LIHKG 多倫多生活討論區 113 一 Happy Family day 大雪紛飛的長週末
綠帽鹿角 2025-3-17 05:41:34


我唔識撚貓 2025-3-17 05:46:23
靈王的賓周 2025-3-17 06:12:40

韓國瑜快不起來 2025-3-17 06:20:59 保守黨玩政治真係廢唔爭氣

明明加拿大社會個討論熱點已經由 屌杜魯多做得柒 去到 屌柒特朗普

我唔識撚貓 2025-3-17 06:23:29 自由黨呢張愛國牌係打得幾靚 就算唔支持佢個黨都要佩服
大水牛,PhD 2025-3-17 06:42:32 自由黨好面目無糊
大水牛,PhD 2025-3-17 06:43:41 計我話快d call 大選
我唔識撚貓 2025-3-17 07:03:31
襯依家條愛國hype train going strong快快手大選 又可以揸旗揸多幾年
UncivilEngineer 2025-3-17 07:29:58 睇返Brandy條YouTube片原來佢擺埋E transfer email喺description 度
我唔識撚貓 2025-3-17 07:51:27 收donation洗唔洗交稅架
口德村村長 2025-3-17 08:04:40 佢係咪registered charity


我唔識撚貓 2025-3-17 08:17:40 有道理
少倫少 2025-3-17 08:49:50 有冇1823可以問下
少倫少 2025-3-17 09:08:50 Donations received by a Canadian YouTuber are generally considered taxable income and must be reported on their tax return. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) treats these donations as business or self-employment income if they are given in exchange for content creation, similar to ad revenue or sponsorships.

However, if the donations are truly personal gifts with no expectation of content creation, they might not be taxable. But in most cases—especially through platforms like YouTube Super Chats, Patreon, or Buy Me a Coffee—these are considered business income and must be reported. The YouTuber may also be able to deduct related expenses.


If you suspect that a Canadian YouTuber is not reporting their income to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), you can report them through the CRA’s Leads Program (Informant Leads Program). Here’s how you can do it:

1. Submit an Anonymous Tip Online

You can report suspected tax evasion through the CRA’s online reporting tool:
CRA Informant Leads Program

2. Call the CRA’s Informant Leads Line
• Phone: 1-866-809-6841 (Toll-free in Canada & U.S.)
• Available Monday to Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (Eastern Time)

3. Mail or Fax a Written Report
• You can send a letter with details to:
National Leads Centre, 750 Heron Road, Ottawa, ON K1A 1A2, Canada
• Or fax it to: 1-888-724-4829

What Information to Provide

To make the report more effective, try to include:
• The YouTuber’s name and online alias (channel name, social media handles)
• How they earn income (YouTube donations, sponsorships, Patreon, etc.)
• Estimates of their earnings, if possible
• Why you believe they are not reporting their income
• Any supporting evidence (screenshots, videos, etc.)

Is It Anonymous?

Yes, reports can be made anonymously. The CRA does not require you to provide your name.

Let me know if you need more details!

我唔識撚貓 2025-3-17 09:19:31 Brandy : 我未入籍唔係Canadian喎
CapaCitor 2025-3-17 10:00:47
唔上吾落 2025-3-17 10:40:26
屌你條撚 2025-3-17 11:00:26 中間派,centrist,冇ndp咁左,冇保守黨咁右
卑鄙外鄉人 2025-3-17 12:58:47 見多倫多終於落完雪,想考埋個g2,請問巴打們dt個邊有冇師傅介紹同埋通常價位係咪都係50-60/hr?
佩洛西議長 2025-3-17 13:35:01 落雪去考先係最好
卑鄙外鄉人 2025-3-17 20:38:20 考可能係,不過0經驗想路面正常時先學


嘔泡果奶 2025-3-17 20:48:49 其實係,我個考官可能見多雪堆連住宅區都費事入,直接係條闊闊地既路做個hill park+3p turn就返考場
k00kder 2025-3-17 23:14:39
k00kder 2025-3-17 23:21:39
韭菜反駁隊 2025-3-17 23:45:08