LIHKG Valve新Game《Deadlock》正式公佈
D.Drogba 2024-9-28 23:04:35 新隻英幾勁


刀下留人 2024-9-29 00:09:48 呢幾日真係唔見外掛

權奈大法好 2024-9-29 00:11:05 無腦運樽
D.L 2024-9-29 00:35:05 一技+echo shard = cls
鶉難抽菊 2024-9-29 15:15:18
求invites please
勞動的動物 2024-9-29 16:11:41
勞動的動物 2024-9-29 21:11:41
人起來坦克前進 2024-9-30 15:44:48 1112375776
諗唔到咩名呀 2024-9-30 22:32:12
傻閪Simpson 2024-10-1 14:42:38
末日撚 2024-10-1 14:50:57


3000分 2024-10-1 15:31:00
愛因斯蛋堡 2024-10-1 20:21:11 求邀請
風鈴之中 2024-10-2 19:36:27 俾隻垃圾死神搞到唔想玩
柳美琴 2024-10-2 21:03:34 金屬皮膚
風鈴之中 2024-10-2 21:04:03 得我一個識出都無用嫁
張床有結界 2024-10-2 21:42:57 可幫手加 有興趣留frd id
怪盜黑傑克 2024-10-2 23:11:51 76561198147550863
權奈大法好 2024-10-3 13:39:43 Respawn time at 20min reduced from 50s to 45s (was 40s previous patch)

Zipline Boost cooldown reduced from 340s (5.6min) to 280s (4.6min)

Ivy: Kudzu Bomb damage spirit scaling reduced from 0.7 to 0.6

Ivy: Kudzu Bomb T3 damage reduced from +60 to +50

Ivy: Kudzu Bomb vertical radius is now a fixed 2m pancake shape instead of the full radius of the ability

Ivy: Air Drop explosion now respects line of sight

Mirage: Bullet radius reduced from 8 to 6

Mirage: Tornado time for victims to reach max height reduced from 0.3s to 0.2s

Mirage: Tornado lift duration reduced from 1.2s to 1.1s

Mirage: Fixed Tornado being castable while busy (such as while channeling Traveler)

Mirage: Djinn's Mark T1 now only applies the slow when the multiplier is 2x or higher

Mirage: Djinn's Mark damage is now treated as a DoT in terms of zipline rules (doesn't prevent ziplining or knock you off)

Mirage: Fixed Djinn's Mark applying bullet procs with Return Fire

Pocket: Fixed Mystic Reverb causing Affliction damage be lethal

Fixed certain player name lengths not being reportable

懶人包:砍ivy法傷輸出, mirage小砍,
wedontfapanymore 2024-10-3 16:12:19 Metal Skin duration都唔夠haze招大技長
喇叭牌淨露丸 2024-10-3 16:14:31 Valve game個防外掛VAC=Valve Allows Cheat


D.Drogba 2024-10-3 16:17:38 Haze= 秒人 or 被秒
風鈴之中 2024-10-3 16:20:28 見到就要走
小村スウ(燈寶) 2024-10-3 16:22:11 又開始多翻外掛
權奈大法好 2024-10-3 16:22:52 打haze都係鬥快開沉默/係佢開綠色6200前控住佢