LIHKG [不學毛術] 曼聯終極FF轉會窗暨吹水區 [3011]
Crooked 2025-2-20 10:44:20


Alan布志綸 2025-2-20 10:45:42 踢慣舊底足球,太現代化跟唔倒就唔想學,廢老feel
係,各位網友! 2025-2-20 10:47:13 屌佢老母啦亂鳩咁翻譯
呢d 就真係唔撚識英文啦

The entire quote is quite concerning. About him being in conflict with all the leaders in the squad. Is he talking about Bruno?

Full quote: Varane on ten Hag

“It was very tense at times. Sometimes he made an effort to listen to the players’ feedback. Sometimes he made decisions without listening to the players’ feelings. So there were ups and downs. It was complicated at times.”

“We had a robust discussion. We told each other some truths but then I didn’t play for almost two months. I said I didn’t agree with certain ways of doing things regarding the relationship between him and the team. It wasn’t something that I thought was good for the team because some of the players were not at all satisfied. It was not good in terms of the relationship with the coach. He said ‘OK, I hear what you said’ and after that I didn’t play."

"He wanted to gain respect through fear, perhaps. He always needed an example of a player who was alone the entire time he was at Manchester. He did that with at least one important player on the team. He was always in conflict with certain leaders of the group. That is his way of managing.”

Fear 都唔撚識 譯撚左做威嚴?
屌你老母呢d 垃圾超譯page 執柒左佢啦
尾穀豬你 2025-2-20 10:52:18 個陣丹占final個腳係睇到嘔血,但其實好多波係佢自己迫返黎,睇返我地依家場場慢到比人馬騮搶波咁
夢不拾遺 2025-2-20 10:53:29 教曼應該知班友跟唔到都放棄咗唔少堅持

聞西西 2025-2-20 10:54:27 依家大把領隊踢死一套

只係咁啱毛 sir 踢343,而你唔中意先咁講啫
夢不拾遺 2025-2-20 10:57:49 之前TA爆更衣室料個單都係講差唔多野 又係皇馬幫+某部份球員覺得套戰術太複雜太多野跟 想踢返爬山足球
Alan布志綸 2025-2-20 10:59:10 中後場都還好,中前場用波同埋入final third 啲人會變單核模式
李繡至 2025-2-20 11:02:25 如果坦哥唔洗放棄咁多野咁教

嗰時隊曼真係冇得唔放棄 後場buildup試左兩場 爆到仆街
特西 2025-2-20 11:02:32 哥狗殺死了足球
夢不拾遺 2025-2-20 11:03:14 坦一有短馬+梳狗+大力臣/坦三短馬娜娜馬沙+碌狗invert入中場拍OO個期啲後場build up係幾順


李繡至 2025-2-20 11:03:57 睇鍠狗啲波好有睇緊舊時代足球既感覺

好多自由度 好大膽去過人 唔會係咁回傳
夢不拾遺 2025-2-20 11:05:05 球星自由足球某條核心一冇態/鳩踢就食晒屎
特西 2025-2-20 11:06:44 睇尋晚既皇狗舒服到
洗撚講咁多體系 positional play咩
自由度大 曼城完全唔知點守
Look_Like 2025-2-20 11:07:37 呢個唔係我鐘唔鐘意343嘅事,而係班球員唔啱踢嘅事...

7直之遙(桐生会) 2025-2-20 11:07:43 🚨 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋: Antony is among those nominated for February’s La Liga Player of the Month award! 🤯

▪️ Kylian Mbappe
▪️ Antony
▪️ Pedri
▪️ Oihan Sancet
▪️ Ante Budimir

…3 G/A and 3 MOTM Awards for Antony so far in La Liga ✨🟢⚪️

李繡至 2025-2-20 11:12:50 呢套都殺左哥狗鏝好多年

華昔忻 2025-2-20 11:13:12 6年前睇曼聯
有肉地最好吊 2025-2-20 11:16:30 安76係咪講過對手鐘意控球就由佢地
Crooked 2025-2-20 11:19:36 我係EA投左轉 希望出佢張卡
李繡至 2025-2-20 11:20:28 唔想安76走換沙比呢啲接班

free flow足球宜家已經買少見少


和式Haribo 2025-2-20 11:22:14 曼區出名大愛包容
夜子若+ 2025-2-20 11:24:25 同包皮同級
華昔忻 2025-2-20 11:26:59 1億沙地爸爸接?
Alan布志綸 2025-2-20 11:32:26 皇狗永遠唔驚冇球星carry
我地福狗條友保持倒傳盛個態咁lethal 未唔駛打咁複雜