【英國】 英倫扮工室 IX
HKG3 2017-9-24 19:21:49
話係搵個master讀下 - As a British Citizen, you will only be consider a 'home' student if you lived in the UK for three years before the course starts. You will still be class as an 'international' student if you want to start a Master course in an UK university in September 2018.

HKG 巴,whats the different between Home and international student? any fee difference?

as I am planning to study a master during my stay in here. Thanks!


International student are charged higher tuition fees by the universities in the UK.

Have a look at the example below -


If you want to do a MA degree in Apply Linguistics Research at the University of Newcastle, the 'Home' fees will be £6,000 while the international fee for the same degree will be £13,980.

As a British Citizen, you will only be entitle to 'Home' fee status if you lived in the UK for three continuous years before the start of the course.

我開頭仲以為有BC就可以平讀master, 後來check番先知要住夠3年, 屌.......

Why do you think that being a British Citizen alone will entitle you to 'Home' student fees in the UK? I think it is only fair that you will receive benefits from the UK government if you contributed to the UK - for example paying UK taxes.

因為係US, 就算只係green card holder都可以俾in state tuition. 冇諗過UK嚴咁多

而且EEA國家既人唔洗等3年就可以俾home student fees, 我作為citizen 就有呢個限制, 所以你話fair, 我唔係好覺得....
just my two cents

You may misunderstood my original post. I did not say the current system where EEA nationals will be treated as 'Home' student in certain circumstances is 'fair'. What I said was - "it is only fair that you will receive benefits from the UK government if you contributed to the UK".


HKG3 2017-9-24 19:28:28


What kind of STEM subject you are talking about?

Here are a number of STEM subjects in the UK shortage occupations list. Being on the shortage occupation list means that it is easier for companies to get work permits for these posts -

1) Physical Scientists
2) Civil engineers
3) Mechanical engineers
4) Electrical engineers
5) Electronics Engineers
6) Design and development engineers
7) Production and process engineers
8) Secondary education teachers in the subjects of maths, physics, science (where an element of physics will be taught)
9) Quality control and planning engineers


Have a look at the above link for details.

If you have BN(O) status and was offered a chance to get an UK work permit, you should use your BN(O) passport to apply for your UK work permit.

Also if you have BN(O) status, you can joined the British Army and gain British Citizenship via service in the British Army.
猶差縮縮 2017-9-24 20:08:57


What kind of STEM subject you are talking about?

Here are a number of STEM subjects in the UK shortage occupations list. Being on the shortage occupation list means that it is easier for companies to get work permits for these posts -

1) Physical Scientists
2) Civil engineers
3) Mechanical engineers
4) Electrical engineers
5) Electronics Engineers
6) Design and development engineers
7) Production and process engineers
8) Secondary education teachers in the subjects of maths, physics, science (where an element of physics will be taught)
9) Quality control and planning engineers


Have a look at the above link for details.

If you have BN(O) status and was offered a chance to get an UK work permit, you should use your BN(O) passport to apply for your UK work permit.

Also if you have BN(O) status, you can joined the British Army and gain British Citizenship via service in the British Army.

What about psychology and molecular biology & biotechnology(double major)?
What_Next 2017-9-24 20:46:09 此回覆已被刪除
雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-24 21:27:47


雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-24 21:29:02 HKG3 = 此post大神
雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-24 21:31:01
話係搵個master讀下 - As a British Citizen, you will only be consider a 'home' student if you lived in the UK for three years before the course starts. You will still be class as an 'international' student if you want to start a Master course in an UK university in September 2018.

HKG 巴,whats the different between Home and international student? any fee difference?

as I am planning to study a master during my stay in here. Thanks!


International student are charged higher tuition fees by the universities in the UK.

Have a look at the example below -


If you want to do a MA degree in Apply Linguistics Research at the University of Newcastle, the 'Home' fees will be £6,000 while the international fee for the same degree will be £13,980.

As a British Citizen, you will only be entitle to 'Home' fee status if you lived in the UK for three continuous years before the start of the course.

我開頭仲以為有BC就可以平讀master, 後來check番先知要住夠3年, 屌.......

Why do you think that being a British Citizen alone will entitle you to 'Home' student fees in the UK? I think it is only fair that you will receive benefits from the UK government if you contributed to the UK - for example paying UK taxes.

因為係US, 就算只係green card holder都可以俾in state tuition. 冇諗過UK嚴咁多

而且EEA國家既人唔洗等3年就可以俾home student fees, 我作為citizen 就有呢個限制, 所以你話fair, 我唔係好覺得....
just my two cents

You may misunderstood my original post. I did not say the current system where EEA nationals will be treated as 'Home' student in certain circumstances is 'fair'. What I said was - "it is only fair that you will receive benefits from the UK government if you contributed to the UK".

supper agger 應該咁高稅有原因,想唔俾稅但享用福利=港蝗

[membeBtw 英國高稅大愛,佢連個nhs HC1都批埋俾我
雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-24 21:31:18
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雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-24 22:43:05


agger, 我無expect 過會幫我auto apply
雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-24 22:43:15
uk邊到/點買mobile phone最平?

want what phone
What_Next 2017-9-24 23:05:58 此回覆已被刪除
雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-24 23:08:42
uk邊到/點買mobile phone最平?

want what phone

nokia 8 probably

Pixel 2 la
What_Next 2017-9-24 23:10:17 此回覆已被刪除
雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-24 23:21:56
uk邊到/點買mobile phone最平?

want what phone

nokia 8 probably

Pixel 2 la


usb-c is god
雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-24 23:22:50 超平speaker 推介 :

10% off HK10-MEMBER
£80 有啲心動
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雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-24 23:50:37
uk邊到/點買mobile phone最平?

want what phone

nokia 8 probably

Pixel 2 la


usb-c is god

i am quite outdated now so... what do i do with headphones and stuff? converter?



雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-24 23:50:47
超平speaker 推介 :

10% off HK10-MEMBER
£80 有啲心動

genelec la

What_Next 2017-9-25 00:03:51 此回覆已被刪除
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一號玩家 2017-9-25 00:06:43

睇過stat 香港人pass rate 70%up,pass rate低個d通常都係個d中東/非洲國家,英文都唔多識

考試唔溫書抵fail la

搵返,北韓都有人考LIFE in uk

Pass rate for candidates from Macau is 100%!

The main question is why there are over 4,000 testes taken by people from China? As they love their country so much and so proud of China's achievements, why they want to become British Citizens? Getting British Citizenship will result in the cancellation of their own Chinese nationality.



For people from mainland China, they are not allow to have dual nationality. Once they become a citizen of another country, their Chinese nationality would be cancel as a result.
