【英國】 英倫扮工室 IX
HKG3 2017-9-22 01:14:04



唔係本身有香港車牌,住半年可以轉英國車牌? 巴打轉左英國車牌未

住過五年唔俾轉 要考

The problem is that DVLA will ask you to send in your passport as proof of ID - rather difficult to hide the fact that you are hear for more than 5 years.

The only thing I would suggest is that you write to the DVLA saying that although you lived in the UK for more than 5 years, you only gained your Hong Kong driving licence less than 5 years ago. (我係英國住耐過五年,但係我個車牌係冇五年 - thats my understanding - don't know whether it is correct or not!) If you have any difficulties with the DVLA, get in touch with your local MP to see whether he/she can help.

Why you did not exchange your Hong Kong driving licence to an UK one as soon as possible?


Well nothing more can be done then.


D.Bryant 2017-9-22 01:35:30 BNO申請 tier2
但係已經做佐body check
What_Next 2017-9-22 01:37:53 此回覆已被刪除
HKG3 2017-9-22 01:52:09
BNO申請 tier2
但係已經做佐body check

You should use BN(O) passport to apply for your UK Tier 2 visa due to the following reasons -

1) BN(O) passport holders with Tier 2 visa do not need to register with the local police in the UK while HKSAR passport holders, as Chinese nationals, are required to register with the local police.

2) BN(O) passport holders who have leave to remain for more than 6 months are entitle to register to vote in all UK elections as Commonwealth citizen. Being on the electoral roll helps you to build up your own credit history in the UK. HKSAR passport holders are not entitle to vote in any UK elections.

3) Once you have Indefinite Leave to Remain (永久居留), you can apply for UK civil service jobs in the UK that is open to Commonwealth citizens. HKSAR passport holders can only apply for UK civil service jobs once he/she has British Citizenship.

4) BN(O) passport holders can register to become a British Citizen using form B(OTA) which is a cheap process than naturalisation (Registration £1,163 vs naturalisation £1,282 - both 2017 prices). HKSAR passport holder must naturalise in order to get British Citizenship.

D.Bryant 2017-9-22 01:56:46
BNO申請 tier2
但係已經做佐body check

You should use BN(O) passport to apply for your UK Tier 2 visa due to the following reasons -

1) BN(O) passport holders with Tier 2 visa do not need to register with the local police in the UK while HKSAR passport holders, as Chinese nationals, are required to register with the local police.

2) BN(O) passport holders who have leave to remain for more than 6 months are entitle to register to vote in all UK elections as Commonwealth citizen. Being on the electoral roll helps you to build up your own credit history in the UK. HKSAR passport holders are not entitle to vote in any UK elections.

3) Once you have Indefinite Leave to Remain (永久居留), you can apply for UK civil service jobs in the UK that is open to Commonwealth citizens. HKSAR passport holders can only apply for UK civil service jobs once he/she has British Citizenship.

4) BN(O) passport holders can register to become a British Citizen using form B(OTA) which is a cheap process tha naturalisation (Registration £1,163 vs naturalisation £1,282 - both 2017 prices). HKSAR passport holder must naturalise in order to get British Citizenship.


係一定要用BNO*簽tier 2*先會以上咁?
迪露飛奧·爆佢 2017-9-22 02:02:58
BNO申請 tier2
但係已經做佐body check

You should use BN(O) passport to apply for your UK Tier 2 visa due to the following reasons -

1) BN(O) passport holders with Tier 2 visa do not need to register with the local police in the UK while HKSAR passport holders, as Chinese nationals, are required to register with the local police.

2) BN(O) passport holders who have leave to remain for more than 6 months are entitle to register to vote in all UK elections as Commonwealth citizen. Being on the electoral roll helps you to build up your own credit history in the UK. HKSAR passport holders are not entitle to vote in any UK elections.

3) Once you have Indefinite Leave to Remain (永久居留), you can apply for UK civil service jobs in the UK that is open to Commonwealth citizens. HKSAR passport holders can only apply for UK civil service jobs once he/she has British Citizenship.

4) BN(O) passport holders can register to become a British Citizen using form B(OTA) which is a cheap process tha naturalisation (Registration £1,163 vs naturalisation £1,282 - both 2017 prices). HKSAR passport holder must naturalise in order to get British Citizenship.


係一定要用BNO*簽tier 2*先會以上咁?

我係過來人 可以答你
盡量用BNO 申請tier -2. 包括tb test
HKG3 2017-9-22 03:06:42
BNO申請 tier2
但係已經做佐body check

Other points for you to consider -

1) You can open an UK bank account in Hong Kong with HSBC. Please see link below for details -


2) If you have a Hong Kong driving licence gained by passing a driving test in Hong Kong, you can exchange it to an UK one without test.

上戸彩 2017-9-22 03:59:36 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2nwWlcdULc
頭啖湯 2017-9-22 04:00:54 香港IT fg可以點樣易d搵工?
雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-22 04:27:22
香港IT fg可以點樣易d搵工?

頭啖湯 2017-9-22 04:37:55
香港IT fg可以點樣易d搵工?




迪露飛奧·爆佢 2017-9-22 04:46:45
香港IT fg可以點樣易d搵工?



What_Next 2017-9-22 04:47:42 此回覆已被刪除
頭啖湯 2017-9-22 05:54:52
香港IT fg可以點樣易d搵工?




呢個post好似多數係有經驗過黎/uk degree?

我諗一定有HK fg去英國搵工嘅巴打掛
What_Next 2017-9-22 07:04:54 此回覆已被刪除
D.Bryant 2017-9-22 11:08:56 真係咁多公司肯請香港it fg?

有個fd話佢it唔會搵唔到工 我真係唔知同佢講咩好
馬壯Hydra 2017-9-22 14:35:23 聽日考試
一號玩家 2017-9-22 14:51:39

馬壯Hydra 2017-9-22 14:59:52


life in the uk test
一號玩家 2017-9-22 15:01:49


life in the uk test

馬壯Hydra 2017-9-22 15:05:59


life in the uk test





Killy@Blame! 2017-9-22 15:06:40
話係搵個master讀下 - As a British Citizen, you will only be consider a 'home' student if you lived in the UK for three years before the course starts. You will still be class as an 'international' student if you want to start a Master course in an UK university in September 2018.

HKG 巴,whats the different between Home and international student? any fee difference?

as I am planning to study a master during my stay in here. Thanks!


International student are charged higher tuition fees by the universities in the UK.

Have a look at the example below -


If you want to do a MA degree in Apply Linguistics Research at the University of Newcastle, the 'Home' fees will be £6,000 while the international fee for the same degree will be £13,980.

As a British Citizen, you will only be entitle to 'Home' fee status if you lived in the UK for three continuous years before the start of the course.

我開頭仲以為有BC就可以平讀master, 後來check番先知要住夠3年, 屌.......
雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-22 17:29:03 hi
雞巴打爸爸(無業) 2017-9-22 18:04:10 brexit means brexit !
賽麗娜Serena 2017-9-22 19:14:15 Uber比人收皮
