性偽合而天下治 2018-11-15 14:27:51 愛上火車


薛丁格的罐頭 2018-11-15 14:28:14 ?
HE7601 2018-11-15 14:53:45 港鐵荒謬火警 阿婆北角站燒衣紙:我拜神啫
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
間桐櫻 2018-11-15 16:41:37

薛丁格的罐頭 2018-11-15 17:33:14 冇噤過鐘何來彈鐘?
AGV Alstorm自己整畀意大利NTV,未有雙層;SNCF想繼續要動力集中,所以出 Avelia Horizon

In some cases, he says it is likely that technologies used for the past 30 years will be retained because they remain the most suitable solution. In others it is conceivable that the train will adopt technologies pioneered in Alstom’s previous high-speed offerings such as AGV and Pendolino, or even Speedelia, the concept developed for an Italian high-speed tender, which Bombardier and AnsaldoBreda (now Hitachi Rail Italy) won in 2010.

Tessier adds that while Avelia is its next-generation train, these earlier platforms are not necessarily defunct in their own right, and depending on the contract, they might still be offered.

“When you look at the market and the contracts that have been won for high-speed and very high-speed around the world – in Spain, with Amtrak, and in Saudi Arabia – they were all push-pull configurations,” Tessier says. “There is a market for different configurations, but for AGV we will see. We have not been in a position to offer this train very often.”

“We have used a lot of our experience with locomotives to dramatically reduce the cost of the power cars,” Tessier reveals. “We have moved from having a lateral corridor within the power cars to a central corridor, and the traction equipment is a lot smaller and a lot quieter than in today’s power cars. The traction system for Avelia Horizon is much closer to what we have on our locomotives, which means it will perform better and be more efficient than on the trains we have today. We are using an evolution of power electronics and an IGBT traction system to ensure it is up-to-date. We already have permanent magnet motors on AGV, and investigated whether to use them on Avelia Horizon, but we decided in the end not to do so.”
間桐櫻 2018-11-15 18:19:20 哦...
薛丁格的罐頭 2018-11-15 19:24:28 講幾句技術先:
> 新幹線
Fastech 360Z 試過PMSM,暫時高速鐵路主流重係 induction motor,N700S冇變
啱啱InnoTrans 2018 showcase Velaro Novo 先有PMSM
E331動力分散用晒 Jacobs bogie 同PMSM,眾所鳩知前者同個下場有關
Guideway_Bus 2018-11-15 21:43:45 淨係得意大利先用到
薛丁格的罐頭 2018-11-18 04:30:36 Virgin Trains USA formed by Virgin Group and Brightline
Virgin Trains East Coast. USA
哈力馬龍 2018-11-18 22:12:09 有冇咩講 signalling 嘅書推介?
Modern Signalling Handbook (5th edition) 掂唔掂?
哈力馬龍 2018-11-19 23:05:03 依度冇人睇書


薛丁格的罐頭 2018-11-20 05:26:42 你睇下考IRSE有提嘅是但一本都得喇話
薛丁格的罐頭 2018-11-20 05:36:06 香港又細又封閉你想幾多人睇... 膠talk都未必有人答到你啦
哈力馬龍 2018-11-20 13:57:11 我唔係想考 IRSE membership 喎

google 到啲 reading list 一大堆 textbook,又有啲都唔係集中講 signalling 嘅,要是但揀一本係咪玩我

哈力馬龍 2018-11-20 14:00:41
薛丁格的罐頭 2018-11-21 02:15:27 都係要嚟參考下啫
> 又有啲都唔係集中講 signalling 嘅
香港冇 mainline level crossing 咪應該順便睇埋
薛丁格的罐頭 2018-11-21 02:23:51 Port of Hamburg plans Hyperloop container transport

Hyperloop Pacts with HHLA

Börse Express – Do you need it? Lufthansa and Hamburg Port Company show interest in Hyperloop technology
Guideway_Bus 2018-11-21 13:41:20
哈力馬龍 2018-11-22 00:28:15
月下獨酌二世 2018-11-22 10:00:15 香港段XRL係行乜system
薛丁格的罐頭 2018-11-22 10:56:31 CTCS lv 2&3


月下獨酌二世 2018-11-22 13:01:17 淨睇簡寫都覺得好支那
薛丁格的罐頭 2018-11-22 13:35:30 抄ETCS啫,差在未有埋CRTMS同CTML
哈力馬龍 2018-11-22 13:49:25 CTCS 好似比 ETCS 分多咗幾個 level
哈力馬龍 2018-11-22 14:07:28 原來 CTCS level 0 同 level 1 只係夾硬塞落去,當我冇講過