LIHKG 醫管局員工討論區 95
好運寶馬 2025-3-13 17:31:59


小輝 2025-3-13 17:34:56 點解gopc 唔好做?
小輝 2025-3-13 17:45:00
油漆是八十連袋 2025-3-13 17:45:15 仁安EA有無得諗?
Executive Assistant (EA) / Executive Officer II (EOII) (Nursing Administration Department) (Ref: UH/030723/NUA_EA/EOII)
- To provide administrative support to clinical department
- To liaise with internal departments and external parties, and assist in project management
- To prepare reports, proposals, presentation materials and meeting minutes, etc.
- To supervise clerical and ancillary staff
- No shift duty is required

- Degree holder in any discipline
- Relevant work experience: At least 1 year (For EA) / At least 5 years (For EOII)
- Proficient in English & Chinese
- Result of English: IELTS 6.0 or above (For EA) / IELTS 7.0 or above (For EOII)
- Computer literacy with advanced knowledge of MS Office applications
- Ability to work under pressure, stay organized and prioritize works
- Attractive remuneration package will be offered to the right candidate
油漆是八十連袋 2025-3-13 17:47:13 我幾肯定有心請人, 係唔會只見得5分鐘.
班友根本就搵外人來做下樣, 心中已經另有人選
Jihyo世一 2025-3-13 17:49:37 要啊
Jihyo世一 2025-3-13 17:52:27 聽翻嚟個講法係
1. 要做既嘢比預期太多
2. 翻五日半 六日是旦一日既上就同
紅日都要翻 特別係龍頭診所
3. 唔夠人個陣要去其他同區診所 救火
知足常樂 2025-3-13 17:55:20 係咪hr部門in你?
好運寶馬 2025-3-13 18:04:38 幾個部門一齊in
好運寶馬 2025-3-13 18:05:51 5日半真係搞唔掂

好運寶馬 2025-3-13 18:06:15 Various department都內定咁癲


Jihyo世一 2025-3-13 18:10:44
fatparrot 2025-3-13 18:25:18 邊間院咁 chur
川上千尋(隊長) 2025-3-13 18:56:14
邊個發明返工 2025-3-13 18:59:26
強大到穿過命運 2025-3-13 19:12:45
小子粉藍色 2025-3-13 19:32:44 轉行
雨過天清 2025-3-13 19:51:43
小子粉藍色 2025-3-13 19:54:11
月巴FAT 2025-3-13 21:02:14 Perm咗,財赤都可以cut
Jihyo世一 2025-3-13 21:11:16


雨過天清 2025-3-13 21:47:36
川上千尋(隊長) 2025-3-14 00:49:11
萬里尋舟 2025-3-14 01:38:40
小子粉藍色 2025-3-14 08:08:32