咁而CHOW YUEN FAI 嘅案件的確真係比呢件案件嚴重得多,因為被告承認兩項同12、13歲嘅男童肛交,四項猥褻侵犯分別8歲、9歲、10歲、13歲嘅男童,有三項係製造兒童色情物品同埋一項管有兒童色情物品罪,咁呢件案件原審法官最後判處被告人總共11年嘅監禁,上訴庭係冇作到干預嘅。
HCCC469/2011 高等法院法官張慧玲語
2025-1-27 18:05:07
太多不確定性,例如呢篇可能證實有關嘅研究雖然咁話 We find in both studies that pedohebephilic participants with prior convictions report higher rates of CSAE than teleiophilic men, which is in line with our hypothesis and previous research in online samples of pedohebephilic men (Alanko et al., 2017 Study 1; Bailey et al., 2016). https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/10790632221098341
其次被告有戀童癖,通常係研究入面戀童嘅人會比戀成人嘅更會話自己較早打飛機同早有性意識,例如上面篇研究:「Combined with the prior findings that pedohebephilic men recall an earlier age of first ejaculation and masturbation than teleiophilic men (Breiling et al., 2020; Gerwinn et al., 2018) and our result that CSAE is associated with higher rates of reported sexual peer-type activities, Study 2 suggests that early PNCSE-P could be an important etiological precursor of pedohebephilic attraction.」同錐洲美雨奈係日本做嘅蘿莉控研究:「ロリコン男性はロリコンじゃない男性よりも性に目覚た年齢と精通した年齢が有意に早かったのです。(初めて自慰した年齢も、bonferroniではなくholm基準なら有意でした)(有意というのは、雑に言うと偶然や誤差ではない差)」 https://note.com/myunakirith/n/nffff5d05b9c4