 YouTube 廣告冇效 單靠 organic search and email 就夠。一cut paid 就影響埋 organic search
用 data driven (or time decay, etc)會 assign 到比較 fair 嘅 credit across the marketing channels
所以大家應該唔好再用 last click

同埋呢啲嘢幾 industry dependent. 個 conversion path etc 同 optimal look back window 可以好唔同

屌你老母 一係你就全英啦

SEO 同paid search 係分開的

你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

你個landing 廢, paid ads 會冇咁有效

我上邊係講 video ads, paid social and display ads
講明唔明人睇住 paid display 之後係靠 search 搵返個網站
Seo 唔好搵唔返就真係畀咗錢去 paid ads 人哋有意返嚟但又搵唔返你就好浪費
Cross device conversion 例子唔少
Mobile 睇到 ads, 返屋企用 desktop search
或者有時間再用 mobile search 返
我地有個新 site 差唔多 0 SEO
First time visitor 得 3% 係 from organic
但 returning 有 25% from organic
所以上邊先講話 social 通常係做 upper funnel search 好多時已有 purchase intent or at least more ready for conversion

你 returning visitor from organic 係咩 keywords 入黎?

Branded keywords
因為數都唔細 first visitor 非常少 organic
所以佢哋一定之前係經 paid ads 入
First time visitor 80% paid display or social

但你不如試下再界埋landing 同入google search console 睇keywords, 可以再準D
另外, 可以試下用新既 keyword hero 去睇not provided keywords
柴田ミチコ 2017-10-13 14:48:15

落下廣告 推seo 咁解?

好少人睇完 FB 會即刻買
會做下 research 先
或者手機見到返屋企用返 desktop 搵
(90%+ social ads are served to mobile devices)
你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

好多時啲人用 last click conversion model 會 overvalue search conversions 因為 typically social and display ads 係 upper funnel, search and email 係 lower funnel
但 search and emails are often supported by paid advertising. 有唔少 case studies 試過以為 YouTube 廣告冇效 單靠 organic search and email 就夠。一cut paid 就影響埋 organic search
用 data driven (or time decay, etc)會 assign 到比較 fair 嘅 credit across the marketing channels
所以大家應該唔好再用 last click

同埋呢啲嘢幾 industry dependent. 個 conversion path etc 同 optimal look back window 可以好唔同

屌你老母 一係你就全英啦

SEO 同paid search 係分開的

你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

你個landing 廢, paid ads 會冇咁有效

我上邊係講 video ads, paid social and display ads
講明唔明人睇住 paid display 之後係靠 search 搵返個網站
Seo 唔好搵唔返就真係畀咗錢去 paid ads 人哋有意返嚟但又搵唔返你就好浪費
Cross device conversion 例子唔少
Mobile 睇到 ads, 返屋企用 desktop search
或者有時間再用 mobile search 返
我地有個新 site 差唔多 0 SEO
First time visitor 得 3% 係 from organic
但 returning 有 25% from organic
所以上邊先講話 social 通常係做 upper funnel search 好多時已有 purchase intent or at least more ready for conversion

你 returning visitor from organic 係咩 keywords 入黎?

Sorry, 我 1999

「你 SEO 唔好 ,你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效」
由於前句係因(SEO), 後句係果(Paid Search) ,
SEO 既排名, 係唔會對Paid Search 既表現有影響

但相反, 下面個句就成立:
「你 Paid ads 唔好 ,你啲 SEO 會冇咁有效」
因為好多時 SEO 係會由Paid Search 搵關鍵字再再再去做內容

你seo 唔好
有人想返嚟搵返你都搵唔到 咪浪費咗 Paid ads 囉
好少人第一次經 paid 就入嚟 convert 至少我呢行 purchase cycle typically around 3 months from paid to conversion
你啲 paid ads generate 咗 leads (searches) 但人哋又搵你唔到 甚至去咗 competition 度 你咪浪費咗 paid
而個 attribution model
Paid 唔 paid search 冇關係
因為我哋 paid organic 都會做
大概 50 50 paid and organic

Paid ads 我指 display ads native ads Facebook carousel ads YouTube true view ads etc not AdWords
我睇 integrated channel mix 唔係單睇 search
柴田ミチコ 2017-10-13 14:50:32

好少人睇完 FB 會即刻買
會做下 research 先
或者手機見到返屋企用返 desktop 搵
(90%+ social ads are served to mobile devices)
你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

好多時啲人用 last click conversion model 會 overvalue search conversions 因為 typically social and display ads 係 upper funnel, search and email 係 lower funnel
但 search and emails are often supported by paid advertising. 有唔少 case studies 試過以為 YouTube 廣告冇效 單靠 organic search and email 就夠。一cut paid 就影響埋 organic search
用 data driven (or time decay, etc)會 assign 到比較 fair 嘅 credit across the marketing channels
所以大家應該唔好再用 last click

同埋呢啲嘢幾 industry dependent. 個 conversion path etc 同 optimal look back window 可以好唔同

屌你老母 一係你就全英啦

SEO 同paid search 係分開的

你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

你個landing 廢, paid ads 會冇咁有效

我上邊係講 video ads, paid social and display ads
講明唔明人睇住 paid display 之後係靠 search 搵返個網站
Seo 唔好搵唔返就真係畀咗錢去 paid ads 人哋有意返嚟但又搵唔返你就好浪費
Cross device conversion 例子唔少
Mobile 睇到 ads, 返屋企用 desktop search
或者有時間再用 mobile search 返
我地有個新 site 差唔多 0 SEO
First time visitor 得 3% 係 from organic
但 returning 有 25% from organic
所以上邊先講話 social 通常係做 upper funnel search 好多時已有 purchase intent or at least more ready for conversion

你 returning visitor from organic 係咩 keywords 入黎?

Branded keywords
因為數都唔細 first visitor 非常少 organic
所以佢哋一定之前係經 paid ads 入
First time visitor 80% paid display or social

但你不如試下再界埋landing 同入google search console 睇keywords, 可以再準D
另外, 可以試下用新既 keyword hero 去睇not provided keywords

我哋個 site 多 video and interactive content. 三月先 launch 冇 SEO
主要係 supported by paid
我覺得係 on9 但又唔到我呢啲妹妹仔出聲
個 campaign 其實麻麻
個 search agency on99
花生大亨 2017-10-13 15:04:01

落下廣告 推seo 咁解?

好少人睇完 FB 會即刻買
會做下 research 先
或者手機見到返屋企用返 desktop 搵
(90%+ social ads are served to mobile devices)
你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

好多時啲人用 last click conversion model 會 overvalue search conversions 因為 typically social and display ads 係 upper funnel, search and email 係 lower funnel
但 search and emails are often supported by paid advertising. 有唔少 case studies 試過以為 YouTube 廣告冇效 單靠 organic search and email 就夠。一cut paid 就影響埋 organic search
用 data driven (or time decay, etc)會 assign 到比較 fair 嘅 credit across the marketing channels
所以大家應該唔好再用 last click

同埋呢啲嘢幾 industry dependent. 個 conversion path etc 同 optimal look back window 可以好唔同

屌你老母 一係你就全英啦

SEO 同paid search 係分開的

你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

你個landing 廢, paid ads 會冇咁有效

我上邊係講 video ads, paid social and display ads
講明唔明人睇住 paid display 之後係靠 search 搵返個網站
Seo 唔好搵唔返就真係畀咗錢去 paid ads 人哋有意返嚟但又搵唔返你就好浪費
Cross device conversion 例子唔少
Mobile 睇到 ads, 返屋企用 desktop search
或者有時間再用 mobile search 返
我地有個新 site 差唔多 0 SEO
First time visitor 得 3% 係 from organic
但 returning 有 25% from organic
所以上邊先講話 social 通常係做 upper funnel search 好多時已有 purchase intent or at least more ready for conversion

你 returning visitor from organic 係咩 keywords 入黎?

Sorry, 我 1999

「你 SEO 唔好 ,你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效」
由於前句係因(SEO), 後句係果(Paid Search) ,
SEO 既排名, 係唔會對Paid Search 既表現有影響

但相反, 下面個句就成立:
「你 Paid ads 唔好 ,你啲 SEO 會冇咁有效」
因為好多時 SEO 係會由Paid Search 搵關鍵字再再再去做內容

你seo 唔好
有人想返嚟搵返你都搵唔到 咪浪費咗 Paid ads 囉
好少人第一次經 paid 就入嚟 convert 至少我呢行 purchase cycle typically around 3 months from paid to conversion
你啲 paid ads generate 咗 leads (searches) 但人哋又搵你唔到 甚至去咗 competition 度 你咪浪費咗 paid
而個 attribution model
Paid 唔 paid search 冇關係
因為我哋 paid organic 都會做
大概 50 50 paid and organic

Paid ads 我指 display ads native ads Facebook carousel ads YouTube true view ads etc not AdWords
我睇 integrated channel mix 唔係單睇 search

你係performance 個角度出發
我係 algorithm 個角度出發

基於paid search 既 成本每年上漲, 假設你每隻lead 既利潤不變, 又唔係隻隻ad 做到conversion, 甘你D Paid ads 真係浪費緊
玉火鳳凰 2017-10-13 15:13:05
o) 想問有無人有d細心又價錢唔會好貴嘅網頁設計公司推介一下

貴未必好 平就多數唔好

SEO 搞錯咗好煩
如 site structure set 得唔好要改要搞大龍鳳

報過價 見市面1萬至5萬都有
利申 準備緊幫公司整網頁


17月7日晴 2017-10-13 15:16:20 留名學野
★_★ 2017-10-13 15:17:32
o) 想問有無人有d細心又價錢唔會好貴嘅網頁設計公司推介一下

貴未必好 平就多數唔好

SEO 搞錯咗好煩
如 site structure set 得唔好要改要搞大龍鳳

報過價 見市面1萬至5萬都有
利申 準備緊幫公司整網頁


有需要可以簡單講講你公司要咩,等巴絲幫你 estimates.
柴田ミチコ 2017-10-13 15:18:20

屌你老母 一係你就全英啦

SEO 同paid search 係分開的

你 SEO 唔好 你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效

你個landing 廢, paid ads 會冇咁有效

我上邊係講 video ads, paid social and display ads
講明唔明人睇住 paid display 之後係靠 search 搵返個網站
Seo 唔好搵唔返就真係畀咗錢去 paid ads 人哋有意返嚟但又搵唔返你就好浪費
Cross device conversion 例子唔少
Mobile 睇到 ads, 返屋企用 desktop search
或者有時間再用 mobile search 返
我地有個新 site 差唔多 0 SEO
First time visitor 得 3% 係 from organic
但 returning 有 25% from organic
所以上邊先講話 social 通常係做 upper funnel search 好多時已有 purchase intent or at least more ready for conversion

你 returning visitor from organic 係咩 keywords 入黎?

Sorry, 我 1999

「你 SEO 唔好 ,你啲 paid ads 會冇咁有效」
由於前句係因(SEO), 後句係果(Paid Search) ,
SEO 既排名, 係唔會對Paid Search 既表現有影響

但相反, 下面個句就成立:
「你 Paid ads 唔好 ,你啲 SEO 會冇咁有效」
因為好多時 SEO 係會由Paid Search 搵關鍵字再再再去做內容

你seo 唔好
有人想返嚟搵返你都搵唔到 咪浪費咗 Paid ads 囉
好少人第一次經 paid 就入嚟 convert 至少我呢行 purchase cycle typically around 3 months from paid to conversion
你啲 paid ads generate 咗 leads (searches) 但人哋又搵你唔到 甚至去咗 competition 度 你咪浪費咗 paid
而個 attribution model
Paid 唔 paid search 冇關係
因為我哋 paid organic 都會做
大概 50 50 paid and organic

Paid ads 我指 display ads native ads Facebook carousel ads YouTube true view ads etc not AdWords
我睇 integrated channel mix 唔係單睇 search

你係performance 個角度出發
我係 algorithm 個角度出發

基於paid search 既 成本每年上漲, 假設你每隻lead 既利潤不變, 又唔係隻隻ad 做到conversion, 甘你D Paid ads 真係浪費緊

FB 聽講貴咗一倍. Google display 都貴咗唔少
但 google fb rep 又講唔出/唔肯有冇 index 可以做 analysis

年年老細就問點解CPA 又貴咗

我對上老細成日想 cut paid search

我暗示過 it might not be such a great ideas 但我識條鐵咩
★_★ 2017-10-13 15:20:10 Facebook 真係貴左好多,因為太多人落廣告,變左bid貴左。