LIHKG [歐美H game]推介(11)
赤色之瞳 2024-10-1 19:06:22 tune into the show
Weekly update #156
Hey everyone, it's time for another weekly update!

Firstly, finishing the work on An Evening of Wonders is going very well. Everything is ready and just a couple more days are needed for the rest of the animations to be rendered. I'm really happy about that and excited to release the game to you all
I originally planned to release the game on the 4th of November, but I've just realised it's the day before the presidential election in the United States. Do you guys think it could impact the sales? I'm not sure, but maybe I should move the release date to a few days earlier or later. I'll think about it some more and once the game is approved by Steam, let you all know the release date.

Anyway, now that work on An Evening of Wonders is practically finished, I'll focus on Episode 8 of Tune in to the show. Next week, I'll mostly be planning and writing, but the work on renders should start soon too.

In any case, that's all for this week, everything is going well
Thank you so much for your support and reading, I hope you're all doing well,



赤色之瞳 2024-10-1 19:13:21 wild cats


Dev log#4
Heya guys!

Time for my Bi-Monthly Devlog. Apologies if it's a little late. Just had to finish one scene before I post this so you'll have the complete report. I was aiming for 70% completion before the month ends, and I did it! Somehow...

I'm happy to tell you all that the game is 70% done with images and dialogue already coded into Ren'Py!

In any case, time for the stats! There's been a HUGE jump of progress compared to my last progress report:

25.7k words
1025 images
13 animations

To those who are following in my Discord, I mentioned that the last 30% are the ones that are going to take a lot of work and effort to complete. I wanted to make sure I focus on those before October comes. Late December will still be my planned release.
Sending you an in-game pic you'll see in chapter 2. Someone decided to come and say "Hi".
That's it for now. I hope you all enjoy your week. And once again, thank you all for being here. I really, really appreciate it.

If you have any questions, by all means, feel free to shoot me a message.
石動惣一 2024-10-1 19:55:26 係咪好掛住家姐
赤色之瞳 2024-10-1 22:42:09 表完白先黎停
赤色之瞳 2024-10-1 23:15:02 my real desire終於完,到最後居然冇得簡埋眼鏡妹要留係死老野手下做狗先得
Turn-based 2024-10-2 04:00:22 superhuman好正
玩咗應該有一半左右 內容都好充足
劇情同對戰有啲似jojo頭三部咁 鬥智鬥力但又未至於一堆規則系嘅超能力
Alice Michael 仲有班friends配角 個個都令人中意
劇情除咗主線同H之外 啲輕鬆日常嘅情節都好睇 有幕俾女朋友撞到陪第二條女買Bra
石動惣一 2024-10-2 09:00:54 上星期更新0.99,你有福了。
石動惣一 2024-10-2 09:03:35 咁難先捱到10月,佢依家又延到11月,Baibai唔通ubi員工,所以黎緊幾個月忙到仆街
赤色之瞳 2024-10-2 13:09:38 咁佢一開始都話延到10月尾只係subscribestar度寫到10月頭姐,其實佢冇延第二次
赤色之瞳 2024-10-2 13:12:18 畫風同劇情對唔到我電波真係好可惜
尻讀烤呀7頭 2024-10-2 13:30:00 lm


赤色之瞳 2024-10-3 23:40:03 dying dream更新
赤色之瞳 2024-10-5 14:17:00 Dev Update - Mythic Manor v0.22 coming soon
Hey everyone,

We're expecting Mythic Manor v0.22 to release mid-October! There shouldn't be much delay past that point (if any).

What are some things you can expect to see in v0.22?
→ New main events for Nefari, Fanora, Iris, Kumi, Astrid, Maeve, and... someone else.
→ Also, a couple of new multi-girl events, and a Sunday event! Everything else will be included in the patch notes once the update releases.

Hope you'll enjoy the new version once it comes out!


赤色之瞳 2024-10-8 02:25:15 pale carnation
Dev Diary 83

Howdy everyone. GIL here.

Progress towards the completion of Chp4up5 is steady. As of right now, the update stands at 2465 images, 63 videos and 45,294 words. 231 images, 0 videos, and 3,927 words were added over two weeks. Additionally, we have 10 or so animation drafts in the "fridge", but let's not count those just yet. Some might not make the final cut, after all.

The current scene we're working on might be the most ambitious we've ever made, or so we think. The amount of actors to handle and manage is staggering at times, and keeping The Flow™ going is quite a challenge. Regardless, we're very happy with the results so far. Character arcs are being addressed, important decisions presented, and fun unexpected combos happening. Everybody is going to get their time, but so far it seems Ian, Veronica, Hana and Mina will have the more significant happenings in this particular scene. We'll see, some things are still in the air (we're hacks!).

Considering all we have already and the plan in motion, I'm pretty sure this update will top the statics chart, but I don't think we will need more than 20 more clips to do what we want, so beating the record in that department is unlikely. Estimating clips is tricky though, with alternative angles demanded on the fly for script needs or sudden bursts of inspiration.

Looking at the raw numbers it could appear as if we've slowed down a wee bit in the last 2 updates, but it's far from the truth. Increased graphical quality requires more time invested every step of the way, and managing all the quantum aspects of the script while weaving a cohesive narrative that hits the goals set is a colossal task at times, only growing in difficulty as we progress. I'm an actual workaholic, not doing work-related tasks for a full day makes me very uneasy, and almost never happens. TD on the other hand can banish me to the basement for a week with half a day of inspired channeling, and the amount of time he spends looking into his soul while contemplating our next move is unsung.

Bottom line, You can be damn sure we're working our asses off to present to you a satisfying and memorable update that will move the story forward in significant ways. We're close to the finish line, feeling fresh, motivated, and having a lot of fun.

As always, thank you kindly to all of you who keep our lights on with your support. You guys make it happen as much as we do. It means the world to us.
我愛坡榮 2024-10-8 12:39:40 話時話fashion business有冇機會係steam上返?

唔想去patreon 每個月俾錢

Steam以前買落得ep1 + ep2 v1
赤色之瞳 2024-10-8 13:50:45 以前睇過好似話developer同steam嘈過黎完全唔知係因咩事落左架,睇樣重上機會唔大
我愛坡榮 2024-10-8 14:24:51 可惜,唯有等佢出晒後睇下有冇方法俾一次性嘅錢就買到完整版

Btw,前幾日開咗隻買咗一年都未玩嘅milf of sunville s1嚟玩,唔飛對白要9小時先可以屌姑媽,少啲定力都唔得
赤色之瞳 2024-10-8 14:50:19 紅衫果個?成隻game最正就係佢

我愛坡榮 2024-10-8 17:00:14

車厘龜01 2024-10-8 18:55:19 F95冇咩,印象4個part
我愛坡榮 2024-10-8 19:06:52 free ? 搵搵先


赤色之瞳 2024-10-8 19:36:39 f95直接有最新
我愛坡榮 2024-10-8 19:39:04 成10gb,mega有cd時間,要分兩次dl
赤色之瞳 2024-10-8 19:40:32 有gofile用gofile
獨孤求助 2024-10-8 19:47:19