LIHKG [最強右翼最已陣] AC米蘭球迷討論區 (478)
石破熊河飯 2025-1-28 16:53:47 唔啱用啦,佢都唔係防中


驚醒夢中人 2025-1-28 16:57:39 30歲成年無踢過波
石破熊河飯 2025-1-28 17:00:36 我覺得可以搏架,但佢應該係依家賴屎既後備

病院阪黑貓 2025-1-28 17:01:58 中場中位都要人頂瀨屎,但條友往績唔好唔想要佢,最大問題你唔買意人都冇位
米蘭先生 2025-1-28 17:03:13 話說大陸個deepshit資料庫只去到23年10月,問佢買咩人好仲係講緊豬sir打緊中鋒



### **1. 中鋒(優先級:★★★★★)**
- **現狀分析**:吉魯雖保持高效但年齡偏大,約維奇穩定性不足,需長期接班人。
- **潛在目標**:
- **塞羅·吉拉西**(Serhou Guirassy,斯圖加特):性價比極高(解約金約2000萬歐),本賽季德甲效率驚人,身體對抗和射術適合意甲。
- **喬納森·戴維**(Jonathan David,里爾):年輕(24歲)、跑動能力強,能適應高位逼搶戰術,合同年價格可能低於4000萬歐。
- **埃基蒂克**(Hugo Ekitike,巴黎聖日耳曼):租借或低價買斷的潛力股,需重新證明自己。
- **齊爾克澤**(Joshua Zirkzee,博洛尼亞):技術全面且熟悉意甲,但競爭激烈(拜仁有回購條款)。


### **2. 中場(優先級:★★★★☆)**
- **現狀分析**:賴因德斯、奇克表現亮眼,但缺乏防守型中場(本納賽爾易傷),需攻守兼備的「6號位」。
- **潛在目標**:
- **弗法納**(Youssouf Fofana,摩納哥):覆蓋範圍大、攔截能力強,合同年或低至2500萬歐。
- **科內**(Manu Koné,門興):身體強壯且年輕(22歲),適合意甲節奏。
- **蘇維門迪**(Martín Zubimendi,皇家社會):技術型後腰,但解約金6000萬歐難度高。
- **薩穆埃爾·里奇**(Samuele Ricci,都靈):本土新星,性價比高且適應意甲。


### **3. 右邊鋒(優先級:★★★★☆)**
- **現狀分析**:丘庫埃澤尚未完全融入,需能突破、創造機會的邊路爆點。
- **潛在目標**:
- **貝拉爾迪**(Domenico Berardi,薩索洛):意甲經驗豐富,傳射俱佳,價格約2500萬歐。
- **巴卡約科**(Johan Bakayoko,PSV埃因霍溫):突破能力強,年輕(21歲),但價格可能超4000萬歐。
- **蘇萊**(Matías Soulé,尤文圖斯):租借談判可能性,本賽季在弗羅西諾內表現出色。


### **4. 中後衛(優先級:★★★☆☆)**
- **現狀分析**:托莫里+佳夫主力穩定,但卡盧盧傷病頻繁,需經驗豐富的輪換。
- **潛在目標**:
- **德拉古辛**(Radu Drăgușin,熱那亞):意甲已驗貨,身體素質頂級,但價格可能超3000萬歐。
- **斯卡尔维尼**(Giorgio Scalvini,亞特蘭大):本土新星,出球能力強,但亞特蘭大要價高。
- **迪奥曼德**(Ousmane Diomandé,葡萄牙體育):年輕(20歲),潛力巨大但需適應時間。


### **5. 左後衛替補(優先級:★★★☆☆)**
- **現狀分析**:特奧無可替代,但需減少其消耗。
- **潛在目標**:
- **坎比亚索**(Andrea Cambiaso,尤文圖斯):能踢左右兩翼,本土實用型選擇。
- **布拉德利·洛克**(Bradley Locko,布雷斯特):法甲性價比之選,防守穩健。


### **6. 門將替補(優先級:★★☆☆☆)**
- **現狀分析**:麥尼昂不可或缺,但需可靠二門。
- **潛在目標**:
- **奧代羅**(Marco Sportiello,亞特蘭大):經驗豐富的本土門將,免費簽約可能。
- **卡普里萊**(Wladimiro Falcone,萊切):本賽季意甲撲救數據亮眼。


### **補強策略總結**:
1. **優先級排序**:中鋒>中場>右邊鋒>中衛>左後衛>門將。
2. **預算分配**:集中資金砸中鋒(吉拉西/戴維),中場和右路尋求性價比(貝拉爾迪/科內)。
3. **年輕化與經驗平衡**:中軸線(中鋒+中場)需即戰力,邊路可投資潛力股。
4. **意甲內部挖角**:優先考慮已適應聯賽的球員(如貝拉爾迪、德拉古辛),降低磨合風險。

驚醒夢中人 2025-1-28 17:12:02 呢堆人大半都傳過 個重點唔係scout唔scout到
要轉會費嘅比多少少人工已經攞佢命咁 睇落正路嗰啲唔會揀到

但啲垃圾免簽佢又肯比4m 都唔知做乜
石破熊河飯 2025-1-28 17:14:38 係時候又要重召中路野獸普比加
雞巴哥 2025-1-28 17:14:54 合理過紅雀大數據
皇家摩拉達 2025-1-28 17:19:47 26年完約見到Vlahovic呢個名
霸氣外露 2025-1-28 17:59:59 紅雀: 掂啊 唔使要moncada 喇!
二石四鳥 2025-1-28 18:11:02 Deepseek opensource , 自己update仲快


驚醒夢中人 2025-1-28 18:14:21 Mattia Liberali has admitted that he looks up to Tijjani Reijnders among the current AC Milan players, while he reflected on making his senior debut.

Many remember the movement, vision and technique that Liberali showed above all during the preseason tour of the United States. This season, after impressing with Ignazio Abate’s Primavera, the idea was to see him grow into a permanent fixture with Milan Futuro.

However, he got little playing time because Daniele Bonera struggled to find a place for him in his usual system. The 17-year-old has thus also played a bit with the Primavera, then being thrust into a first Serie A start against Genoa in December.

Milan must handle a talent like Liberali with care, especially given that there are doubts about his contract renewal amid interest from other clubs in Serie A, plus the recent change in agent which is an interesting development.

MilanNews spoke to Liberali during the Trofeo Galbiati event and the young playmaker spoke about a number of topics, from San Siro starts to his relationship with Francesco Camarda.

A month ago you made your Serie A debut…

“When I came in I felt a bit like a child in the playground, it was a unique emotion, that I have never felt. It took me a while to realise it, but it was beautiful.”

What is your bond with Camarda like? He also made his debut very young…

“I’ve known him for many years. We are great friends and we both managed to achieve a dream that we had since we were children. So it’s a unique emotion for both of us, I think.”

Is there a player you look up to in the current Milan side?

“Before entering the field with the team Florenzi helped me a lot, he even sat next to me on the bus. He also gave me little gems.

“A player I look up to in this team is definitely Reijnders. He always has a smile, a good word for everyone and technically you can’t say anything about him, he’s very strong.”
Picchu 2025-1-28 18:15:23 咁不如之前搏尼馬啦

簡達華朗素 2025-1-28 18:16:25 原來巴迪啱啱先19歲 仲大把成長空間
石破熊河飯 2025-1-28 18:25:51 但尼馬既人工應該貴好多
二石四鳥 2025-1-28 18:26:06
呢個話米蘭係25 + 7.5
石破熊河飯 2025-1-28 18:27:09 講真佢都值得後備上場
米蘭米 2025-1-28 18:29:17 ddg 仲keep到 但普巴依啲睇心情既黑人。。。。。
比條女知道左AC 2025-1-28 18:40:52 其實好撚痴線
皇家切賓周白焯 2025-1-28 18:44:51 迪基亞有自己搵教練操
普巴無, 連返蛆跟操都無
米蘭米 2025-1-28 18:45:31 跟住應該係放sales去羅馬, 跟住簽含就算唔簽墨仔

跟住干sir 就打442 sales本身fit 右中場位


米蘭米 2025-1-28 18:45:48 有同ishowspeed操
二石四鳥 2025-1-28 18:52:44 @CorSport: The second offer of 31 million sent to Feyenoord was rejected by the Dutch club.

應該都reject 咗
仙豆 2025-1-28 18:52:57 咁公道講
米蘭先生 2025-1-28 18:59:28 晒氣啦最後又係慳閪錢搞到簽唔到