LIHKG Cities: Skylines 系列自由度最大建城遊戲(19) C:S2經濟預期本週更新
窮困海底隧道 2024-7-5 09:22:19 8月份再見啦屌你個老味


事主 2024-7-5 16:30:59 Steam個數據cs1多人玩過cs2
懷斯(非阿迷) 2024-7-5 17:12:44 咁係cs1平好撚多同有asset mod姐
窮困海底隧道 2024-7-5 18:03:25 CS 2 玩到而家仲係好似early access
孫中山 2024-7-6 04:11:50 CS2賺錢難咗
窮困海底隧道 2024-7-6 09:50:40 Patch Notes 1.1.7f1 - Hotfix

Gameplay Fixes
Made improvements so Post Offices can now receive varying load sizes of mail. Additionally, delivery vans can transport mail.
Adjusted utility consumption, capacity, construction cost, and upkeep of the Small Post Office and its upgrade.
Fixed missing icon for Radio Mast Wireless Network Antenna upgrade.

睇嚟可以開新save 試玩
死線戰士 2024-7-6 10:39:30 新save d 錢少得可憐
藍田亞衣奈 2024-7-6 19:35:50
了解 2024-7-6 22:13:18 CS2 有gamepass 未計
CS1大部分都STEAM少d gamepass
死線戰士 2024-7-6 22:22:15 開新save 根本唔會夠錢起野
孫中山 2024-7-7 00:19:30


張珈晴 2024-7-7 10:54:54 唔洗50%
同埋一開始就要整巴士 唔係搞到周圍都係的士
窮困海底隧道 2024-7-7 11:34:03 真係弱鳩智
孫中山 2024-7-7 12:10:03 唔怪得知咁多的士
死線戰士 2024-7-7 12:38:47 由鳩佢塞

死線戰士 2024-7-7 12:40:34 唔洗全部50%

我set 警消醫80%, 電 學校100%, 其他50%都夠

孫中山 2024-7-7 12:53:38 本身想快啲返本所以直接50%堆填區本身我都唔起但見到抽水站有垃圾太多icon所以照起
陳安立(黃妍打手 2024-7-7 17:13:49 已轉會 Transport Fever 2
1994XF04 2024-7-7 19:46:04 記得CS2推出前有講想造景可以同時顧及經營先有資助既SETTING
路斯基 2024-7-8 11:50:55 更新咗成個幾禮拜終於開返隻Game出嚟
Save無壞 啲Mod同Asset都用到 係要過一波後亡潮


有間餐廳超多人 係咁彈心心出嚟變左網紅餐廳咁

懷斯(非阿迷) 2024-7-8 11:53:01 講真呢次更新之後多左興趣玩


路斯基 2024-7-8 11:55:27 其實目前個版本我覺得係算合格有突
如果要同齊DLC兼且大量Mod Assets嘅第一代比
薛丁格的罐頭 2024-7-8 19:06:14
We wanted to update you on the console release schedule. Unfortunately, we have not yet met the stability and performance targets we set for the console release. Without a Release Candidate (RC), we are now unable to meet an October release window.
While we are making slow but steady progress, there are still unresolved issues impacting the game in ways that harm the player experience we want to deliver. We expect to receive a new RC, which will undergo a thorough review in August. This evaluation will determine whether we can begin the submission process and provide a solid release date, or if further issues need to be addressed.
孫中山 2024-7-8 21:13:56 有冇人都係醫院喺隔離但需要救護車icon一直都唔消失
窮困海底隧道 2024-7-9 07:42:37 不如話壽終正寢啦仆街