World's most expensive dram of Scotch was a fake
Carbon dating tests were then carried out by researchers from the University of Oxford, which suggested a 95% probability that the spirit was created between 1970 and 1972.
Further lab tests by Fife-based alcohol analysts Tatlock and Thomson indicated that it was probably a blended Scotch, comprising 60% malt and 40% grain - ruling it out as a single malt.
World's most expensive dram of Scotch was a fake
Carbon dating tests were then carried out by researchers from the University of Oxford, which suggested a 95% probability that the spirit was created between 1970 and 1972.
Further lab tests by Fife-based alcohol analysts Tatlock and Thomson indicated that it was probably a blended Scotch, comprising 60% malt and 40% grain - ruling it out as a single malt.
假到連純麥威都唔係, 你叫支那大作家點落台啊 :^( :^( :^(
World's most expensive dram of Scotch was a fake
Carbon dating tests were then carried out by researchers from the University of Oxford, which suggested a 95% probability that the spirit was created between 1970 and 1972.
Further lab tests by Fife-based alcohol analysts Tatlock and Thomson indicated that it was probably a blended Scotch, comprising 60% malt and 40% grain - ruling it out as a single malt.
假到連純麥威都唔係, 你叫支那大作家點落台啊 :^( :^( :^(
之前仲咁強硬講真 :^(
:^( :^(
11 年1st fill 白酒桶 過一年virgin oak冇我想像中嘅清新果味 反而係類似雪莉桶嘅乾果 焦糖甜 同埋少少肉味 :^( :^(
成日有得甫bar飲IB :^(
香港地 威bar去得過既唔多既
依枝真係麻麻地,吸精試過 :^(