LIHKG 加拿大車主討論區 (14)
我唔識撚貓 2024-11-7 05:20:36 個個都以為係7,80年代既車咁
ff自己部車係d engine唔夠力再拖住隻功率低既ac pump既濕鳩車


k00kder 2024-11-7 05:22:38
k00kder 2024-11-7 05:27:16
真誠最高 2024-11-7 05:57:48 Btw 有無巴打知如果呢加買crosstrek有無優惠?
評頭品足 2024-11-7 07:54:55 Highway 我同意
但係local 嘅話行下停吓絕對唔同意 有開同無開AC起碼差10%
我唔識撚貓 2024-11-7 12:44:18 直接問dealer
Mcchan138 2024-11-9 03:53:47 有無人買Lexus 有咩計防俾人偷
靈王的賓周 2024-11-9 03:55:38 買Lexus 電車
Mcchan138 2024-11-9 03:58:30 呢招work😂但電車就得Tesla隱陣
1973 2024-11-9 04:21:02 BMW Porsche都好過Tesla啦
步步花生 2024-11-9 05:26:04 痴個瘋田章落去

認真答返如果你係驚啲賊driveway掃你條smart key singal嗰種偷法嘅話可以每晚臨瞓前將條匙SET慳電模式, 或者直頭唔好放近門口就得


Mcchan138 2024-11-9 05:45:50 原來仲有呢招🙏🏻依家基本上6萬budget好尷尬
唔知可選咩車岩 Lexus原本最好但又怕俾人偷
少倫少 2024-11-9 07:02:55 買Bba 好過啦
CNTower 2024-11-9 09:52:21 住屋或者condo?
我似碧咸 2024-11-9 12:19:35
uncle黑 2024-11-9 12:57:08 會 通常買細一吋 細啲+幼啲 對行雪有幫助 同埋平啲啲
我似碧咸 2024-11-9 13:09:47
我唔識撚貓 2024-11-9 13:17:09 rim細左條tire厚番就得
有calculator可以幫你計 通常within 1% overall diameter就最好 再多就會開始令odometer同speedometer唔準
uncle黑 2024-11-9 13:22:51 胎嘅sidewall會用厚啲
CNTower 2024-11-9 13:40:51 揸槍入屋就無得防啦。
CNTower 2024-11-9 13:46:42,perform%20on%20snow%20and%20ice.

Tire downsizing is a common practice in the winter, especially for your second set of winter tires. You’ve probably heard about it, but do you know what it means? If not, that’s ok. Green Car Tires is here to help. We offer winter tire downsizing packages for drivers in Scarborough, ON, Toronto, ON and the Greater Toronto Area.
Tire Downsizing—The Basics
Tire downsizing is an important winter driving preparation. Not only are snow tires expensive, especially larger diameter ones, they can also be less effective on snow and ice. The more narrow the tire, the better it tends to perform on snow and ice.


獅子大王愛乾淨 2024-11-10 06:03:59 我架車主要比老婆送仔返學放學,主要行city多,依家平均11L/100km

利申:Crosstrek Onyx
追風箏的男孩子 2024-11-10 15:06:44
luvluvluv 2024-11-11 06:36:17 今日d 毛毛雨視野好差
好L 難揸
少倫少 2024-11-11 07:27:52 比起落雪好好多啦