【連登 商業電台 光明頂 討論區(四)】
出貓唔好太高分 2018-1-4 23:46:41 真係講


薑汁炒芥蘭 2018-1-4 23:50:15
咩得就咩 2018-1-4 23:51:36 未睇darkest hour, 但睇之前the crown果個邱吉爾都做得唔差
薑汁炒芥蘭 2018-1-4 23:56:34 The Crown我無睇

咩得就咩 2018-1-5 00:05:40 The crown 好好睇,有時間可以睇下
薑汁炒芥蘭 2018-1-5 00:07:09
Leftyhandcream 2018-1-5 20:32:35 強烈要求19開一集重溫CHURCHILL其人
血源詛咒 2018-1-5 21:46:14
血源詛咒 2018-1-5 21:50:50 我今次真係認同9淺
咩得就咩 2018-1-5 23:28:33 好多quotes
9錢1心 2018-1-5 23:30:13 [size=4]左膠發功...../size=4]
【神奇】左翼傳媒想知道 點解Twitter唔bam侵侵 侵侵傷害北韓領導人自尊心、厭惡內容、暴力恐嚇

‘Why Isn’t Trump Banned from Twitter?’ The Leftist Media Wants to Know
4 Jan 2018

[#f00919]Left-wing media is up in arms, demanding to know why the President of the United States has not been banned from Twitter.[/#f00919]

Op-eds in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Canada’s second-largest newspaper, the Globe and Mail, have all published op-eds and analyses over the past 24 hours, all tackling the same question of President Trump’s continued presence on the social media platform.

While they have raised the topic before, the latest round of whinging has been prompted by the President’s recent mockery of North Korean leader Kim Jong-nn over the effectiveness of his nuclear arsenal.

[quote] Donald J. Trump


North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
8:49 AM - Jan 3, 2018

[#f00919]An analysis column for the Washington Post suggests that bruising the North Korean leader’s ego might be classified as “hateful conduct”:[/#f00919]

[quote]Whenever the President of the United States tweets something like this, a question that has been asked since at least the beginning of Trump’s rise to power begins to circulate again: Why has Twitter not taken action against Trump’s tweets — or banned his account for violating its policies on hateful content and/or violent threats? In September, you might remember, Twitter defended its decision to keep Trump’s account intact when the president tweete


大泡禾 2018-1-5 23:30:55 叻人黎喎,想做通才
由細睇RIO大 2018-1-5 23:41:40 勁人
咩得就咩 2018-1-5 23:43:19 幾識講野
孔雀級巡邏艦 2018-1-5 23:45:11 吓,尋日唔係馮智政咩
強力膠子 2018-1-5 23:45:50 人生贏家
咩得就咩 2018-1-5 23:47:26 仲友唔記得架喇
咩得就咩 2018-1-5 23:50:29 數學同文史都勁真係好難
波台 2018-1-5 23:51:18 今日果件係神童
紅牛當水飲 2018-1-5 23:51:31 一樣廿幾歲,太屈機啫,點鬥呀
勿通膠類 2018-1-5 23:51:55 盧安迪??


咩得就咩 2018-1-5 23:52:50 難在佢對咁多野都真係有興趣而且花時間去了解
波台 2018-1-5 23:52:55
大泡禾 2018-1-5 23:53:34 理科人啲文史咁勁,投晒降
波台 2018-1-5 23:54:49 文科人都冇佢咁勁